Chapter 14

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I greeted Jade and Tori as Cat and Jade looked at each other awkwardly. Jade hadn't mentioned anything to Cat, so I'm guessing she didn't want her to know what had happened.
"Well...I uh got the lend of my dad's car, so is everyone ready?" Tori asked grabbing some keys off the counter.
Everybody nodded in agreement as we headed outside, Tori locking the door behind her.
"So...Sam do you want to sit in the front next to your girlfriend...or-" Jade started.
"My what?" I asked confused.
"Tori, you know, your girlfriend?" She said smirking.
"She's not...were just friends!" I defended myself. I looked over at Cat and she looked really...annoyed? Upset?
"I'm sitting next to Tori, so shut up, and sit in the back!" She said angrily, hopping into the passenger seat before anyone could object. Iv never heard Cat speak so rudely, and I don't think iv ever seen her look so annoyed.
The car ride to the beach was about 40 minutes long. Tori and Jade were laughing and having conversations, and I was occasionally joining in.
Cat was sitting with her headphones on, music obviously blasting through them, scrolling through things on her phone.
She never once joined in with any conversation, and instead, acted like nobody existed.

The beach was pretty much empty since everyone else was at school. There was a few elderly couples, and a few dog walkers but that was about it.
We were all lying on towels on the sand, letting the sun soak into our skin. Tori had her sun glasses on and ear phones in, Jade had her eyes closed and of course Cat still had her head phones on.
I looked through my bag taking my book out. Yes. A book. Everybody got the impression I hated reading, but really I loved it. I wouldn't tell anyone this of course. But I was currently reading The Fault in Our Stars. It was really emotional, and I was quite near the end. The film looked really good.
It was so relaxing, sitting on the sand in the sun, listening to the waves and birds around us.
"Sam, me and Tori are going for a swim, you coming?" Jade asked as her and Tori both stood up. I shook my head, not taking my eyes off the book.
"I never thought I'd see you reading." Tori laughed.
I smiled at her. "Mind if I borrow your ear phones?" I asked. She handed me them, I thanked her, and her and Jade ran to the water.

I looked over to Cat and noticed a tear rolling down her cheek.
This worried me, I didn't know why she was upset, and I had to find out. I called her name a couple of times and when there was still no answer, and she was crying a lot more, I tugged one of her ear phones out.
"No, don't." She yelled, looking away from me.
"Cat what's wrong?" I asked desperately. She shook her head, trying her best to wipe the tears away. "I just-nothing I'm fine." She said. I moved myself so I was closer to her. I wiped away her tears gently with my thumb.
"Please Cat? You can tell me." I told her truthfully. "I can''ll hate me and think of me differently and everything will be awkward." She told me frustratedly. "Cat, I love you, I'm not going to fall out with you...I'll help you." I told her. "Please Cat, just tell me what's wrong, and if I think of you differently or anything like that...I'll buy you a puppy." I told her, desperate to find out what was going on.
"Okay...I'll tell you...but this could ruin just be patient...please?" She said, crying more. I wiped away her tears again. "I promise." I told her.


Ever since Jade was talking about Sam and Tori dating, I was jealous. Sam said they weren't dating, but I should have known...the way they'd been acting together, all the time Sam spent there. I thought she was avoiding me, when she was probably just spending time with her girlfriend. I didn't want to talk to Tori or Sam, I was jelous. I couldn't talk to Jade, that would be awkward. So I ignored them all.
That was until Sam started being all caring, wiping away my tears, sending shivers down my spine.
Her touch was so gentle. And now I was about to confess my feelings to her. This wasn't going to end well, but at least I'd have a puppy.

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