Chapter 8

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Me, Tori and Jade were all sitting on the comfy red couches in Tori's living room.
There was a knock at the door and I jumped up to answer it.
I opened the door and Sam was standing there.
"Oh my god, Sam. Did you find Freddy?" I asked as I shut the door behind her and went back to my seat beside Jade.
"Um yeah, actually, I did." She said smiling a she sat down beside Tori.
"Then where...-?"
"He's went home. He went home single and I came back here single." She answered before I finished my question.
"Wait you guys broke up?" Tori asked.
"Yup." Sam told her.
" don't look very upset about it." Jade said, with almost no emotion what so ever.
"Well why don't you mind your own buisness." Sam said bluntly.
"Woah, I thought you were both friends..." I said dissopointedly.
"We are...well...were getting along...or trying. I'm sorry Jade." Sam said. I could tell she was forcing that out.
"It's okay Sam." Jade said, also forcing it out.
But in Jades defence, she was right. Sam didn't look at all upset by her and Freddy's break up.
I'd ask her about it later, when no body was around.
"Any way...were all going to the beach in about an hour, if you three wanna come?" Tori asked me, Sam and Jade.
"And who do you mean by 'were all' Vega?" Jade asked rather rudely. Then again she was always rude to Tori.
"Um...Me, Andre, Beck, Robbie, Trina and you guys. Please? I don't want to be stuck with Trina." Tori was more or less begging us to go with her.
"I'll go! I love the beach!" I said happily, with a laugh.
"Well...I don't want to but I will." Jade said. We all looked at Sam waiting or her agreement to come.
"I don't like the beach." Sam said looking down awkwardly.
"I don't like anything. Except Cat. But I'm still going." Jade said sarcastically.
"Yeah well...I don't want to go." Sam said not making eye contact with any of us, even though we were all looking at her. "Look...I don't know any of your friends, and besides, I don't want to go." Sam said, she sounded like she was getting angry. But why didn't she want to come?
"Well know me, you know Cat, you know Jade, you know Beck. Nobody likes Trina anyway. And Robbie doesn't care if you know him or not, he'll be nice to anyone. And Andre is the nicest person Iv ever met in my life." Tori said still trying to persuade her. Sam ignored her and just put her hand through her hair.
"Sam are you okay?" I asked. I could tell something was wrong.
"Look. I don't want to come, and nobody can change my mind." She was yelling now as she stood up.
"And the next person that even tries to make me change my mind, I will smash your face so hard off the floor it'll cause the biggest earthquake LA has ever expirenced." She shouted. She was angry. But she looked like she was about to cry. Before anyone could say anything she ran out the door slamming it so loudly behind her, it caused all of us, even Jade to jump.
"Drama queen much." Tori said shocked.
"No she's not." I defended Sam.
"Cat, she just went all psycho because we tried to invite her to the beach." Jade said with a confused face.
"Yeah well...she said no and we pushed her." I said again, trying to defend Sam.
"Cat...I know she's your friend but that...that was an over reaction." Jade told me.
"Maybe it was but I'm going to go home to see if she's okay. Something obviously is bothering her, and as much as she doesn't care about other people, I'm not like that. I do care and she's my friend." I finished my little speech which I was actually quite proud of and then I walked out the door dramatically to go find Sam, hoping she went home.


I couldn't go to the beach with Cat. It was hard enough to be in the same room as her, never mind going to the beach. They all kept trying to persuade me, and I did not want to cry in front of them. I'm Sam Pucket for crying out loud I don't cry over anyone especially not a girl. But if I left before they seen, nobody would know.
I ran out the door after threatening to smash all their faces off the floor, and got out just in time as I started crying uncontrollably. I ran home, usually it would take about 15 minutes, but I was running so it only took me about 7 minutes.
I ran into mine and Cats shared room an jumped onto my bed.
I was crying into my pillow for about 20 minutes when I heard the door open and then close again.
"Oh no." I whispered jumping up, wiping my eyes as much as I could.
"Sam?!" I heard Cat yell.
"Oh god, even worse. Why couldn't it be Tori or even Jade." I whispered to myself. Sam came running into the bedroom. "Oh thank god you're here." Cat said relieved when she saw me.
I turned around refusing to look at her. I knew it was blatantly obvious I'd been crying.
"Yeah, here I am. So you've came to get your stuff for the beach right?" I asked hoping she'd leave soon.
" I came to see if you were okay...and-"
"Cat I'm fine." I cut her of before she could say anything else.
It was silent for a minute.
"Sam?" She asked timidly.
"What, Cat?" I asked trying to sound as normal as I could. I felt like I was going to cry again any minute and it could already hear my voice slowly breaking.
"If you're fine...then why are you facing the wall...and why is there tear stains on your pillow?" She asked quietly.
"Cat...I'm facing the wall's interesting. And their not tear stains...I just spilled my bottle of water...most of it's dried up now." I explained, hoping shed believe my pathetic lie.
"Sam...please don't lie to me." She begged. I hated it when she was being all cute.
"My god what's making me think that?!" I yelled out loud, punching the wall in anger. I was so angry with my self.
"Sam! Stop it!" Cat yelled.
I heard her foot steps moving closer to me. "Cat...shouldn't you be heading to the beach soon?" I asked her.
"Well yeah...but not if your not okay." She said. How could she be so caring about me, when all I ever did...well not always but most of the time...was insult her, confuse her, and mess around with her. Every time she had a problem, I ignored her. Yet, she knew there was something wrong with me, and she was doing her best to make me feel good. Maybe it was her kind personality why I was falling for her.
"Cat...I'm fine okay? Now shouldn't you be heading to Tori's?" I asked hoping she'd just leave.
"Oh...okay." She said...she sounded almost sad...she wasn't smart enough to know I was lying...was she?


She wasn't going to tell me what was wrong, and I knew it.
Right now she was being stubborn and she's already punched the wall...I didn't want to be her next punching bag...
"Cat...I'm fine okay? Now shouldn't you be heading to Tori's?" She said, taking deep breaths. I knew something was bothering her. But I also knew she wouldn't tell me...yet. I would get it out of her later...when she's calmed down abit.
"Oh...okay." I said disappointed she didn't want to tell me.
I grabbed my shoulder bag and changed into a bikini putting my denim shorts and baggy T-shirt on top. I quickly grabbed a towel from the bathroom and a few bottles of water and shoved them in my bag. This beach trip was going to be fun...but I wished Sam would have came too.

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