Chapter 16~ Complicated

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        Can you find grell in the picture?I did


       ~Sofia's POV ~*

         I woke up and loudly yawned. I then looked around the room for Sebastian, he wasn't there.Also, Elizabeth had went back to her mansion, but I still stayed in my room with Sebby. After a hot bath I changed my changed into my maid attire, I  headed downstairs to Ciel's office. I bumped into Racheal in the hallway, she had a chocolate her in her hand. And I kind of accidentally knocked it out  her hands.

"Why girllly , why meh chocolate".

"Oops sorry"

She stomped back to Ciel officee, leaving the chocolate there, in the middle of the hallway, where anyone can slip on it."Whatever", I say to  myself and walking away following Racheal to Ciel's office. We entered and saw Ciel digging through some papers on his desk. He looked up to Racheal. I looked at Sebastian and blushed. We all greeted each other."Sofia I would  love to know about your time", he said, more like a command. I took out my Iphone(which ever Iphone you want it, like Iphone5s you make your choice) and accidentally the song for the red nose  played. 

"What is that, noise", he asked in disgust.

"It's a 'dance' from our time, the red nose. "

"Can you demonstrate?"

"Well I'm to tired. Sebastian and Sofia  can do it", Racheal said.

I knew this was revenge for the chocolate.

"No" , "Yes",  this continued for several minutes between Racheal and I.

"JUST DO IT SOFIA, THIS IS AN ORDER", Ciel shouted.I sighed, I went in front of Sebastian, and Racheal got  y phone and turned on the music. I deeply sighed, I knew I was going to lose 'SOMETHING' after this. I started doing the red nose on him. Ciel looked surprised and Racheal had an evil grin. "Do it for the chocolate", she evily said. I then noticed something about me doing that on Sebastian, 'it' was hard as steel. "Sebastian put your hand on my lower back". He did exactly so. I blushed a deep red, and stared at Ciel, "Are we dfone yet" I directed at Ciel. He came back to reality and told us we could stop.  "Okay, lets go on a different topic, lets see". I thought for some time. "What about your show/manga kuroshitsuji a.k.a black butler", Sebastian and Ciel seemed curious

I  hurried upstairs into my bedroom, and went into my bag, talking out the kuroshitsuji manga chapter twenty-five. I ran back downstairs  and showed Ciel the manga. After he read it with Rachel's and my instructions, he gave a stare to Sebastian. I then gave he manga to Sebastian, he read it in a few seconds, nothing lss expected from a demon. He lightly chuckled. "Is the manga same to the ani- anyo- anime?", Ciel asked. Racheal and I both said no in unison. I looked over to Sebastian, he gave a wink, "damn hot demon", I said under my breath.

Mey-Rin came in  with a letter in her hand, "from the queen young master". Sebastian took it from her hand and gave it to him.  Mey-Rin then left. CIel broke the seal and opened the letter. "It looks like that bafoon, Trancy is causing troule again.Sebastian get the carriage ready". He bowed then left. Ciel the  left to his room.

~Time Skip~

Ciel and Sebastian left, while the other servants and I were left unoccupied.We all sat on the main staircase. "Oy, its so boring", Mey-Rin groaned."What about we play a game", suggested finny. Everyone agreed . We played a game of hide and seek, before Mey-Rin, it, won and we went outside to have some fun.We played with the hose. It was so fun with nothing to do and with the master and Sebastian not here. We also had water balloon fights, fro the water balloons I had in my bag.

After it got dark, we decided to go back inside from all the fun. Everyone went to sleep besides Racheal and I , were wet to Racheal;s room. We were to worried about Ciel and Sebastian, we knew already what happening, the soul merging and what not, but its kinda lonely without them. It then suddenly started pouring, and there was thunder and lightning. I started out the window for sometime before I saw something tapping on the window. I screamed and so did Racheal. Then the lightning flashed, it was just Sebastian, and he looked mad. I quickly opened the window and gave him a towel to  dry in.He then lifted me up my my clothes and pinned me against the wall," Why didn't you tell me this would happen?", there was so much rage in his voice. "Let her go"Racheal screamed punching his back. He flung her unto the bed with one arm, making it look easy. I shouted Racheal's name. "We told you, we can not tell you the future, or somethings that will happen should not happen. In other words you may or may not get your precious soul. He gently let me down, and his eye changed back to its normal rusty brown color.  He walked out of Racheal's room, and I followed. That night it was dead silence between us. I uneasily slept that night, and I'm sure Racheal did too.

~The Next Day~

Sebastian directed everyone to do their chores, and he was about to  get ready to save Ciel. "Racheal and I wanna go". I  said. "It's too dangerous", he replied. " We know what will happen , wouldn't that be good enough"I said with  smirk in the ed. He stared into my eyes for several seconds,"Alright then I guess you two are ready". 

He  carried Racheal while him and I  were hopping through the tress. We finally got to the Trancy's manor. We hid behind the trees. Claude was probably talking about how he loved Ciel's body and other stuff so much, hes being a weirdo now lol. Sebastian then broke the trunk of the tree. Yeah I was right. After finding Grell we went over to the tree where the Triplets were. As we all know Grell killed them. We then ran off with Sebastian, leaving Grell behind, while we walked to the maze. We started the labyrinth game. We ran through everything getting everything right and finally got to Ciel/Alois. It was time to fight for Ciel.

Hannah finally barfed up the sword and stuck it to the wall. It was time for Claude and Sebastian to start fighting. Hannah raised her hand with them circling around her, they both jumped for the sword. Bragging how they would get Ciel's soul, mostly Claude, well he did all the bragging or whatever. Claude managed to get the sword first. But Sebastian dodged all his moves and got  the sword . Racheal and I were watching with close eyes, it was better seeing it in real life. Sebastian then opened up the  battleground, and I held Racheal to save her from falling to her sure death. Sebastian dropped the sword and Claude and him went leaping for it. Finally Sebastian killed Claude with a pierce of the sword through his body. Saying his last word's  Claude died(a/n: lets have like 3 secs of silent please- has a friggin party in the back- i hate spiders forever bye creepy Claude-)

Hannah purposely fell of the cliff, with Ciel's body. We both knew what was going to happen. Ciel will be reborn but not as a human. "Racheal, if this is the end of all this don't we have to go, soon", my eyes were a it watery and so were hers. We both new the answer was yes, but we didn't want to leave, but also we missed out real home, and our other family and friends.

~Next Day~

I loudly yearned, and rubbed my eyes. I took a bath and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and burst into Ciel's room. "Happy reborn Birthday". But then I saw Racheal, she bet me to it. Sebastian left to do his business of his card delivery thing.

~Time Skip~

After Sebastian came back we went back into our room, and Ciel went wherever with Racheal. He closed the door.

"Sofia will you marry me?'

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