Chapter 10-Taken away by Lies-Part II

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Hay guys Sorry for late updates, you know school and everything, also there is a vid about how to hate claude over there(not exactly how to hate but just watch to find out(Hannah stay Strong your my girl T.T)----->


Racheal's Pov

I cried, as it was the end of Alois's story. 'Ciel, never loved me,'I said in my head. Alois patted my head and wiped away the tears"I won't leave you", he says. Claude then comes in with a tablet and glass of water. I swallowed the tablet and forced it down with water. I gave Claude back the glass and watched him leave the room.The memory became clearer in my head. Alois then took my hand and pulled me through the door, "We are gong to have fun", he says looking back at me. I just followed, him. We went down the stairs through the back door in the kitchen into a beautiful garden. He let go of my hand ad I stared in awe. "Racheal come here", he says.I walked by him and he pulled, me down. "Look at the clouds, that h looks like a spider,"he says, while pointing at a cloud. We played that game for some time before Hannah came. Alois walked up to her, and said something. They were to far to hear their conversation. Hannah left with a bow before Alois came to my side, "We have guests and you have to stay in your room ,okay, he asked. "Yes", I replied. I went up to my room to see Hannah in front of the door. "M'lady, your Highness wants me to change your attire, is it alright if I do so", she asked. I nodded my head. After Hannah left the room, changing my attire. I thought to myself 'who are these guests, I gotta see them without Alois seeing me'.

After I came up with my epic plan, I slowly went through the door and crept through the hallways. I hid behind a plant pot and then another till I came to the stairs, I crouched by the side of the stairs and looked down to see Claude, and Alois, by the door, probably talking to our guest. But I still couldn't see them. It was way to risky to go down the stairs, they would see me. I guess it is time to use Plan B, I pulled out a helicopter and camera from under my dress(what the hell your doing with it under your dress?!?) I turned the helicopter on and pulled out my sunglasses(the sunglasses  has a screen inside to see what happening in front of the camera) , and used the remote to fly it almost against the ceiling. Nobody could actually see it unless, you look up. I sprinted back in my room and locked my door. Back to the entrance of the manor I slowly lowered my Helicopter behind Claude's back. I flung my glasses to the wall, unlocked my door, and ran downstairs to the entrance. Alois looked at me, and was about to say something, but was cut off by ciel, "Racheal, come back, we are taking you home". I started crying and stood there. "Racheal, Racheal", Ciel grabbed my arm. I slapped his hand away(OMG the drama). "D-don't touch m-me, ", I say. I looked at Sofia, her eyes were swollen from crying. "Racheal we are here to bring you back", she quietly says. " No, n-no your lying", I shout. I grabbed my head, I groaned in pain. "Claude, go get Racheal's medicine, can you do that Claude, Alois ordered. I ran up to my room, crying. below I heard  Alois saying"I think you should leave Ciel, you have made MY Racheal cry".I heard most likely, Ciel sighed. I closed the door, and leaned myself against the door. I held my face in my head and cried my eyes out. I heard someone knock on the door it was Hannah, I got up and opened the door. she came in and closed the door behind her. "H- Hannah what should I do", I asked her. " She hugged me bringing me into her lap. "It is your choice My lady, it is your decision, you only can choose the path you think is right, because you  are taken away by lies ". "Hannah, just call me Rachael, I stated.  I fell asleep in her arms. 

..~LAter that night~..

I woke up by myself, of coarse Hannah had left. I had a terrible headache. I fell off my bed and hugged my stomach. It hurts so much, I needed the medicine. I have not took it for some time. The memory of Ciel and the others laughing at me disappeared and got replaced by me getting kidnapped, by Claude. I knew the truth and it didn't hurt anymore. what Hannah said came back to me, taken away by lies. I stood and got all my stuff. I dressed up in a coat and proper shoes. I was leaving the Trancy mansion. I ran through the hallway and there in front of the door was Caude. " My lady what are you doing wandering here at night it is not safe". "Claude, get out my way, I'm leaving. "But your Highness, would not be happy it you did so", he said. I knew this would happen so i came prepared. My helicopter came by the side of Claude knocking off his glasses. I ran past Claude and went through the door. It as raining and dark But I knew I could still find my way to the manor.

Later I was in front of the manor, there Sebastian was there with a towel. "I see your back my lady", he covered me with the towel before I fainted. It was long day and I was stuck with two decisions I did not know how to face. I was almost left on the wrong side. But I found the way and now i am back safe at home. I smiled a happy smile and went to sleep. 

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