Part 14

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It felt like the walls were closing in on her as she felt the final punch and whip of the belt. The pain that enveloped her felt like she was encased in flames and had no way of escape. She could feel the scars already forming, red, deep gashes that she had to endorse all the time. Inevitable. It felt as if she was being ripped apart, slowing and painfully and she couldn’t prevent it. She would be tortured and abused until George got his way. He would get his way, whether it meant life threatening consequences or not. He would delve into her mind by almost hypnotising her with words and using emotive situations that would cause her to crack under the pressure and open up her mind to him. He screamed harsh words at her that would weave into her dreams gradually leading into nightmares. Every morning she would wake up screaming for help, sweat pouring from her brow as she breathed a deep sigh of relief, convincing herself that it was just a dream. But then it would dawn upon her…no that is reality that is how her life would be for the duration of her life. Never ending. This dark reality she was living in couldn’t be stopped; she was stuck in a Groundhog Day. The same thing happened every day, it repeated over and over again. She could picture George’s hard and powerful fist come towards her in slow motion, she cringed and pressed up against the wall as much as she could in attempt to suffer less of the impact. But it didn’t help one bit! George’s fist came in thick and fast and the pain would shoot through her body. It was like a firework of pain progressing through her limbs at the speed of light. Once it had begun there was no going back like when you light a firework you cannot stop it from setting off. You experience all or nothing. Within seconds your body would be burning and there is no way of it ceasing, you had to suffer it all, keep your mouth closed and not mention a word, worrying that you would suffer more.

This same traumatising scene played through Amy’s memory before she abruptly awoke from her unconsciousness screaming. Within seconds of this emotional outbreak doctors had ran to her aid and attempted to drag her back into reality and calm her of her pain. The high-pitched shriek travelled down the corridor causing many patients to stare in the direction of creator. Amy was still fighting off the last signs of unconsciousness; the same scene slowly getting blurrier and blurrier as she was shook and rattled viciously by the concerned doctors to wake her up.

Finally all the horrors and the greyness that was haunting her merged into one bright light. She slowly began to make out the outline of the flustered doctors that frantically worked on her body, checking cables that attached her to the oxygen tank, needles that had been thrust into her body when she first arrived. However, suddenly all of the silhouettes that her vision provided her came to a halt before she heard a very familiar voice cry “She’s awake! Look! She’s awake!” It was Jay’s voice, no doubt about it. Amy wanted to reply but she couldn’t seem to force any words out, she felt vulnerable and helpless.

“Amy can you hear us?” clearly spoke a doctor who seem very close for her liking, she flinched. She felt very uncomfortable having someone that close, it brought back those horrific memories that had been haunting her continually minutes before. Human contact scared her and it was all George’s fault. She couldn’t seem to move away from him, she was stuck in position. The three other doctors who were assisting had anchored her to the bed to prevent her from any violent attack whilst suffering these flashbacks. Plus she couldn’t speak to warn the doctor that she could hear him or warn them about her terrible eye sight. What was she going to do?

Eureka! Nod. That’s it. Amy began to nod vigorously demonstrating to the doctors that she could hear. Desperation had now taken possession of her body. She wanted to run into the arms of someone she loved and who cared for her. She wanted to feel secure, something that was missing in her complicated relationship with George. But she couldn’t move, she felt claustrophobic and tied up. These were the feelings she wanted to forget whilst she wasn’t in George’s presence but this just caused them to come flooding back into the front of her mind. That’s when she lost it; she couldn’t take the restraints any longer…

“LET GO OF ME!” Screamed Amy forcing each word out as she spoke fighting against the vocal struggle she was experiencing. This took the doctors by surprise considering her silent approach at a response before. Their reflexes took ownership of their bodies as they automatically removed their hands from her body in defence. Amy shot to an upright sitting position and curled up into a tight ball right at the head of the hospital bed, pressing herself up against the wall as much as she could. She took no notice of anyone in the room and attempted to shut them out. What she would do right now for the world to just swallow her up and take her away from the harshness of reality.

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