Chapter 13

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Jade couldn't stop crying. Even though we hated eachother, I felt very sorry for her. I wish I could help her, and take away her pain, because nobody should have to go through what she goes through.
Jade fell asleep on Tori's red couch, with tear stains all down her red raw face. She looked like she was still even crying out in her sleep, letting out a whimper now and again. We put a blanket over her and slipped a pillow under her head, to make sure she was comfy.
I had to tell Cat.
"I'll text Cat now and tell her what happened" I told Tori taking out my phone.
"No, Sam don't." Tori told me, placing her hand over mine to stop me from typing anything on my pear phone.
"What? Why? She needs to know. Besides, she's angry that Jade broke up with her, because she didn't know that it wasn't Jades fault. If I tell her, she'll forgive Jade." I explained.
"But I thought you wanted Cat." Tori said confused.
"I do...but everything Jades going through, she needs her more than I do. Besides, Cat loves Jade." I explained.
"You mean, you'd throw away your only chance at the one you love, to help Jade?" She questioned, more than stated.
"Look I know, me and Jade have never gotten along...and I know I can be selfish, but Jade needs help. And I feel extremely sorry for her. No one should have to endure the pain she's in right now, and if Cat is one of the only people who can help her, then I'm willing to throw away my own chances. And it's not like Cat would ever fall for me anyways...she's too kind, adorable and friendly. I'm the complete opposite; selfish, rude and unsociable." I explained to her.
She looked at me before sighing and sitting down. "You're not selfish Sam. I don't know anyone who would be willing to give up everything they want, just to help someone they don't get along with. You're far from selfish." She told me smiling.
I sat down beside Tori.
"You're so lucky. I'd never admit it to anyone, but I always thought she seemed so cool. When I first met her I was nice to her, and as soon as she replied so coldly I knew she hated me. You're friends with her, and I always thought she was just a bitch. But she had a reason and I feel bad for judging her, when she's been going through all of this all along, if not worse. I hope she never sees her dad again. Life's been shit to her, she deserves nothing but good things from now on." I told tori, putting my arm around her shoulders, bringing her into a hug. Tori returned the gesture before smiling.
"I never knew that THE Sam puckell-"
"It's Pucket." I interrupted her.
"But Cat always told me it was Puckell..." She said obviously confused.
"Cat always tells me it's Puckell too." I laughed.
"Anyways, I never knew THE Sam Pucket could be so caring, and so gentle, and just so warm hearted overall." She said winking. "You always came across as careless, tough and dominant to me." She said laughing.
"Well sometimes I like a good change." I said winking back. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Don't tell Cat anything, unless Jade wants you too. We'll ask her in the morning. Are you staying here tonight or going home?" She asked me.
I checked the time on my pear phone.
"It's only 5pm." I told her.
Wow, time had flown today.
"Yeah I know, but it's been a long stressful day, and I was up all night last night worrying about Jade, and I'm really tired." She explained to me.
She was right it had been a long, tiring day, and if I'm honest, I felt like I could just collapse and fall asleep right here, right now. I yawned giving away my act.
"Guessing you're tired yourself?" Tori asked smirking. "It's not my fault, Cat decided to crush me on the sofa last night to the point where she looked too adorable to disturb. So just like you, I had a pretty sleepless night. Speaking of, my back is still killing, so I really don't think I can spend another night on the sofa." I told her truthfully.
"Hey I have a king size bed with a cush-cloud mattress if you wanna crash with me." She offered.
"A cush-cloud? As in the softest, yet most expensive mattress ever made?" I asked, almost drooling over the though of how comfy that sounded.
"Yep. $465 for a mattress but believe me it's worth it! You just sink into it and, honestly, its the most comfortable thing you could ever think of. It's not fun having to leave it on a morning though." She said laughing.
"Oh my god, Tori I am sleeping with you tonight!" I yelled excitedly, until I realised how bad that sounded.
Tori was standing there awkwardly laughing.
"I'm sorry that was not meant to sound like that..." I said really awkwardly.
"It's fine, I know what you meant. Now come on I'm so tired, I think I'm going to faint. You can borrow some sweats and a t shirt off me to sleep in. I have school in the morning though, so if you're still sleeping I'll just leave you, but you'll have to stay here until I get back in." She explained.
"Sounds good to me." I said happily, rushing upstairs to Tori's bedroom.

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