22: Letting Go

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I didn’t cry as I said goodbye to him. I refused to cry. I didn’t want him to feel like he was hurting me by leaving, especially since there was nothing he could do. I didn’t want him thinking up any crazy ideas about staying after all.

We kept it short. Because short goodbyes are always less painful.

“I love you,” I told him. And he took my hand, squeezing it gently as he leaned down to kiss me slowly on the lips.

“I love you too.”

As the words left his mouth, we heard the slam of the bus’s door. They were all packed up, and the other boys were loading onto the vehicle one by one. Liam stayed back, not wanting to separate so soon.

“We will keep in touch,” he said. It wasn’t a question. It was a necessity.

“You won’t forget about me?” I joked through my obvious sadness, smiling a bit. He chuckled softly and squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

“How could I ever forget about you?”

He kissed me once more, short and sweet, before pulling me into a hug. Tight and secure. I didn’t want him to let go. I didn’t want him to leave. I wanted to stay like that forever, just there in his arms.

Don’t let go, I thought to myself. Don’t leave me. Don’t let go.


But of course he had to. Of course he couldn’t hold on forever, as much as I wanted him to.

Don’t let go, I thought as he slowly pulled back from our embrace. I could hear the other boys calling to him from the bus window.

Don’t let go, I thought as he said goodbye one last time, telling me he loved me one last time.

Don’t let go.


He gave me a sad smile and plodded his way onto the bus as I stood there, watching the doors close.

Don’t let go.


I could see him through the window as he was wheeled away. I was left standing there on the sidewalk, watching helplessly.

Don’t let go.


But it was too late. The tail end of the bus disappeared into the distance, and I lost it in the horizon. He was gone, out of sight, and never coming back.

And that’s when I cried. Once he was gone for good. I broke down right there on that sidewalk, like a volcano erupting with sobs. I felt my body shaking, and my face was wet with tears. I looked like a mess, which is exactly what I am. It’s what I’ve been ever since Aria left. And now, it’s like reliving it all over again.

My life has been full of unanswered questions. Some I’ll never know the answer to. Ever. But as I watched Liam pull away, set for the remainder of his worldwide tour, I could only wonder one thing.

Why does everyone I love have to leave?

Why does everyone I love have to let go?

the next chapter will be the EPILOGUE! yes, that means this story has basically come to an end :( This has been so great to write with all of your support along the way! I really appreciate everything, all the reads and votes and comments, they all make my day and you guys are the absolute best! I hope I didn't make you cry too much throughout this book, but I never could've finished it without you so i really do hope you enjoyed it overall! Sorry it's quite short, but I never really intended for it to be long. There's a spinoff sequel type story about Aria called Guardian Angel and it's written by @katietommo6 so be sure to check that out!

DLG is still nominated in @Minnty's Fan fiction awards! It's under the Best Liam category listed as number 4! it would mean a lot if you could vote (once a day if you want c;)

Thank you so much for keeping up with this book through every chapter. I really can't explain how much it means to me. I love you all so much x

Stay tuned for the epilogue!

Don't Let Go || Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now