Sam And Cat

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A normal day.

I heard Murf making normal goat noises. He must be hungry i thought to myself as i checked my phone to see what time it was. It was only 6am but i had to be up at 7am anyway. I dragged myself out of bed and put my pink fluffy slippers on. I could hear loud noises and at first, i was scared, but then i realised it was just Sam snoring. With a sigh of relief i headed to the kitchen.
I put some food down for Murf and happily he was wolfing the food down. wow he must have been hungry i thought to myself. I went back into mine and Sams shared bedroom and decided to check the to see if any of my friends were online.
Beck and Sinjin were online. Sinjin was weird so i popped up to Beck with a simple "hi"
"Hey Cat, why are you up so early?" he replied.
"Murf was hungry." I told him.
"Whos Murf?"
"Mine and Sams pet goat." I told him.
"Whos Sam, your boyfriend or something;)" He answered.
"Sams a roomate who i babysit with" I replied typing awkwardly. Good job Sam didnt see that, or Beck would get the butter sock, not fun. "oh sorry. Anyway i have to go get ready for school. See you there." And with that he went offline.
I heard movement from Sams side of the room.
"What time is it" she asked sleepily.
i looked at my phone. "6.30" i told her. She groaned.
"Wait why are you up so early? I thought you didnt head to school till 8?" she said confused.
"Murf was hungry. And he was making noies, so i got up to feed him" I said adding a giggle onto the end of my sentece.
She groaned again. "Might as well get up." She said. She didnt sound happy, but then again, Sam never sounded happy.


It was nearly 8am. Id been up since 6.30am and i was tired. And when i was tired i was unhappy, and when i was unhappy everyone else suffers.
I was lying on the sofa and cat skipped in from our bedroom, wearing one of her normal girly dresses. She suited it, but its not really something id wear. Me and Cat were complete opposites.
"im going to school!" Cat yelled finishing with one of her famous giggles.
"Dont care!" I yelled back.
"Byeeee!" She said happily, slamming the door behind her.
minutes after Cat left i heard the fimiliar 'ding dong' of the door. Ugh i thought to myself as i got up to answer it. When i opened the door there was a really hot guy, with long, black, thick, shiny hair.
"Hi, is Cat here?" he asked me. I didnt answer for a while, just stared at all his perfect features.
Snap out of it! I thought to myself. I have a boyfriend, Freddy.
"Hello?" he said
"Oh uhm, im sorry. No she left about 5 minutes ago." I told him.
"Oh okay thanks. You must be Sam, im Beck, nice to meet you" he said holding his hand out for me to shake.
I was confused, did Cat talk about me alot. Thats sweet.
"sorry im more of a hugger." I lied.
"Well then, bring in the hugs" He said opening his arms...his manly, muscular arms.
I wrapped my arms tighlty around him. It felt great.
"Wait, how do you know my name?" i asked him when we pulled away.
"I was talking to cat this morning, and she metioned you, and i two were dating..." He said awkwardly. "but then she told me...all about you." He finished.
If any other person said that thought i was a lesbian or dating Cat, id have butter socked them right where the sun dont shine...but Beck...there was something about him i liked.
"Wait Cats a.."
"Shes bi." He told me truthfully.
It never would have occurd to me for Cat to Id have to question her about this later.
"Oh...well any way nice to meet you, but i dont want to keep you from your education." I told him.
"Oh dont worry your not." he said smiling.
"Dude..its 8.20am, shouldnt you be at school" i said. his face was a picture.
"Oh yeah thats why i wanted to talk to Cat, my car broke down and i was wondering if she had a tool box that-"
"Do you want a lift?" i asked him.
"Sure thanks. What kind of car do you have?"
"I dont." i said throwing him a helmet.
"YOU DRIVE A MOTORBIKE?!" He said, really loudly.
"yep." I said pushing it out the back gate and starting it up in the front street.
"Now, hop on and hold on tight...but not my shoulders...unless you want to crash." I told him.

Having him wrap his arms around my waist felt good, but i knew i had a boyfriend, and besides, someone as hot as him...he was bound to have much hotter and prettier girls worshipping the ground he walks Cat...wait did i just think of Cat as hot and pretty?
"Hollywood Arts right over there." he said.
"Yeah, i guessed by the big sign and millions of Students." I told him pulling over.
It had only taken us about 10 minutes and lessons her didnt start till 8.45am so i saved him from being late for class.
"Thanks for the ride. Your bike is awesome, ill have to get myself one of these one day." he said winking at me and getting off the bike.
I laughed. I noticed Cat walking along the pathway with a brown haired Skinny girl. He cheekbones unreal and...why did she seem familiar?
"HI SAM!" I heard Cat shouting before noticing her running towards me and Beck dragging the familiar girl along with her.
"Tori this is-"
"Hey, dont i know you?" Tori said. The the memories came flooding back. It was the girl who was dating the same guy as Carly one time and they both owned him on a live webcast of ICarly because he was playing them both.
I caught up with Tori and before i left i said to Cat "Hey, Red head, we need to talk about something serious later."
Cat had a scared expression on her face as Beck quickly started walking away.
"Beck! You didnt did you?" Cat said chasing after him. "If Jade finds out shell-"
they were to far gone i couldnt hear anymore. "Anyway nice to catch up, but i have to go class is starting." Tori said waving a good bye before walking towards the entrance of hollywood arts high school.

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