Part 26

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Amy’s mind was going mad, thoughts were shooting through it like wildfire, so it was just to get his own back on the world because of his troubled upbringing and he gained her trust out of spite. This made her furious. “But why me? What had I done to make him choose me?” The anger had grown so much now it was growing too powerful to contain in her weak and fragile body that she began to speak her mind. Everything she had just contemplated with no backing down. She was here to achieve one job and one job only and that was to get George locked up for good. She had been pulled from her improving and happy life with her best friend and boyfriend, Jay McGuiness and wanted to finally be in it full time with no going back and falling back into the unfortunate world she once was a part of. Then it was as if the anger had taken a hold of her body and before she knew it she was revealing the huge, deep, repairing scars that stretched across her back which had been placed there by belts and sharp implements. Jay quickly got to his feet and attempted to tame her of her rage. He placed his arms around her and pulled her in for a strong reassuring hug, shushing her in her ear. His smart new blazer was soaking up a waterfall of tears that poured from her eyes. Jay watched as George was glaring at this change of events and the embrace that he was currently in with Amy. Jealously dominating his facial expressions.

Eventually Amy composed herself, took hold of Jay’s hand, entwining her fingers in his and returned to the small wooden chair that had evidently been kicked numerous times before. Jay kissed her on the top of the head and trained his eyes to the Judge who was taking a while to digest all the information he had just been given.

Finally in what felt like hours to George the judge returned from his papers to looking toward the audience of eyes that were currently looking at him. He closed his eyes tightly as the judge picked up the small hammer trying to hope for the best knowing that his chancing of getting out of this not guilty were looking pretty slim for him but he didn’t realise the horror that awaited him. “George Black you are found guilty of the crimes you have committed and are sentenced to jail for life” The sound of the hammer as it hit the table shot through George like a bullet from a gun. All the hope he had of staying not guilty were whipped from his body in that one second. A set of strong arms encased him and he was dragged up the isle towards the wooden doors once again, this time with no hope at all. He wriggled and wrestled with the policemen in attempt to get free of their grasp with no luck. He decided to take a different approach. Suddenly he began to shout harsh words at the top of his voice, aimed at no face in particular but made it obvious who it was for, “Don’t you worry Amy! I am still watching your every move in your dreams. Don’t think lock and key can stop that. I am coming for you!” Then all that could be heard in the silent room was the echo as the doors were slammed shut.

Amy continued to stare into space, repeating his torturous words in her mind, as everyone began to file out of the room. Conversations about the scene they had just encountered began to arise and spread like wildfire. Overhearing the nearest conversation between two people in the jury Jay could see that this was just making Amy worst and therefore took her in his strong arms and began to guide her out of the courtroom and back to the comfort of her own home.

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