Chapter 7- "The Dance"

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First thing I want yall guys to know is that I am very thankful for those who are reading this story and like it and  voting for it and stuff. I usually thought my story was lame or whacked up, but thanks to you guys I don't feel like that anymore. You guys are great and wish this means something to you like it means something to me. You black butler fangirls or fanboys, I always wanted to be in black butler, it looks so cool. Yana Toboso thanks for making Black butler, without making it I would not have made this fanfic, and there would not be an awesome anime to replace yours. This shout out is to all you peeps. BLACK BUTLER ROCKS! And I love you guys!( not in that weird way, I know what you guys are thinking)

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Ciel's POV

Today I have received a letter from the Trancy's. "I read it out loud to Sebastian". After I read it I ripped up the letter. I have no use of going there.   "Sebastian go investigate the Trancy's history". "Yes my lord he left me there alone. Drinking my tea. Should i call back Sebastian to tell the girls that we are leaving before four this evening. But know I suppose they know, they did say they are "fangirls ,and have watched the "anime", but I do have to ask them what anime is, I can't imagine a clear picture.

Racheal's POV

"I'm getting up Sebastian," I rolled of the bed( she does that everyday) .I looked around to see no sign of Sebastian. Huh, that's weird I thought to myself. I walked over to Sofia's room. I came in and quickly woke her up. "What is it", she asked in her sleepy voice. "Sebastian didn't wake me up", I replied. "That proves he isn't all that, I'm right", she continued. She sat up on her bed and stared at me. "What time is it" she asked. I took out my phone. "Seven twenty- three".  " You wanna go annoy Ciel", she asked. "Okay, I replied cheerfully.We knocked on Ciel's study door. "Come in", I heard his cute little innocence voice say. He looked up to us and blushed. "I-it is n-not proper for a lady to be walking around in a nightgown", he stuttered.  Sofia, and I giggled. That's the Ciel I know and love. "What ever", I heard Sofia say. "We came here to tell you about what's going to happen today", I say. Sofia and I secretly chuckle. I went up to him and whispered in his ear, "I won't tell you yet". I took off his eye patch  and started running around the room with it, until Sebastian ( Jeff the killer) came in and saw us. We had the faces like people who have seen Excalibur (soul eater fans) He gave us that death stare. We pretty much had to apologize to Ciel and give his eye patch back to him."Sofia, Racheal, I advise you to go do your work", Sebastian said. "Yes, sir". Sofia and I went into each other rooms. I took a short bath and had wore my maid's out. I came down to the kitchen to meet Sofia. I saw Sebastian and Sofia preparing food. It must have been Ciel's breakfast. " You need help with anything", I asked. "Yes", Sebastian replied." You can make the batter for the pancakes. I went straight to work. When I put my mind to something I could really do it. I kept flipping the pancakes in the air. Each side was perfectly golden. I placed them on the plate and not long after Sebastian and Sofia had paced whatever they cooked on the plate. We all took the food to Ciel on the tray cart. Sebastian pushed it while we just really followed. We came in and watched Ciel eat his food. " Sebastian, who made this egg and pancakes", he said. "Sofia and Racheal, He replied. "I congratulate you two, it is very good". 

...~Later that Afternoon..~

Later that afternoon Ciel and Sebastian departed, and we secretly followed them. e sat at the back of the carriage. We arrived at the Trancy manor and watched Ciel and Sebastian stepped out. We crawled from the  back trying to hide in the bushes, but there is no hiding from six demon servants. So  yeah, EPIC FAIL! "What are you two doing here", Ciel asked, more lie ordered. "Being your typical fangirls", Sofia replied. He deeply sighed. "Anyways, come I have prepared a special stage for today", Alois said. We went to the giant chessboard ( I expected it to be Ciel's, there are some things we don't know about Alois). Okay, so Alois was like blah, blah , blah, butler for us, bla blah, last one dancing wins, blah blah begin. We went into the spectators seats to watch. I sat next to Ciel. " Why don't you sit in to in the middle, you get a whole seat to yourself", Ciel asked. " Because, I don't feel like being touched, little robin, do you get it", I said. Then Alester Chambers showed up. He was being him with that weird talk about girls thing, then he sat down after that nonsense. 

Sofia's POV

"I want to battle too", I say. "It is dangerous for you to battle", I heard Sebastian day. " Stop being a party pooper", I tell him.  I took out the dagger that was strapped into my dress from my leg. I concentrated , and somehow managed to turn into my half neko form. Claude looked surprised. "So, lets start", Claude states. I  attack Hannah while Sebastian takes care of the three. I heard Calude telling his "de-mons" ( demon + pokemon, FYI its the same thing as demon) to do the moves. Hannah took out duel guns and started shooting it at me, I dodged all and quickly dashed up to her, she stepped back and took out a machine gun. I threw one of my pair of daggers into the machine gun, making it implode. I went hand to hand combat with her, and look back to see Sebastian about to trow the knives at her/us. I stepped away and turned back to see Hannah pinned to he ground. Sebastian was about to throw another set but Claude stops him by pushing a huge stone chess statue in the way.  Then Claude tell us it's tea time you stopped that for tea time. while they were talking I watched the statue crumble from the knives that were threw at it by Sebastian. I go up to Hannah and release he fro the knives that held her to the ground. " Nice fighting by the way", I said. "Thank you", she replied.

I was between Sebastian and Claude's table . I saw Sebastian  throw a part of the mixture he was baking. Then Thy started a war. I dodged all the mixtures. " Both of you stop being immature show offs", I shouted. " I know 50 ways to annoy both of you".Hehehehe. t was time for everyone to taste it. Aleistor dropped his fork. This is beautiful. Blah... Blah.. Blah. " Be my tour guide", he said pointing to Claude.  He did the same thing to Sebastian.He tasted mine, It was called Heaven and Hell.  Its so sweet ad fragile but then comes in such strong beauty like a young robin, so exquisite". I smirked in triumph. In my head was doing a victory dance while Sebastian and Claude were crying because mines taste better than theirs. Aleistor went to the water house to organize his mind or whatever.

Back to the match. Claude called on Hannah and took out the demon sword. It was a solo fight between Claude and Hannah I went up to the seats and sat next to Alois. Ciel and Alois got up to leave. 'Leaving the dance to your butler", Sebastian stated. "Oh, you should look where you are going" I said to Sebastian. "You might get caught in a spider's trap".How ironic. I followed Ciel and Alois to the Duel. The both grabbed a sword and started fighting. Soon after Ciel started fighting he fell of the banister and Alois was untop of him  he was about to stab him, Sebastian,Claude, and Racheal came in and looked at me.  Ciel caught the blade and took the chance to stab Alois. When Ciel was about to finish him Claude stopped him and Ciel threw a tantrum, he smacked Claude with his blood stained hand but Sebastian quickly took him away.. Claude then licked his blood of his cheek and went into that weird trance. We then left before Sebastian said a few word with Claude.I pretty much knew Racheal and I were in a lot of trouble when we get back to the mansion.

                                                                                                  ~to be continued


I hope yall guys like the pic and vid See ya soon.

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