Chapter 9

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Cats POV

I was sitting on a sun bed in the middle of Tori an Jade. Beck, Andre and Robbie were all having a water fight.
"Hey Cat, what's wrong?" Tori asked me unexpectedly.
"What? Nothing's wrong." I said as I attempted a smile.
She scowled at me.
"I'm not stupid Cat, usually you're talking, laughing, having fun, you love the beach! But today you're just...different." She explained. I looked over to my girlfriend, who was completely unaware of the conversation around her, while she had her headphones on, and eyes closed, letting the sun soak into her beautiful skin. I turned to Tori who was still staring at me, waiting for an answer.
"It's just...I wish Sam would've came with us. I know, she acts like she doesn't care and everything but trust me, she does. And iv never seen her make any friends around here, there's only ever really me, Dice and Goomer.
I think she'd fit perfectly into our little friendship group." I told Tori truthfully.
"Cat I know you want her here, but we all tried our best to persuade her, so please try to forget about it and have fun." She told me with a sweet smile.
I sighed loudly. "Fine." I said bluntly.
"Ask Jade if she wants to come in the sea for a bit?" She asked me.
"Why?" I asked confused.
"So we can all go swimming, it's not a proper beach trip unless you go in the sea!" She said excitedly. I shook Jades arm. She opened her eyes an looked at me, probably making sure it wasn't Tori disturbing her.
"Oh hey Cat, what's up?" She asked nicely taking her head phones off.
It was so cute how she was only ever nice to me. And Beck.
"Come in the sea with me and Tori?" I asked smiling, hoping she'd say yes.
"I don't know...why do you want to go in the sea?" She asked confused.
" swim and have a bit of fun." I said like it was obvious.
"Swim? I don't think so." She said coldly.
"Why not?!" I yelled loudly causing her to jump. "Cat! Don't yell so loudly!" She shouted at me.
"I'm sorry but...please?!" I begged her. I didn't want to go without her.
"Vega? Did you put this idea into her head?" Jade asked, giving Tori the usual death glare. "Jade come on, it'll be fun." Tori replied.
"So that's a yes?" Jade asked annoyed.
"Well...I just suggested it. It'll be fun." She repeated.
"Shut up Vega, Cat, please can I talk to you a second?" Jade said standing up.
She said please which meant it was something personal.
"Sure." I said standing up.
"Back in a minute Tori." I said as we walked away, so Tori was no longer in ear shot.
"What's wrong?" I asked her confused.
"It's just...I..." She was getting stressed and I could tell. "Come on, I love you, you can tell me anything." I persuaded her. "I can't swim." She said embarrassed. "Jade, that's nothing to embarrassed by. We'll not go deep, and I'll hold your hand!" I said smiling, trying to make her feel better. She looked down again. "Well can we stop before the water reaches arm length?" She asked. She looked like she was going to cry.
"Why?" I asked confused at this.
"It's cat scratched me. And it might hurt more than what it already does." She said.
"Oh okay! Now come on don't be scared. We won't tell anyone you can't swim!" I said giving her a hug. She hugged me back and it felt great having her arms wrapped around me.
"I love you." I told her.
"I love you more." She said and I knew she was smirking.

We got back to Tori who was now standing talking to Andre.
"Hey Little Red, hey Jade." He smiled.
"Hi!" I said happily.
"What happened to your water fight?" Jade asked looking around for Beck and Robbie.
"They decided to take it one further. They've gone to the beach shops and they've decided to fill the water guns up with ketchup! Count me out!" He said with a disgusted look on his face. I laughed at the thought of Beck and Robbie covered in Ketchup. "So are we going in the sea or not?" Tori asked impatiently.
"Yeah...but not too far in." Cat told her.
"Um...okay?" Tori said confused, but luckily, let it slip.
Andre joined us to go for a swim, and just like I promised Jade, we stopped before the water touched our arms.
I bet Jade was really mad with her cat, she was mad if anything, or anyone even just knocked her over by accident.
We were all splashing around and having fun. Even Jade was laughing.
When she was trying to splash Tori back I took a glance to see how badly her cat had scratched her. They were quite big marks, and there was a lot of them. Quite deep too. Her cat must have been angry. It then slowly occurred to me...Jade didn't have a cat.
Jade never let any of us see the inside of her arm. She always either wore long sleeve shirts or when we were at the beach she either kept her arms crossed her kept her arm to her side.
She couldn't
Tori brought me out if my thoughts.
"Cat? What's wrong?" She asked as they all stopped to look at me.
"Uh nothing...I was just watching Beck and Robbie over there fight with Ketchup. They look funny." I lied.
"Okay...well me and Andre are going further in so we can swim properly. You two can join us if you want." She said smiling.
"No thanks." I said smiling back, taking hold of Jades hand under the water.
Tori and Andre headed a lot further into the sea.
"What's wrong Jade?" I asked.
"Oh nothing it's just cat scratches and salt water don't really mix well." She said as she stared into my eyes.
I decided not to mention it here, where there was a chance someone could over hear. I'd question her when there was just me and her. I kissed her and she started kissing back really passionately.
"Come on let's get out. I don't want you to be in pain." I told her.
"Okay." She said with a smile as she kissed my cheek.

About an hour later everyone was ready to go home.
Beck and Robbie were covered in Ketchup an attempted to get as much off of themselves as they could.
Tori and Andre were talking a lot...I bet they were flirting.
We all used the changing rooms to change out of our wet clothing and headed back to Beck's RV.
It was very quiet in the RV, probably because Trina decided not to come with us.
There was small conversations going around.
"Hey Jade?" I asked.
"What's up?" She smiled.
"Do you want to stay over mine tonight?" I asked. She thought about it for a moment.
"Okay." She smiled, and put her headphones on.
I checked my phone to see I had one new text.
-Hey it's Sam. Won't be home tonight, staying out:)
Where could Sam be staying? I'd ask her later. But since there would just be me and Jade tonight, that would be a perfect opportunity to ask her about scratches.

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