Chapter 3: The Win-Irene-Back Operation Plan

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"So, how do I look?" I lazily ask Junmyeon while looking at my outfit.

This is the fifth dress I wore today because the master (there's a sarcasm on my tone) told me to change my clothes every time I show him the dresses he chose for me.

"Next." He simply said so I look at him in disbelief. In all dresses I wore, this one so far is better. This dress doesn't show too much skin.

"Y-yah, Junmyeon-ssi." He raises an eyebrow then look away, browsing the magazine beside him. This guy, seriously! Aish! I want to shave his eyebrow so that he can never raise it again on me, ever. Tch!

"You said you want to help me win back Irene. I have a plan and you need to trust my plan. Now go and change." I just sent him a glare before I went back to the fitting room.

This is going to be a tiring day for me. I think my mission will not be easy just as I thought it would be.

After changing, I cross my fingers as I exited the fitting room and made my way where the master is. And he's still sitting like a king, waiting for his slave to come.

"Ehem." I fake a cough to catch his attention. He surely enjoys browsing the magazine that he never feel my presence.

He slowly looks at my direction and as he checks on my outfit, I cross my fingers at my back while closing my eyes.

'I hope this dress will satisfy him. I'm tired, definitely. I badly want to lay down and sleep.'

"Uhmmm... it looks good on you." I open my eyes and look at him upon hearing what he said. And I know that I have a smile on my face.

"Yehey! I'm done here." And I think I danced because of the happiness I felt. I can now rest. Weeeeee!

"H-hey, st-stop that. Yo-you look so f-funny. Hahah."

'Is he laughing?' I looked at him intently and smiled when I realized that he's truly laughing. Kyaahh~ Junmyeon is laughing right now. I can't believe this.

"I'm just happy, Junmyeon-ssi." I laugh with him. "And oh, can we go home now?" I ask as I approach him.

"We'll buy you some school supplies. I enrolled you so that you'll be with me always, even in school." I just nodded. I guess this is a part of his plan. "Let's go, Chorong-ssi."

"Chorong is okay for me, Junmyeon-ssi."

"Then call me Junmyeon. Let's be comfortable with each other." And he flashed a smile.

Woah! What's with this day, really? I saw Junmyeon laughing and smiling. It makes me happy though.

"Excuse me, miss. Please wrap all those clothes I chose for her." He told the saleslady and I look at him with disbelief.

"Y-yah, Junmyeon. Do I really have to wear dresses?" He simply nodded.

"Dresses make you look like a human. Now, let's go. They will just deliver those clothes at home." And he holds my wrist and pull me with him.


"Chorong. Yah, Chorong, wake up." I slowly open my eyes and look at Junmyeon with confusion. "Let's eat lunch before going to school."

"Oh, okay." And I noticed that our van is parking outside a restaurant. Good timing! I'm already hungry.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks as he prepares himself to go out of the van. He's just wearing his shades without the facemask on.

I just hope that we won't get into any trouble especially with his fans.

"I'll take a look at their menu." He nodded as he opened the door at his side. I turn to the door at my side and open it to get out.

"Let's go." And just like earlier, he held my wrist and pulled me inside the restaurant.

A waiter then lead us to a table that is not too noticeable and get our order.

"So, uhmmm... what's your plan? What are we going to do to win her heart again?" I simply ask as we wait for our food.

He seriously stared at me so I look at him with the same look. Something's really wrong with this guy. Tch!

"We'll act as a couple. So you'll be my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend."

"W-wait, what?! Are you out of your mind?" I snap out, and he just shrugged. This guy, jinjja! "That's your plan? Well, your plan is absurd. No one's gonna believe that we're a couple."

"That's a good way to make Irene jealous, okay? We'll act as a sweet couple at school. Just trust me. I'm sure this will work." I just nodded, even though I dislike his absurd plan.

I guess I don't have a choice. I don't know how to make Irene jealous. I'll just go with the flow.

After a while, the waiter came back with our order. We ate silently and decided to go to school after eating.

"So, here's the thing." Junmyeon started as he park the car in the school grounds. "We must call each other "love" as an endearment. And act naturally, oh well, just put in your mind that I'm your boyfriend and we must be sweet to each other. Arasso?" I simply nodded.

The moment we step outside the car, he holds my hand and show me a smile.

"Let's go, love." He get my bag and put it on his shoulder.

"S-sure, lo-love." I think my face is turning red now >//////<

As we made our way to our classroom, people noticed us and our hands that are holding. This made me more embarrassed.

"I thought she was just his personal assistant. Why are they holding their hands?"

"OMO! This is so unacceptable. That girl totally seduced him."

"A model and a PA? So not suitable for each other."

And people continued talking about us while looking at me like they want to rip off my head. I simply brought my free hand to my chest to calm myself. It brought heaviness into my heart to hear those words from them.

"Hey, love. Are you okay?" I look at Junmyeon and smile.

"I'm totally fine. Let's go to our classroom." He nodded and hold me on my shoulder.

The moment we entered the room, he let me sat on a chair and gave me a bottled water.

"Drink this." And I do as I told so. "Are you sick? You look pale." He sits on a chair beside me and tried to check on me.

Seeing him worried somewhat lightens my feeling.

"I'm totally fine, really. It's just that seeing people talking and looking bad at me brought heaviness into my heart."

"Just calm down, okay? Don't mind them. Don't worry, I will always be on your side; no one's gonna hurt you. Arasso?" 

I doubt that he'll stay on my side but I still nodded. He pat me on the head.

I know that the moment he'll get Irene back, he will forget about me but it's okay. My mission here on earth will be done and I will enter the heaven as a resident angel.

"So the rumor is true." We both look on the person talking and notice Irene standing near the door frame. "How did a model like you ended up with your PA? This is so ridiculous." She faked a laugh as she approached us.

"Just go away, Irene. I want a peaceful relationship with this beautiful girl beside me so please stop destroying our relationship." I heard Junmyeon said so I look at him. He certainly didn't mean what he said 'cause pain is visible in his eyes.

I look back at Irene and I also noticed that there's pain in her eyes. *sigh* They both are just hurting themselves. Why did I even involved myself in this situation?

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