Chapter 7

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So what's all this about?" I asked as Tori sat down beside me.
"And where's Cat?" I asked before she even nearly finished her sentence.
"She's upstairs with Jade now-"
"Well how come Jade gets to talk to her-"
"Will you just listen instead of interrupting me every time?!" Tori yelled, obviously getting frustrated with my bad manners of interrupting her every sentence.
"I'm talking to you because Jade doesn't like me." She explained.
"Big surprise....that bitch doesn't seem to like anyone." I said sarcastically.
"Except Cat and Beck. Which is why Cat is talking to Jade." She explained to me.
"But why-?"
"Will you just shut up and listen for crying out loud?!" She yelled louder than I ever thought someone as small as herself could.
"Woah...calm it." I said quietly.
"Look...I just want to know why you and Jade don't like eachother. What made you both hate each other so much?" She asked, now wanting a serious answer.
'Because I'm jealous. She has what I want and there's nothing I can do about it' I thought to myself.
Then I remembered mine and Jades plan.
"Can't YOU see she hates us enough right now? I hate you okay? You hate me? But that doesn't mean we can't get along for her. Tomorrow we come back here tell her we sorted it out apologised and we are friends now. That'll make her happy."
-end of flashback-
"Sam?" Tori said, snapping me back into reality.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"Why do you an Jade hate each other so much?" She asked again.
"I...uh...well actually...we don't." I lied, hoping Jade remembered the plan, because Cat and Tori had obviously planned this and Cat was obviously asking Jade the same question.
"What? How? When?" She asked obviously confused. I'd have been confused too if I asked someone why they hated the person they got into a fight with and spilled blood with and then they told me they didn't hate them.
"We uh...we apologised...last night. We realised it wasn't fair on we agreed to get along. And we're not exactly besties but" I lied.
"JADE! CAT!" Tori yelled obviously not believing me.


"Come on Jade...I love you but please tell me why you hate each other so much."
Jade didn't answer but instead went dead she was deep in thought about something important.
"Jade? Please?" I asked, hoping for the truth.
"We don't...I mean not anymore." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked. I know I get easily confused, but this was more than normal.
"Me and Sam. I mean were not exactly like 'oh my gosh hey best friend' when we see each other but we can have a conversation with out insults, shouting and violence. That's good enough for now, right?" She asked me looking hopeful.
"Yeah that's great! But since when?" I asked her.
"Last night. We realised how childish we had been and how it was obviously upsetting you. So we apologised and agreed to get along." She explained.
"Oh my gosh Jade that's great." I said leaping over and hugging her. She kissed me on the cheek and i laughed and kissed her back.
"JADE! CAT!" We heard Tori yell from downstairs.
"Come on!" I said happily grabbing Jades hand and running downstairs.
Jade looked at Tori, well more like death glared her.
"Any need to shout so loud Vega?" She said angrily.
"Yes! Sam said you're friends now?" She asked confused.
"Woah. I never said friends, I just said...not enemy's." Sam explained.
"Well yeah, I mean a mate is better than hate am I right?" Jade said trying to smile without being mean and rude.
There was a really long awkward silence. I had to break it.
"So um...Sam?" I asked awkwardly.
"Yeah, Cat?" She said with a smile.
"Um...where's Freddy?" I asked confused. Sams face turned really serious. "Shit! I uh-I have to go." She said grabbing her stuff and rushing out the door. Well that was weird.


"Um...where's Freddy?" Cat asked shyly.
I looked around me. My face dropped. Where was Freddy? The last time I remember talking to him was at Tori's house when we chased Cat here. I can't even remember him coming back with Jade and me. I can't remember seeing him this morning. Shit, shit, shit.
"Shit! I uh-I have to go!" I said quickly grabbing my things. I couldn't tell them I forgot about Freddy.
I rushed out the door before anybody could say anything.

I ran through mine and Cats front door and to my surprise Freddy was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
He looked up at me when he heard me enter. "Oh nice to actually see you. Do you even remember me?" He asked sarcastically. I could tell he was pissed.
But I don't blame him, I would be too if it was the other way round.
"Freddy I'm so so soooooo sorry!" I said quickly, sitting down beside him.
"Look Sam, I'm not angry." He said surprisingly. "Really? Oh my gosh thank god." I said hugging him. "...but." He carried on.
"And here it comes." I said knowing there was going to be some catch.
"We do really need to talk." He said looking down.
"Talk? About what?" I said confused.
"Look you called me and told me you missed me. So I came to see you. But...remember when I had that major crush on Carly?" He asked.
Carly? What did she have to do with any of this?
"Yeah...but what does-"
"Just hear me out okay? When I had a crush in Carly I was...following her around, making sure she was okay, tried not to hurt her, if I did hurt her I'd make it up to her, I got jealous whenever she talked to another guy, if she ever started dating anyone I'd automatically hate that guy without reason. Sam, I may be Freddy Benson the nerd, but I'm not stupid. I know your in love with Cat." He said looking down. I laughed. "Don't be silly, you cant be serious can you?" I said lauging, even though I knew inside, he was right.
"Sam don't try and make me look stupid because I'm not. Your not exactly making it difficult to figure out. I know you more than any of them, and you're lucky they don't know the real you, because the real you would never care about another girls feelings, you would never chase her and try to make her feel better if you'd hurt her, the only person you'd ever make sure was okay was Carly. Sam, please don't lie to me." He said putting his head in his hands. It was silent for a minute.
"I...I don't know why. Freddy I'm so sorry, I really thought I was having those feelings for her because I missed you. And I did miss you...but as a friend. I don't know why I like her so much, iv always been straighter than a ruler! I just...I just don't get it. And I'm trying to push the feelings away to forget about them but I can't and it's confusing the hell out of me!" I explained. He looked up and I thought he was going to scream at me, be angry with me. Instead he put his arm around me. "You could have just told me. Sam, I'm always going to be your best friend. I'm not going to be angry over something you can't controll. Don't get me wrong I'm upset it can't work between us as more than friends, because you're an amazing person." He told me kissing my fore head. That's why I loved Freddy. Obviously not in a couple way anymore, but he was so understanding so...loyal. Everything I wasn't. I always thought if we broke up it would be because he found another girl. But it was because I found a girl...a girl that I don't stand a chance with.
We heard a car beeping from outside, as Freddy stood up.
"Hey, since were still friends, fancy helping me bring my suitcases to the Taxi." He asked smiling.
"Sure" I said laughing and picking one of his 2 bags off the floor.
"You know you really need to learn to drive." I joked.
"Don't be so big headed." He said smiling.
I waved good bye as the Taxi drove off into the distance. Freddy and I had just broke up. But it felt good. And I knew he felt the same. I'm just happy we were still friends.

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