7: Let's Be Regular

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“You’re okay,” I told Aria as she continued to vomit into the toilet bowl she was currently slaved over. “Just let it out.” I held her hair back. It’s not like I wasn’t used to this. Chemo has its side effects.

“Thanks,” she said when she was finally finished. I handed her a towel and a cup of water, and she rinsed her mouth out in the sink.


“Do you know what time Dad gets off work today?” she asked as I walked her from the bathroom to her hospital bed. Ella sat in the corner staring at the two of us.

“I’m guessing no later than five. Why?”

“Just wondering,” she said, shutting her eyes and leaning her head back. “Mom’s classes take longer than I thought they would.” I sighed and took a seat next to Ella.

“Aria, why do you always throw up after they put that needle in your arm?” she asked, clearly confused. Aria smiled.

“Because the needle has funny medicine in it that helps me get better. For the medicine to work, it also causes a bunch of little problems like throwing up and losing hair,” she tried to explain. Ella didn’t look convinced.

“When will the medicine work?” she asked. Aria clearly didn’t know what to say. We both looked at each other.

“It takes some time,” I tried to tell Ella.

“But it does work, right? So Aria won’t be sick forever?” As she looked up at me with those adorably sad eyes, it completely shattered my heart into the smallest pieces imaginable. I was at a loss for words.

“Knock knock,” came a voice from the door, saving me from having to explain the impossible to my little sister. I looked up and spotted Liam. I smiled, but Aria was ecstatic.

“Oh my god,” she squealed. He grinned at her.

“Hey Aria. I thought I would just stop by to say hello.”

“Hi Liam!” It was nice to see how happy she got, how her eyes brightened up when she saw any of the boys. It was like the old Aria in a way. The healthy sister I once knew. “Are the other boys here too?” she asked, excitedly peering towards the door to see if they were behind him.

“Actually,” he said, flashing a sad smile. “They couldn’t make it.”

She tried to hide her wounded emotions, but I saw right through it. “That’s okay,” she told him.

“But, they all promised to come by tomorrow. They’re just sort of busy today with interviews and stuff,” Liam added on, revitalizing her mood once again.

“Why aren’t you at an interview right now?” I asked smugly as he sat between my chair and Aria’s bed.

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