Chapter 17~ A Devilish Wedding

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Sofia's POV

I used to think demons had no emotions, especially not love, but i was wrong. I stood there shocked from those words. I was delighted and happy,I was totally fangiriling inside. "YAS", i shouted, excited and hyper. He game me a smirk, before giving me a peck on the lips. I lightly blushed, this, was way unexpected from the demon who was said to have no emotions. "Lets get right to it, but as soon as I ask master."

 I knew even if master said no, the wedding will go on. He left,  I giggled to myself, he was so sneaky. He then came back , he gave me a smile. I knew it was a yes. "Come on ", he motioned me to come on his back. I got onto his back and held my arms tightly around his neck. "I'm never letting you go", he said to me. He opened the window and jumped. I closed my eyes and peeked . We were now jumping past the manor on top of the buildings. We soon came close to a forest,he jumped through the trees with grace. He then stopped, and went on the ground. He started walking , seeming to know where he was going, I followed.  We then came upon a big open field, there were remains of a burnt down building in the center. We walked toward it " we have arrived",he declared. He gave a mischievous smirk and held my hand. He walked into the burnt remains of the doorway. "Close your eyes, Sofia. I did so, he held my hand guiding me to walk. "You can open your eyes now". I opened my eyes, we were now in front of a huge building surrounded by dead trees and ravens sitting on its branches. The stared at us while we were walking into the building and started making a c-cruck sound.I smiled at them, they turned their head to a side, and  flew away. We stepped into the building. I looked at Sebastian his butler attire, was now a groom's wear. I looked at myself,  silver dust  surrounded me, my maid's outfit was now turning into  a red and black lacy dress. I took a quick spin," i need you to say 'Facio, ita', it means i do". i nodded . He walked up to the end of the aisle. The place was designed like a church, there were benches on the side and glass windows of certain animals,probably the one demons are categorized as. He held up a cup and called me to come up. I walked up to him and stood horizontally from him. I held the cup with him. He started talking unfamiliar words, I replied saying 'Facio ita. He then bit his wrist and let his blood drip into the cup, he motioned me t do the same. I bit my wrist with my cat fangs and let  the blood drip down. He took and drink from the cup and I did too. The mixed blood tasted sweet and addicting, I felt like I wanted more.  Red petals fell form the ceiling, probably coming from nowhere. I looked up, we were now officially married. He placed  a silver ring onto my  ring finger, it had a red jewel embed ed in the center . I held it with my other hand, he also placed another ring on his finger too.

~Time Skip~

After the wedding we went back to the manor, and went back into our room.he whispered into my ear, "I will make you mine, tonight". I deeply blushed at the very thought.

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