Part 27 - Will There Be A Happy Ending?

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It had been two days and Amy still hadn’t clicked back into reality. She had been deprived of sleep, food and drink and everyone in the small thatched cottage had concerned looks pinned to their faces constantly.

“I could kill that bastard after what he said to her!” Shouted Jay one afternoon as he continued to watch Amy’s lifeless body, the only movement the blinking of her eyes. 

“What was that?” Replied Max, the same look of concern plastered across his face. Jay looked up at Max not realising anyone was listening to him. He had been too distracted by Amy to realise what was happening around him. All he wanted to do was let off some steam with Amy still in his view in case of any change in her state but obviously this wasn’t the best place to do it. Now he had to explain, he had no choice.

“Something about always being in her dreams…” He was cut off has Amy finished the sentence.

“Don’t you think lock and key can stop that” She mumbled still evident she was living in another world, “I mean what does that mean?” She shouted placing her face in her hands.

Jay shot to her side, placing a reassuring hand on her lower back, rubbing it gently before replying in a comforting tone, “He’s just trying to reach into your mind because he knows he can’t physically reach you anymore. He is trying to gain satisfaction from the dreary, mundane life he is going to be living from now on. He thinks by making you think mentally that he is still haunting you, you will live a similar miserable life like his. But he doesn’t realise like I do that you are a strong minded and stronger physically and should realise that there is no way he can reach you any longer. Security is extremely high in a police station. Are you following?” Suddenly Amy snapped back into reality and looked straight into Jay’s eyes after taking in what he had just explained. He was speaking true words. George couldn’t reach her any longer. She shouldn’t be listening to him, but to Jay who clearly knew what he was talking about. George has gone. Removed from her life. She should be celebrating not worrying even more when there wasn’t any need to. The regular abuse she was used to getting every day has come to a permanent close and now she could commence with her happy life with Jay. No strings attached. A huge grin spread across her face.

“No strings attached” she murmured before leaning in and kissing Jay on the lips with more passion that ever. Her mind could finally just focus on Jay. The love of her life. George no longer had to linger in her mind. No worrying was necessary any longer. She was finally with someone who actually loved her, for her. Protected her. No matter what. She pulled away briefly to tell him the three words that had been floating around in her mind, “I love you!” A smile grew across Jay’s face as he took in these words before returning to the kiss even harder than before, sparks flying in all directions. Colour flooded into the dull living room, filling every crevice of colourlessness. Finally everyone in the small cosy thatched cottage in the middle of an emerald green field that was blooming with the middle of summer was content. Peace was captured once more.

Well that’s a happy ending if there ever is one!

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