Chapter 11

117 11 1

April's POV

I'm so stupid, I really am. Did I really think that a guy like Harry thought about me as more than a friend? Look at him, he's good looking, a strong fighter, smart as hell, and in all just an amazing person. How could I every think he saw me same? We don't even ever talk as more than friend. Silly, silly girl, said my subconscious. She's right. I just need to except the fact that he will never like me that way. I need to stop this nonsense and think about what really important. Ending the government once and for all and gain our freedom as citizens of the United States of America. I pick myself off the floor, a start heading back to my room to fix myself up before I go back out to the table with everyone else. Just as I get up, Harry opens the door. Damn it.

"April, what are you doing here? Have you been crying? What's wrong?" he asks with a worried look on his face.

"Nothing, I'm fine. You and Kate need to go eat, dinners ready. Where is she anyway?" I respond to him.

Harry looks behind him and says, "She's on the phone with someone who called her. Says it's important." Probably the President, that damn spy. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, positive. Let's go eat now, they're more than likely wondering where we are." I say looking down at the floor in a half whisper.

"Alright," was all he said.

When we get bad in to the dinner table, everyone is talking amongst themselves. Delilah and Natela talk about how they miss summer, even though Fall is a beautiful season. Liam, Louis, and Niall are talking about those old James Bond movies that were made in the like the early 2000's, like 2010 early, or whenever they were made. Thank god that they were all talking about something, because I didn't want to attract attention to myself since I have been crying. I sit down beside Natela and Delilah and start my meal, hoping they wouldn't notice me.

"Hey April, everything okay? Wait hold on have you been crying?" Delilah says concerned.

"Mhm, everything is all good." I reassure her with a smile.

"You sure?" asks Natela leaning over to me. I nod my head.

"Okay, just remember that whatever it is, you can tell us." she tells me.

"Yeah, we're your sisters now. You can trust us." added Delilah.

"Thanks guys." I whisper to them. I'm happy I have friends like those two to keep me grounded.


After dinner, I went to the room I shared with Natela and Delilah to unpack my things. When I got in the room, no one else was in there yet. Good, I think to myself, some alone time. A minute into my unpacking, I hear a knock at the door. Thinking it's Delilah or Natela, I open the door and say, "Guys you don't have to knock." But when I look at who's behind the door, I see Liam.

"Oh sorry Liam, I thought you were Delilah or Natela." I say apologetically.

"It's okay, I understand." he says, smiling at me. "Listen April, I was thinking of talking a walk along the shore. Care to join me?"

"Oh um um ye-yeah, I would love to." I stammer while nodding my head.

"Okay, sounds good. You might want to grab a jacket, it's quite cold." said Liam.

"Yeah, I'll meet you outside."

He nodded, smiling, then walked away. As I started to look for my jacket, Delilah and Natela came through the doorway, laughing.

"I know right!" Delilah says as they come in. "Oh hey girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for my jacket, have you guys seen it?" I question them.

"Yeah, I think I saw it in your purple bag. Are you going outside or something?" asks Natela.

"Yep, I'm going for a walk with Liam. Oh, there it is," I say grabbing my jacket out of my bag.

They look at each other and say "Oooooooo" in unison as they both sit down on Natela's twin bed.

"So it's like a mini date?" Natela commented.

"No, nothing like that. We're just gonna walk along the shore and talk, nothing major. Friends talk all the time right?" I explained.

"Mmmm yeah yeah hun, whatever!" argued Delilah.

"Tell us how it goes when you get back!" Natela laughed as I walked towards the door.

"Bye girls." I said loudly in the door frame.

The air is really cold when I open the front door. I see Liam waiting there for me.

"Sorry that it took me so long, I couldn't find my jacket." I say when I walk up to him.

He just smiled and said "No worries love. Shall we start our walk?"

"Yes, of course." I reply.

The shore breeze was blowing, so that make it even colder. But it was beautiful outside, even in the dark. Fall was probably my favorite time of the year, with all the colorful leaves and such. The sad part is that the leaves only stay on the tree for a short while, before the storms and strong winds blow them off. Well, I will just enjoy the beauty while it lasts.

I say to Liam, "Isn't it all just gorgeous?"

"Yeah, but not as gorgeous as you." he says quietly.

What did he just say?

"I mean, yes, it's all so breathtaking." he corrects himself. "But, it's true, what I said a second ago." I feel him take my hand into his and lace into fingers around me, What was this boy trying to do? Was this his way of saying that he had feelings for me? Surely not, he can't.

"So, um, April, the reason I brought you out here. I just wanted to tell you how I feel." he tells me, turning me around to face him.

"Look April, I think you're a strong, beautiful, and brave fighter. And I have feelings for you, as more than friends, I don't know if you same way, but I felt like I had to tell you." he tells me, and I am in complete shock. I had no idea Liam would see me as more than a friend. My mouth is partly opened, as I am lost for words. I have no idea at what to do or say. How do I tell him I don't have the same feelings as he does for me. I like Harry. Oh no, what am I supposed to do now?

I start stammering syllables. Liam started to lean in kiss me, and I officially start panicking, I can't let him kiss me, I just can't. I stop him before Liam's lips touched mine."

"Liam... you're a great guy really. But I'm afraid I don't see you as anything more than a friend. I'm sorry," I say to him,

I hear him sigh and he steps away.

"I see, I understand. But please, think about giving me a chance." he saying and steps back in a gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

"I- I have to go." I uttered and started sprinting back towards the base. When I get back in the room, Natela and Delilah are not in bed yet but in their pajamas and waiting on me to return. Of course.

"Soooooooo?! How'd it go?" Natela begged.

"Honey, start spilling! What happened?!" pressed Delilah.

"Nothing happened, we just strolled along the shore and talked."' I lie, sitting on my bottom bunk.

"Awwwww you're no fun!" Natela whined.

"Thanks." I say to her getting back up and put on my pajamas. "Goodnight girls." I walk over and turn off the light switch.

"Goodnight April and Natela," says Delilah while climbing onto her top bunk.

"Night my lovelies." tells us Natela.

Tonight was one hell of a night.


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