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I pull on a navy blue shirt and beige pants. I hear mum and dad's conversation as I go down.

"Too risky don't take it please."

"Why would it be dangerous Sierra?"

"If Gemini is a Monsoon Child..."

"Random assumptions."

"Nick, anything could happen."


"You know the Monsoon Children are rebelling! They want the crown!"

"I can take a few of those punks anytime. Freeze them to hell I say."

Mum sighs. 

"I - just don't think it's wise to be travelling at this time."

"Why ever not?"

The two of them spot me. 

"Oh darling you're ready.." Mum looks worried. It's like she knows something dad doesn't. 

"Let's go."

Dad storms out of the house. Mum gives him one last worried sidelong glance and follows. I lock the door. 

"You go with Daddy. I'll follow with the crown."

I narrow my eyes but put my hand in dad's anyway. I guess we're heading there by vanishing. Me and dad began to spin in large circles. In a second we should be in New York, were Mamie Quall is headquartered. 

Suddenly something slams into my face. A sharp knife like thing pries my fingers from dad's. I scream. My chest hits something soft and warm. I scream again. A sharp rasping voice barks out something. Dad is spinning a few meters away. 

"Where is it?" An evil voice echoes. We're still spinning.

"Where's what?" Dad yells.

"The crown! Do not conceal things from us Nicholas Freeze. Give us what is rightfully ours!"

"I don't have the crown."


A clear voice cuts through the rasping.  It says something in a strange language. There is a crash and a scream and we're standing in front of Mamie Quall's brightly lit house in Manhattan.

Mum's there, thankfully alright and with the crown. She's shaking from head to foot and looks like she's about to faint. Her fingers and the hems of her skirt are wet. Her eyes widen at the sight of both of us. 

"I thought they would kill you! Oh Nick!"

"It's fine. Damn those Monsoon Children! How did they intercept us at the right place? And how the hell do they know we have the crown?"

Mum trembles. "I - I don't know."

Mamie Quall and Gemini run out. 

"We heard noises!" Gemini yells. "What happened?"

"A monsoon child rebel group asking for the crown. It's alright Lola, we're fine," says dad.

"What nonsense! The crown indeed! Why would they think you have it?"

"Cause we do."

Mamie Quall goes white. The lines on her face become more pronounced.

"What?" she asks hoarsely.

Mum looks at her, a look full of shock and hurt. She turns around stiffly.

"We'll come in if you please Lola, the night is cold."

"Of course."

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