Part 13

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Kate fell back onto one of the old wooden dining chairs, her mobile to her ear waiting for the ringing to come to an end and the gorgeous sound of the one and only Nathan Sykes to greet her romantically. But she was surprised to find a very apprehensive tone lingering in his voice as he said, “Kate…I think you should come to the hospital, quickly!” before immediately hanging up the phone. She didn’t understand, had Nathan hurt himself or one of the boys? No…why was she being so stupid! This had to be about Amy, she was the one in the hospital. She grabbed her phone and the nearest coat, not bothering to check whose it was and threw it on.

“MILLY! Come quickly, we have to get to the hospital, I will explain in the car” cried Kate up the stairs, before making a hasty exit through the front door and jumping into the driver’s seat of a well-kept shiny black BMW, that resembled the car of James Bond. The thudding and banging of feet running very rapidly could be heard through the thin wooden walls separating them followed by a very flushed Milly running out of the door. As soon as Kate heard the bang of the car door close after Milly, she started the engine. The screech of the wheels ricocheted through the valleys, rebounding off anything in its way, as Kate attempted to live out a car chase scene from James Bond, but in this case chasing Amy, who for all they know could be in a life threatening situation and they weren’t there. The guilt of this was ripping at their guts as they sat in anticipation of what was to come next.

As they pulled into the hospital car park reaching speeds of about 50mph, dodging anything in their way and picking the closest parking space to them, they were greeted by a very run down figure that was surprisingly Nathan. He looked as though he hadn’t sleep for hours, like he had been dragged out of bed and had to throw on the clothes nearest to him. It was as if he had been there all night, how had they not known about it? Why weren’t they told about it earlier? They were her closest friends and they were not there when she was in need of attention.

He was ushering them over to him as he continued to pace up and down the busy pavement. Milly and Kate jumped out of the car and ran as fast as they could to the entrance. It was as if everything else in the world had disappeared and all that they cared about was getting to Amy’s bedside. They didn’t even notice the large crowd that had accommodated before them in order to watch upon the commotion that was taking place before their very eyes. Kate ran into Nathan’s arms, tears flooding from her eyes and the three of them entered the hospital and the unfortunate that was taking place within.

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