Chapter 18 ~Boring Day or is it?

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Sofia's POV

I woke up to the familiar sound of my ring tone,"I woke up like this, flawless". I then remembered last night, i deeply blushed and started screaming like a fangirl in my pillow. I could still smell him, so wonderful. I then noticed Sebastian enter the room. I quickly threw down the pillow on the bed, it was really awkward, I'm sure he saw what I did. He gave his famous smirk,"Your mansion is beautiful inside and out", he said with a little hint of the puzzle(i hope everyone got that joke or whatever). "Well dont you know how to make a girl feel", I thought for a moment "embarrassed, well weird". Worst comeback of all comebacks. After i took a nice warm bath.

I dressed into my attire and went to Ciel's office. I kicked open the door and casually walked in. It was one of those days, the days where ur bored and everything is depressing for no apparent reason." Why am I even in this uniform anyways", I mumbled to myself. A dart went flying pass my ear. "How unfortunate , I missed", Ciel stated.

"WTF , you almost hit me with a dam dart, and all you say, is 'I miss'. "


Racheal stepped in yawned loudly, "Good morning sugarplum fairies". "Hay", I replied. She was wearing a normal 21st century outfit, she wore a T-shirt with a British flag, jean shorts, and converses to top it all off. " Yeah , I'm totes taking this maid attire off now". I ran upstairs and went into my room. "Oh yeah I've got to tell Rachel about, the marriage thing", I say to myself. I stare at the ring and smiled. I change into clothes, a belly shirt, jean shorts and some converses. I ran back into Ciel's office to see Sebastian there too. He stared at me, "you two are showing to much skin", he commented. "In our time this is normal, and so appropriate", Racheal said. Sebastian seemed to be glancing at me clot. " Racheal, Sebastian and I are married btw". She started holding my hands , jumping up and down screaming in excitement, "I'm so happy for you, Sofia". "Thanks", i said, she nodded.

After a conversation with Rachael about my wedding, all of us including the other servants, were siting down, it was a dull day. "What about we have some fun", Racheal suggested. Everyone agreed.

Racheal came back down with a pretty huge deflated kitty pool. "Did you notice that anything we want we get from out bags like things that we had never even put in there", Racheal asked. "Now that I think about it, yeah". "Magical bag?". "Magical bag ", she repeated with somw more glitter and imagination. We ran to where everyone sat down, "Everyone get your swimsuit on , because we are getting wet", Racheal shouted. "Pool party time", I added.

The kitty pool was blown up in the HUGE back yard, Sebastian made food, and after everyone got ready to have some fun. I wore a two piece black swimsuit, and Racheal wore a coconut and palm three Hawaiian print bikini with white shorts. Sebastian stepped out, everything just seemed to slow down, I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. He wore black shorts, is hair shining in the sun, his eyes so hot, and his abs , just OMG, I was starring at him, and he obviously noticed. He glided his hands through his hair and walked to the pool and went in. I slowly slid in and sat next to him,( the magical kitty pool was about 4 feet deep, yes its really magical). "Y-you l-look hhhhhaaaaauhhhssssssssvvvvv", my words seemed to melt on m tongue and seriously didn't come out. He suddenly kidding me,"you too". I splashed him with water," BAKA!". "Anata ga watashi o aishite nani demo watashi ga shitte irunode, anata ga nozomu watashi o yobidasu koto ga dekimasu( You can call me whatever you want because I know you love me). I didnt know what the hell he said but, i thanked him anyways.

Mey-Rin, Baldroy, Finny, Ciel, Sebastian, Racheal and I were caught in a game of water balloon wars. It was girls versus boys, even if it was uneven. Pretty much we got nailed by the boys but we also got some good hits. We were playing a bunch of water mini games,one was a water gun game, which us girls totally won thanks to Mey-rin. Tanaka was the score keeper and referee in the game. It was a tie, and we needed a tie breaker. We played an epic battle of volleyball, and we played in sand , thanks to the magic of my husband, Sebastian. Us girls had team power on but the boys, they had Sebby, hes a one man army. Well the boys won, lets just say it was luck, demon power, and a bunch of the supernatural.

He ate some of the snacks Sebastian mad, but I also introduced them to pizza which they all really enjoyed. It was really a great party, well as great as a 21th century party can ge in the 19th century.It was getting pretty late we packed up everything and went inside. " It's not that late why dont we play seven mins in heaven, spin the bottle, anything else? I wanted to make the best of our days, since we were leaving soon. "What about Man Hunt", Racheal suggested. Everyone seem puzzled. " Well this is a classic teen party game. One person is the hunter and the others are the fugitives. The fugitives must hide while the hunter must hunt them down, lets d it in teams.There are two teams that alternate between hiding and seeking. One team hides and has about one to two minutes to hide in the proximity of the base. Once the hiding time is up, the seekers try to tag all of the hiders they can without letting any return to the base. Each hider that successfully gets to the base without being tagged scores one point. Once a hider is tagged, they are out of the round and must return to the base without scoring a point. No players in the base can assist any other players in hiding. Players can hide in groups or individually. The round is played until all hiders return to the base safe or not. The team with the most safe players at the end of the session wins."

Everyone agreed after putting on proper clothes, we got into the same teams. Girls hunters boy hiders/ fugitives. The two miuts went up, Racheal stood by the boys base while everyone went off looking for the guys.The manor was pretty big there were many places to hide and I bet Sebastian was close being Ciel, so I had to be careful if I see Ciel. I saw something move behind me. I qickly turned around, probably that ninja ,Sebby. I turned around it was Baldroy,trying to be sneaky. I tapped him, back to the base, you've just been caught.That was too easy.He walked back in defeat. I silently continued my search. I saw someone dash by in front of me, I quickly ran after them, it was Ciel and Sebastian, I was not as fast as Sebastian but I still had like a 1% chance r something, I half morphed into my cat forms, my ears stuck out, so did my tail. I picked up some speed and my agility increased." He was moving toward his base, but he didn't know Racheal was hiding just waiting for them, but still we couldn't take chances, especially since hes a demon. I ran on the wall and leapt , I was even closer , just a arm length away. I tried reaching, I had caught Sebastian coat, it slid off of him. I started to get breathless, my pace slowed down greatly. I completely stopped and took deep breath and changed back to flly human. I rushed back to the boys base to see what happened. B and Finny had been caught but Sebastian and Ciel proudly standing, while Racheal and Mey -Rin were on the floor . Tanaka announced the scores, "Gentlemen, 6 , and ladies 4, good game everyone", he said this in his true not chibi form and started clapping. " We shall celebrate with tea", shouted that dam hot bird brain. Baldroy

After tea we all went to our rooms and slept after this fun day. I slept peacefully with Sebastian hugging me

. (A/N: Sorry for the terrible English to Japanese translation e.e)

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