Chapter 16

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April's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, but I'm not surprised. Considering everything that happened last night, I expected worse.

Ugh, I don't even want to remember last night. It was hell. I don't want to go out there, everyone probably hates me right now. Guess I'm skipping breakfast.

I look over to my left to Natela's bed to tell her good morning, but she's not there. I get up to see if Delilah is in bed, she's not there either. I wonder where they could be. When I go grab my phone, I see that it's already 12:30 in the afternoon. Crap; I over slept. Everyone is probably training. How come no one woke me up? Oh that's right, because everyone hates me.

I go over to the closet I share with the girls and grab some fresh black leggings and a black and white stripped t-shirt. I get some socks and put on my combat boots. As I was lacing up my shoes, I hear a knock at the door.

"Give me a second." I say.

I walk over to the door and open it to see Harry. Damn it, I was going to try to avoid him today.

"Hello, Harry."

"Hi. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, I was just going to tell you that there is some left over breakfast, if you want some.  It's in the fridge. Kate made it."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm really don't want to eat anything she makes, she might try to poison me." I sigh.

"Look I'm sorry about what happen last night but -"

As he was finishing his sentence, Kate walks over.

"Let's go Harry," says the devil herself while pulling his arm, " Come back outside so we can finish our training."

He looks back over and me before excusing himself and leaving. As they were walking, Kate turns around and gives me a "fuck you" smirk.


I let out an exasperated sigh and close the door. If I had a penny for every time I wanted to strangle her, I'd be rich as hell.

My stomach growls loudly and I rethink about eating. I'll just make my own food, I don't trust that bitch. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. The refrigerator has almost nothing except for some milk, a couple of vegetables, and whatever Kate make this morning. I look on top of the fridge and find some cereal. Cereal it is then.

I grab a bowl out of the cabinet to pour everything in. I reach for the silver wear drawer before I notice the knives and remember my dagger needs polishing. I slip it out of my belt and let it fall on the counter with a loud clang. As I was getting a spoon, Delilah and Natela walk into the kitchen.

"Hey guys," I say while sitting down and starting to eat.

"Hey hun, how are you doing?" Delilah says and sits in the chair beside me.

I let out a small chuckle. "Honestly? I've been better."

Natela grins at me.

"We can tell. You had quite a show last night didn't you?"

"Don't remind me!" I groan. "I take it no one believed me about Kate?"

Of course no one believed me. They love that little whore. I take I bite of cereal before staring into the empty space above Natela's head. Some how I need to get revenge on her. Unfortunately, I'm no whore. I'm not evil. But who is the queen of them? Other than Kate, I mean.

"Delilah, you're a sadistic little bitch aren't you?" I wonder out loud. She huffs while Natela giggles. 

"Okay, call it that if you want. What can I do for you?" She casually bats the cereal box back and forth between her hands.

"I need you to help me get Kate in a sticky situation." I mutter, holding her gaze.

"Allow me to rephrase that. What can Natela do for you?" She joked. 

I rolled my eyes at her laziness.  I hadn't even thought this through, I'd just asked her. What I was envisioning was staging something where Kate would be caught being un-loyal if not completely traitorous.  Now ideas were forming in my mind at the pace of ten thousand thoughts per second. What was more traitorous than injuring one of your own teammates? Surely I would have to plan this out, because Kate isn't so easily tricked. However, she's getting cocky. She seems to forget that we have two things that will aid us: Niall's could help us with the trap, and he will because he's completely whipped for Natela and will (almost) believe anything she says, and that we know her little secret.

"What I'm thinking is that we could get the other lads to see Kate doing something treasonous. Obviously they'd have to believe us after they saw her attempting to harm one of us." I quickly describe the scenario I had planned in my head.

"We should use you as the bait because she already dislikes us but she would do anything to get her hands on you." Delilah suggests. I nod in approval.   

"Oh! Maybe she can attempt to push you over the gorge!" Natela gasped excitedly.

"Into a forest fire!" Delilah exclaimed.

"Woah, guys, we're planning revenge, not my death!" I mutter.

Both girls snort and laugh and high-five each other while I stare at them. Does everyone in this house think my demise would be hilarious? I stand up and dump my empty bowl and spoon into the sink. Natela walks around the counter and stands next to me, cleaning the magazine of her gun. Delilah counts her ammunition quietly. But I know that behind those simpering smirks plastered on their faces, they were laughing outrageously.

"You two keep laughing, one day you'll be begging me to help you get out of the gorge." I mutter, placing the cereal box back on the top of the fridge. "And that'll be the day you both die because I-"

I was cut off by a loud hollering and a thud coming from outside the cabin. I grab my dagger from the kitchen counter and dash outside after Natela to see Liam lying on the dry leaves on top of a wreathing body, obviously pinning someone down. I first glance into the sky to see if there are any helicopters, but the sky is clear and blue. I then return my gaze to the person struggling to get away from Liam's chokehold. At first I thought it was Louis playing around like usual, but then I saw that he had pointed the guys head while Niall shouted in his face.

"Who are you?!" Niall's voice had risen in volume but lowered into a deep growl. This was new to me.

No reply.

"Fucking answer me! I said Who. Are. You." Niall snarled.

The man's eyes widened as Louis cocked the gun and the mystery figure clawed at Liam's arms. He seemed desperate just to get a breath of air.

"My name is Zayn!" He gasped. I moved closer to get a better look at Zayn. Unfortunately, Liam chose this time to apply his fists to Zayn's pressure point and knock him out. Good going, Liam. (Note my sarcasm.)

Delilah pulled Liam back while Natela and I lifted the man off the ground. This guy was in some deep shit.


Dayum Liam whadda ya doing? I had an irate fan message me on our IG @cookiesandniall asking where Zayn was! Well she did that about two chapters ago but I thought to wait. Hope you guys liked it! Ilyasm cakepops ;***

~Del <3


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