8: Miracles Happen

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“Liam!” I squealed, giggling insanely as he carried me around the room. “Put me down!”

He dropped me onto the pile of pillows that had accumulated on the floor. “Whoops,” he said, sending me a smirk.

“I didn’t mean to drop me you big jerk,” I said, making a weak effort to kick his leg. That’s when I realized I couldn’t actually get up. I struggled while he watched with an amused look on his face.

“Need help?”

“You’re gonna need help once I get out of here!” I threatened, grabbing a nearby Nerf gun.

“I’m so terrified.”

I finally freed myself and sprinted after him while his eyes widened, and he made a break for his bedroom. I made continuous shots in the effort to slow him down. He wasn’t fast enough, and I jumped on his back.

“Damn,” he muttered under his breath. “You’re quick.”

“How have you not fallen over yet.”

“You’re like five pounds,” he said, rolling his eyes as he casually walked to the fridge. He pulled out a water for himself as I stayed latched onto his back. The fact that there was a person on him didn’t seem to affect him at all. After he finished his water, he walked back to the living room and plucked me off of him like I was a small child.

“This is so unfair,” I stated, making one last shot before crawling into our fort from earlier. I curled up into a little ball and hugged my weapon to my chest.

“Are you hibernating or something?”


“I thought this was supposed to be a regular date,” he reminded me, laughing softly. I smiled.

“Regular is boring.”

“You have a point.”

A knock at the door interrupted us.

“THE FOODS HERE,” I announced while Liam went to get it. I scurried out from my hiding place and waited anxiously for him to pay the guy. Once the door was closed I rushed over and grabbed my meal from his hands.

“You are probably the most patient person I know.”

“Thanks. I really do try,” I assured him with a smile as I crawled back into the fort and dug into my Chinese dinner. He joined me and we ate together in silence for a bit.

“This is probably the most fun I’ve had since the tour started,” he admitted. “Maybe even before that.”

“Really? You and the boys seem to just give off that fun vibe.”

“Yeah, the lads are pretty great to hang out with, but it’s always the same routine. We do the same thing every day, and it gets old after a while. I know we’re lucky and I’m insanely grateful, but I don’t know. This is nice. Different,” he said with a smile as he took another bite of rice. I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face.

“I have a question,” I stated.

“Ask me anything.”

“Why did you really stop the story about my sister?” I was dying to know. He had to have had some kind of motivation.

“Well, the obvious reason would be to impress you,” he said, grinning as he relaxed on the floor beside me. I wish my cheeks didn’t change color so easily, but they did and I’m pretty sure he noticed. “But that’s not the only reason,” he added. “I’ve always hated celebrities that used sick kids for fame. I thought it was wrong even before I was a part of One Direction. I guess I had never realized that I was turning into one until you pointed it out to me.”

“But why only sick kids? Celebrities do a lot of terrible things to stay famous,” I pointed out.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Maybe because I was one.”

I looked at him, but he was staring straight ahead into space.

“When I was a baby I basically died. Of course I’m alright now, but it was a scary time until I was four. I was always having tests done and stuff. 32 injections a day. One of my kidneys wasn’t working, but I’m completely fine now.”

“That’s insane. I never knew that about you…”

“It’s not exactly a secret, but I guess you could say I have a soft side for your sister. She’s a fighter, I’ll give her that.”

“Yeah,” I said, my eyes tearing up. “She is.” He pulled me closer into a hug.

“You know, miracles happen every single day.”

“I know,” I choked out through my sobs. “But it’s a miracle she’s been here this long.”

“You never know what can happen. Maybe things will turn around.”

I gave him a look. He couldn’t possibly believe that. “Maybe,” I muttered.

We sat there for a while. Just like that. My head was on his chest, and we both were on the floor surrounded by pillows beneath our blanket fort.

“I wanna show you something,” he told me. He jumped up and I followed him out to the hotel balcony. He stood leaning on the rail overlooking the night sky. I was instantly mesmerized.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I know.” We stood there together just taking in the evening. Honestly speaking, that night had probably been the most fun I’d had in a long time too. In years maybe. Ever since cancer turned my entire life upside down.

Although things may not have been any better, it was nice to have someone to make me smile at the end of the day. Becoming friends with Liam was one of the best decisions I’d ever made, and I never wanted that to change.


Hi! So this update is at like 11 pm because i was legit lying in bed and then I realized "oh shit. I forgot to update everything" so here I am. I hope you like this chapter! Please leave some feedback. I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading! The next udate should be on Tuesday. I don't udate on weekends usually, just so you know. I love you!! byee xx

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