Chapter 17

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Carly and I had been looking for Cat for over an hour now. What was she thinking? She doesn't know her way around here! What was I thinking? Why did I have to be so stubborn and hide my feelings for her in front of Carly? I'm such an idiot.
What if she'd made her way back to L.A.? All these thought were running through my mind, before Carly interrupted me. "Is that her?" Carly asked quickly, pointing towards a red head, sitting with her knees pulled up close to her chest, obviously crying.
"Yes! Cat!" I yelled, causing her to look at us. I felt awful, her eyes were all puffy and red, and she looked so...broken. And it was my fault.
She stood up quickly, and I knew she was going to run. "Cat! Don't run!" I said, quickly making my legs go faster, catching up to her. I grabbed her wrist, not wanting her to get away from me again. "Please don't run?" I practically begged. "And why shouldn't I?" She asked, shaking her head at me. I deserved this bitchyness, I completely screwed up. "Cat, please? We can talk about this somewhere...somewhere more private." I said, still gripping on to her wrist. "I'm going back to my apartment so you two can sort whatever it is out, you're both welcome to stay there if you want. My brother will be happy to see you again Sam." Carly said turning around. "Okay, catch you later Carls." I shouted back, as I turned to face Cat once again. "Please forgive me?" I asked, as Cat just shook her head. "You always do this. You always fuck up and then expect me to forgive you!" She yelled, causing me to step back shocked. "And do you know why I always forgive you?" She continued when I didn't say anything. "Because I fucking love you Sam! And it's annoying because I feel like you don't love me." She said, her voice going soft. "That's ridiculous! Of course I love you." I said quickly, stepping closer to her once again. "Is it ridiculous, is it really? Because it seems to me that you're embarrassed to be with me. Like I'm not your girlfriend at all, just your latest experiment." Cat said, refusing to look at me. "What's it going to take for me to prove that I love you?" I asked, my voice hitching in the back of my throate. "Tell people." She said almost instantly. "Tell people what?" I asked obliviously. "When people I don't know say 'hey Sam, who's this?' Tell them I'm your girlfriend. Because if you keep saying I'm your friend then that's what I'll make you! My friend." She said stubbornly. She was right. I was being so inconsiderate to her feelings. "Okay, okay. I will Cat, I promise I will. Please, just give me another chance? Please. I don't want to loose you, I've only just got you." I said, a tear rolling down my face, as I quickly wiped it away. "Sam, don't cry, I'm sorry." Cat said, pulling me into her embrace. This girl was so forgiving, someone could attempt to murder her and she'd forgive them. "Don't appologise, you have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one that fucked up." I said hugging her back. "You're right, I need to stop hiding you as my girlfriend. I'm not embarrassed, I promise I'm not. I've just...I've never done this before. You're the first girl I've ever...fallen for. And damn, did I fall hard for you." I told her truthfully.
"Sam...?" Cat asked, as I lifted my head to look at her. "Yeah?" I replied.
"Do you think maybe we could go somewhere? I'm freezing." Cat said, chuckling lightly. "Yeah sure." I said smiling, quickly taking my jacket off and placing it around her shoulders. "Thanks Sam. Are you sure you're not going to be cold now?" She asked, worried. She was always putting other people before even starting to worry about herself. "No, I'm good." I said, leaning forward, hoping she wouldn't reject me. The feeling of our lips pressed together proved she didn't reject me, and this time she kissed back happily, until we were both out of breath. "I love you okay? And I'll tell the whole world if I have to." I explained, taking hold of her hand as we started walking. "How would you tell the whole world, there's like, a trillion people in the entire world!" Cat said laughing. "There's 7 billion people in the world, and I was lucky enough to find you." I said smoothly. "And maybe the whole world won't hear, but I'll shout it as loud as I can." I stated, as she looked at me smiling. "Really, you would shout that you love me?" Cat asked, her eyebrows raised. God, she looked adorable. "If I could, I'd get into a plane and make one of them messages in the sky. But that's really expensive, so one day, when I have enough money, I'll do that. I'll write 'I Love Cat Valentine.' In the sky with a little heart at the end, but until then, I'll shout it as loud as I can." I said proudly. "I'll be waiting for that day." Cat said laughing, and I swear, I could listen to her cute little laugh all day.
We were almost back to Carly's apartment and so far, every time we'd seen a crowd of people, I'd shouted "I LOVE CAT VALENTINE." At the top of my voice, making everyone stare at us, before kissing my girlfriend on the lips. It made Cat laugh every time and like I told her, I wasn't ashamed.
We'd been through a lot of hardships these past few months, and there would probably be a lot more to come. But right now, I was happy, Cat was happy and that's all I asked for. We'd proven we can talk, and get through anything blocking our pathway to happiness. And I was happy to have the girl I loved beside me the whole way.
An: I haven't updated this in months, honestly, it was getting no votes or reads and I think it's because Sam and Cat ended and nobody was interested anymore. But I had a lot of motivational comments and inboxes telling me to keep going, so thanks for that and this chapter is for everyone that still reads this and votes for this and motivates me❤️

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