3: British Band Makes Dreams Come True

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When it was time for the boys to finally leave, I almost felt happy. Almost. I could tell it meant a lot to Aria so I tried to be happy for her, but it was hard when the boys she loved were just so produced.

As they were hugging her goodbye Liam had this look in his eye like he wanted to ask something but wasn’t sure how. After his turn to hug Aria came, he smiled at her and pulled something from his pocket.

“The lads and I brought along some extra tickets. In case you’d want to come to our concert. Backstage passes included, but if you don’t want them we understand,” he offered nonchalantly, although it was clear he knew this meant the world to her. The grin on her face stretched from ear to ear as she nodded her head rapidly.

“THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY GOSH!” she squealed, taking the tickets from his hand and giving him another hug.

I smiled at the sight of my sister’s happiness, but I still wasn’t fooled. I could practically see the headlines now. Famous British Boy Band Makes Cancer Patient’s Dreams Come True. It’s sick the way celebrities use kids like my sister for fame and respect. They definitely wouldn’t be receiving any ounce of respect from me, that’s for sure.

They finally left, but not before Liam made eye contact with me one last time. I rolled my eyes. What was he even thinking giving my sister those tickets? She’s sick. Hence the hospital. I doubt the doctor’s would advise her being thrown into a crowded room full of screaming teenagers. She was worse than she’d ever been, and although it would make her happy I didn’t think it was a good idea at all.

“This is the best day of my life!” Aria declared with a huge smile on her face. It warmed my heart to see her like that.

 She hadn’t really been like that since she was diagnosed. Sure, she’d been happy and kept a smile on her face, but it was mostly for us. Her family. She didn’t want us to be sad, so she pretended like everything was okay. That’s another thing I love about Aria. She always thought of other people, even when she was the one who needed thought the most.

“Now, wait, don’t get your hopes up,” my mother said. Always the logical one. I guess we’re sort of alike in that way. “The doctors might not allow you to leave, especially with the way things have been going recently…”

“But they’re front row! I have to go, Mom. Please!”

“I’ll check with the doctors, but I don’t want you to be disappointed if they say no.”

Aria sighed and nodded. I felt bad. She really wanted this. My mom left to go ask the doctors if Aria would be allowed to go to the concert. My dad was busy talking to Ella. Aria was sitting on her bed staring at the tickets in her hands with a sad expression. I sat next to her.

“Hello,” I said, smiling. “Cheer up. You just met One Direction.”

She gave a weak smile. “I know. I really want to go to this concert though.”

“Good news,” my mother said, returning to the room with a smile on her face. “The doc okayed it. But you need a responsible adult to go with you who is fully aware of your illness, and you have to be careful.”

“YES! Thank you so much Mom! Oh my god, I’m so excited!” Aria squealed in delight.

“When is this concert again?” my dad asked, raising an eyebrow as Aria examined the tickets.

“June second.”

My dad looked sorry as he shook his head. “I can’t take you. I have a business trip the first week of June.”

Aria didn’t look too hurt by this. “That’s alright. Mom can take me. Right?”

“I’d be happy to sweetheart,” she assured. Aria was beaming. It was great to see her so joyful. The best part was that the concert was only a week away. Hopefully by then Aria would still be well enough to go.



I know this chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be a lot longer (: Let me know what you think! I'm glad you've liked it enough to read this far. Drop a comment with your opinion and dont forget to vote if you're still enjoying it! Thanks for reading and HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN READERS<3 im american too. partayyy. I love you c: byee xx

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