Chapter 13-Lady Elizabeth please forgive me

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Who else got a major nosse bleed when the saw the pic cause im sure i did


Racheals POV

What!?!, I slapped Ciel, he stood there frozen of shock."This isn't the time Elizabeth is crying and your asking this now",I exclaimed."Give me sometime alone with Elizabeth". I went upstairs and stopped alone with Elizabeth, And lightly knocked,"Go away", I heard Elizabeth scream. I sat against the door and deeply sighed.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth".

"I love Ciel and we use to be together as kids before the mansion burned, and when I knew he survived i was happy"

I heard her faintly cry behind the door."Elizabeth i'm coming back with some breakfast okay?""yeah", she managed to say. I went downstairs into the kitchen and saw everyone chatting with worried faces. Finny ran to me and grabbed my hands. " How is Miss Lady Elizabeth", he asked. I petted his head. "No need o worry she's alright now, but I promised her a well- mad breakfast". Everyone smiled seeming happy. I walked up to Ciel and whisper es into his ear that Elizabeth needs a little time away from you. He nodded and went off most likely to his study.

Everyone helped one way or another to make Elizabeth's breakfast. I bet they did their best. We took the food cart with of course the food upstairs and left we alone to bring it in. I knocked twice before I came in to Elizabeth looking through the closet for a dress for this evening. I placed the cart next to the bed."Racheal I'm Sorry", she walked up to me straight into my eyes. "You're not the one to be sorry", I replied. She hugged me before I left the room to leave her to eat in peace. I sighed heavily and looked around to see everyone looking at me with curious eyes. "Mission complete", I said. They all gave me thumbs up. Sofia patted my head" Good job little sis". I smiled. Now I guess I have to answer to Ciel's proposal, oh gosh, I hope I make the right decision . I walked up to Ciel's room and lightly knocked, "Come in", he said . Ciel sat by his desk with a mischievous sparkle in his eye, and his his head atop of his hand you can say."Ciel I decline", he looked shocked. 'I don't think I am up to this level YET, but Ciel I love you". The twinkle in his eye vanished. "I understand Racheal", he got up from his chair and stood looking through the window with his hand clasped behind his back. "Ciel", I say to myself.

Sofia's POV

"Hay", I say passing Racheal in the hallway. "Hi", she replies. "So what did you say to Ciel about, you know what?"

"Well I kinda declined."

I hugged Racheal closely and let her cry on me, "I'm sorry Racheal", she hugged me tighter.

After several minutes Racheal; stopped crying I looked down at her and gently shook her. She didnt move. she was actually sleeping, typical Racheal,but its so adorable. I carried her into her room and quietly left after placing her gently on the warm, cozy bed. I laid her down and faintly smiled. "Racheal I hope You can figure this out" I say to her sleeping body.

I walked out of the rrom closing the door to see behind me, Sebastian. He gave me a concerning look. "Racheal just needs some time to think about it and relax, she's trying her best", I deeply sighed. And we both walked down the hallway and went into our room. I sat on the bed and sighed. Sebastian started taking his shirt off. "Sofia would you like to join me for a bath?". I blushed and quickly nodded. "Sebastian turn around and don't dare glance, or I'll scratch out your eyes. He turned around with a devious smirk. I took off my clothes till I was left with only a bra and pantie I quickly got a towel that was thrown on the bed by Sebastian. I then took off my undergarments and threw them in the laundry basket. I followed Sebastian into the into the big bath tub. We both went in with our bath towels on. "I'll wash your back",Sebastian said. I nodded before turning as red as a ripe tomato. "You have such beautiful skin,Sofia". "Yeah,thanks ". I felt him rub my back up to my neck. Then I felt a little pinch on my neck. "Ouch". I then noticed Sebastian bit my neck(leaving a hickey). He threw me down in the tub and went over me. "S-stop it Sebastian", I say blushing, trying to push him off. And now I regret it because the most awkward thing happened. His.Towel.Fell.Off. "I cant look I repeat to myself". He smiled even wider and I then closed m eyes. still trying to push him off he presses his body closer to mine. But atleast I had a towel. He suddenly got up, but still I had my eyes closed. "It seems young master is calling",he deeply sighed. after several minutes when I was sure he went to said young master. I opened my eyes and changed into my nightgown. I laidd down on the bed and took out my Iphone and ear buds. The door slightly opened and there was Sebastian. He smiled and slowly closed the door. I ignored him and went back looking at my Iphone of course blushing. "May I ask what you have in your hand?". I looked at him to see him in his night clothes , a white T -shirt and boxers. "It's from my time , and it's called an Iphone". He sat on the bed and carefully studied it with his eyes. I gave him the side of my ear buds and told him to put it in his ears. He did so. I went on youtube and put on the song Monochrome no Kiss. "what a lovely song ", he continued "Is it from your time?" Well it's kind of one of the theme songs ofr your show", I reply. "I see", he seemed to be in tune with the song. "You remember that song Rachael and I sang at the Trancy Ball?" He nodded. "Well that's from our time", I continued. He looked interested .

"Wait one min"I stated. I turned the phone to an angle which he would not see what I was typing. i smirked , As he heard the words of there he looked shocked and seemed speechless for a brief moment. I laughed so hard tears were coming from my eyes.

" When did I say these words".

"You didnt the English voice actor for you did"

"Claude looks dead sexy in a mini skirt" I say to myself, laughing.

I then started to text Racheal.

~The Text Messages~



Me:sooo O.O

Me:-Sends pic of Ciel bathing-

Racheal:Really Sofia!! O///O

Racheal:-Sends pic of Sebastian half naked-

I gave a slight glance at Sebastian with a fire engine red face. He gave me his rape face"Aren't you a naughty little girl?"


Me:-I sent a pic of Cielx Sebastian-


Sofia: LOL

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