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I run up to my room and slam the door. I sink down on the bed. "Keyara Freeze," I scold myself. "Focus!" I concentrate with all my might on one crystal white snowflake. I try to channel my frozen energy. "Come on.." I think to myself. I feel aa whirring and.....nothing happens. Aaaaarrrgh!! To vent my frustration, I send a powerful jet of water through my window. I hope it hits something. Splash. Dad, who was talking with mum scowls up at me. Oops! 

Oh man. I feel like a total loser for the billionth time. I mean I'm the daughter of the heads of the Winter Council. Winter Children can produce snowflakes in their sleep! I'll ruin the Winter Council. And I'll end up destroying the crown too. I'm sure as hell that stupid thing won't bond with me.


You try your best and still everything goes wrong. I hear thunder. That's strange. I kick the walls and then send another 3 streams of water out and make them chase my mum. I don't know why I'm doing this. I just feel so pointless. The only power I have is bouncing water jets all over the countryside. Fat lot of good that does. I get down to some winter holiday homework. At least I'm not a loser in school. I decide to go to my best fried Marie's house. She's mortal, which makes her even more special. The other season children are like slaps on my face, cause they all go around flaunting their powers. There's Damini, who bores me enough to make me wish I was in school.  Amber is cold and unfriendly and does stupid things like filling my plate with leaves and mud. Don't get me started on Lan.

Mum calls up the stairs. "Get dressed hon! We're going to Mamie Quall's house for dinner!" I sigh. I hate going there. Only because of Gemini. 

Gemini is Mamie Quall's successor. The Season Council heads choose their successors, who are whisked away at the age of 13 to the Season house to be trained. And they don't even need to have seasonal power. They just need to be smart, resourceful and good leaders.

She could have chosen me.

Anyway, Gemini is an absolute brat whose only concern in life is whether or not I'm being tortured.

Gee, I can't wait to see her again.

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