Chapter 14

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April's POV

I woke up bleary-eyed and sore. But that's nothing new. It seemed that everyone was already in the kitchen so that's where I headed. When I got there, it was chaotic. Louis was lying upside down over the back of the couch and Delilah was pushing and shoving, trying to get him off the couch. He kept screaming random things and she would yell,


I chuckle involuntarily.

Natela is over by the toaster making huge stacks of toast and Niall sits at the bar, demanding more toast, meat, and OJ. Liam is beside Niall with a blueprint of the next building we're going to attack. He's drawing lines and writing sub notes and pestering Niall to quit eating and help him. I scoot between the bar and the fridge and begin to help Natela butter the toast.

"What's going on?" I whisper to her.

"Well, Louis is being immature as usual, Niall is being a bottomless pit, also as usual, and Liam is actually annoying Niall. For the first time." I look around and ask where Harry is.

"He's getting dressed. He's taking you out to train this morning. Kate is still asleep." Something in my stomach flipped when she said he was taking me out.

"I don't feel well." I lie smoothly. It doesn't faze her and she looks me dead in the eye.

"Get dressed, April." I sigh and put the butter knife down before retreating into the bedroom. My outfit from this morning its in a heap at the end of my bed so I go ahead and shimmy out of my clothes to change into those. My plaid pajama pants slide down my ankles and hit the floor and I step out of them and lift the t-shirt over my head.  My hair falls freely against my back and I reach for the black leggings.

"Hey April are you rea-" His voice cuts off abruptly.

I whirl and see him standing in the doorway with his lips formed into an 'o'. I Look down and realize I'm wearing my hot pink underwear and bra and I snatch up the clothes and cover myself.

"Well don't just keep looking! Get out!" I yell. He quickly puts his head down and retreats from the room. I run to the door and bolt it shut. I slide down against it, putting my face in my hands. I was sure he had seen them.

The scars.

No, they weren't self harm scars. They were the scars on my stomach that I had gotten when I was in the car crash that killed my parents.

He probably thought I was a freak now. Whatever. He had that stupid bitch Kate. He can just go and look at her stomach. I angrily pull the clothes on and storm out of the room, past Harry, and out the door. As I'm closing it I see Natela smack Harry with the spatula. I hope it hurt.  

It's cold outside, but not as cold as it was last night. The moment I think of last night, I think of Liam. I can't help but feel guilty. The girls keep telling me it's not my fault and that it's not wrong to turn him down, but I know exactly how he feels. Here I go thinking about Harry again. What is wrong with me? When did I even start developing feelings for him? I just don't understand. I shouldn't feel about him this way, he should be thought as only a friend. However, I can't think of him as just a friend. You know that feeling you get of happiness and anxiety you get in the pit of your stomach when you are around that special someone? The feeling you just can't shake? Exactly. I feel a tear slip from my eye and fall onto the shirt Natela gave me last night.

As I'm walking towards the spot the girls and I trained at, I hear the sound of leaves crunching underneath someone's shoes. Instinctively, I start to panic. I feel a hand touch my left shoulder and I grab the wrist, throwing them over my shoulder and onto their back to the ground. Once I see the person's face, I gasp. Harry. What was he doing here?

"What the hell, April. I wasn't planning on hurting you." he says and looks up at me.

"Harry! Why were you following me?" I ask as I'm helping him up on his feet.

He dusts off his knees and his eyes meet mine. "I wanted to talk to you."

"What, why?" I question in confusion.

"Well um...the scars on your stomach... what happened?"

I sighed. "Their not the kind of scars you think they are. When I was about 14, my parents were driving on a family vacation. It had become really rainy, and as we were turning a corner, the car flipped. I made it out, my mother and father didn't. I was... hard. I managed to survive on my own, til I was about 16, and that's when I met Jared, and I thought he was actually a good person who actually cared about me. But I guess I was wrong." I tell him and feel more tears brimming around my eyes as break the eye contact between Harry and I and stare at the ground. He was over to me and lifts my chin so I am looking at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. But you didn't deserve any of what happened to you, you know that right?" He says with a soften look on his face. "Right?" I slightly nod my head.

"You know," he stated. "My family was taken away from me too. I never really knew my dad, my mom was the only family I had. But I loved her dearly. We had moved to America from England because we thought they had a better life style here." I've noticed his British accent, but I never thought about it much honestly. "We were on our own, but we were fine. Until Nazar Kane became the president and changed our government. We tried to move out of the country and back to our home land, but it was forbidden, no one was allowed to leave. One night, my mother and I had her brother meet us in the middle of the woods, he came there by helicopter from England and was planning on taking us back with him. Once we got there, the soldiers attacked us. I managed to run away from them, but as I looked back, my mum and uncle were forced on their knees, and had bullets shot through the back of their heads. I was only 13 at the time. I was scarred, any child would be. I wanted to run back to them, but I knew the same thing would happen to me. So I ran. I ran and ran and ran, until my legs couldn't stand anymore. I learned how to live on my own in the woods, also I trained myself to become a fighter. That's the reason I am doing all of this, so no one else will have to go through the same thing I went through, because nobody should ever have to experience that."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Harry. I never even thought about that or anything near that, I just can't believe, that's terrible" I shake my head and ramble on until he stops me.

"Hey....." he whispers and lowers his head to see my face.

I look up at him, our eyes locking. I try to break the eye contact, I can't. Suddenly, I forget about everything, I'm lost in his beautiful emerald eyes. He's like an angel, you can't take your eyes off him once you see him. I take a step closer towards him and he uses him free hand to hold mine. I feel his hot breath on my face while he breathes steadily. It was like no one else was around, we were the only people that mattered. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he peered down on me, his height towering over mine. But the connection I felt between us was amazing.

And just then, he did the thing I would of never expected him to do.

He kissed me.


Ye gods. xDD

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