Chapter 10

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I knocked on Tori's door hoping she wouldn't mind the intrusion.
I didn't want to come to Tori's house begging for help, I barely knew the girl, but truth was...I had no friends here in LA. I'd always just spent time with Cat. I always thought she would be the only friend I needed, I never in million years expected to develop feelings for Cat Valentine.
The door opened and a girl who I'd never seen before was standing there. She looked like a year or 2 older than Tori...too young to be her mom...this must be Trina.
" Tori here...please?" I asked.
"You don't look like anyone she usually hangs out with. She only usually hangs out with Jade, Cat and the guys." She said looking confused.
I was loosing patience. "Look, I need to talk to she here or not?" I demanded rather harshly.
She turned around leaving the door open.
"She's in the shower she'll be down in a minute, just sit and wait or whatever." She said turning around and running upstairs. Well that was rude, I thought to myself as I closed the Vegas door and made my way over to the red sofa, in front of the currently turned off TV.

I must have been waiting awkwardly, playing games on my phone for about 10 minutes when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I heard Tori singing, and I'm not going to lie, she was a great singer.
She had her hair wrapped up in a towel and a towel wrapped around her body.
She looked over to me and let out a scream when she saw me.
"Jesus, Sam, what are you doing here?" She asked putting her hand on her chest. It was even more awkward now, I'd assumed Trina had told her sister I was here. Tori's towel ended half way above her knees an there was a massive silence in the room.
"Trina let me in about 15 minutes ago...didn't she tell you?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
"No...she never tells me anything." She said with a laugh sitting down beside me. "So what's up?" She asked.
"What do you mean? How do you know I didn't just fancy a chat?" I asked her.
"At half 7 at night? With me? When you barely know me? Looking like your about to cry?" She asked, raising an eye brow. "Hey I don't cry!" I told her sternly, even though she was right, I felt like bursting in to tears.
"Okay then...what do you want to just chat about." She said giving a friendly smile. I couldn't help it...I cried and told her everything.


I was cuddled into Jade on the sofa, feeling comfortable with Jades arm wrapped around my waist, my head resting in the crook of her kneck. Don't get me wrong, I was worried about Sam. I didn't know where she was, what she was doing, who she was with or anything. She's been acting really weird the last few days, but she was a lot stronger than most people. She could look after herself, besides, I didn't want to ruin mine and Jades night.
When our film finished...even though none of us were really concentrating on the film, but concentrating on each other instead, Jade got up and turned the Tv off. "I'm getting kinda bored of TV now" she said sitting back down beside me, taking my hand in hers.
"Me too. It's not really very interesting..." I agreed with her while playing with the rings on Jades fingers.
"Hey Jade?" I asked timidly. She looked at me smiling.
"Yeah?" She replied, kissing my cheek, causing me to smile even more.
"When did you get a cat?" I asked, hoping to get answers.
"What cat...?" She asked obviously forgetting our conversation at the beach. "You're my only Cat." She said smiling, kissing me again.
I kissed back eagerly before continuing.
"But i don't scratch your arm..." I said slightly confused. Jade stopped, she looked almost scared.
"Oh uh...that cat...yeah that cat that I got...for brother." She said.
"How come iv never seen a cat at your house before?" I asked.
"You've never been over my waited outside a few times but that's it." She told me. She was right, but I still wasn't buying it.
"Please Jade, tell me the truth? I know you don't have a cat, I remember you telling me about 2 years ago that you were allergic to cat fur." I told her.
"You remember small details like that?" She asked smiling.
"Of course I do Jade! Please just tell me what's going on, you can tell me and it'll just be between us." I begged her.
She put her head in her hands and refused to look at me, and at first I thought she was just stressed...but then I heard sobs...loud uncontrollable sobs from Jade West. I didn't know what to do, I felt so bad. I crawled even closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, as she buried her head into my shoulder crying more and more. I hugged her tightly letting her cry on me, and we must have been like that for about half an hour before she finally felt like she was able to talk.
"Cat...I'm...I'm so sorry. I just I don't want to...I don't like hurting myself...I just...I can't stop." She explained between sobs, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Jade it's okay." I told her, moving my hand in slow circles on her back.
Se explained to me that it all started when her mom left. When her mom left and wanted nothing more to do with her or her younger brother, her dad started drinking. A lot. He'd yell at Jade and occasionally hit her. That's when she started cutting herself. Then it got worse when her dad got engaged to another woman who wasn't even much older than Jade. She was 25 and her dad was 36. She was there for her dad's money, but she was more abusive to Jade than her dad was. Her brother started playing up a lot getting into a lot if trouble, and nobody cared about Jade, she was just their, forgotten about.
I was in tears once Jade finished telling me about her life at home. On the outside she looked so strong, so careless, when in reality she was completely broken.
"Cat...I'm sorry, you should never have found out...I just..." I cut her off before she could finish. "No Jade. I love you, I'm going to be here for you, I'm not going anywhere, and nobody will know about this okay, I mean I know I'm not the smartest person, but I'll be here to help you as much as I can." I told her, still holding her in my arms. "I didn't...I thought if you found out you'd leave me. That's why I broke up with you last year, Cat iv always loved you and I always will. I thought you'd find out and break up with me. You probably think I'm just a freak." She sobbed. I'd never, in all the time id known Jade seen her cry, and I never thought I'd ever see her cry this much.
"Jade, I'd never think that! I thought you'd just lost interest. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you." I told her. "I love you." She told me wrapping her arms around my kneck.
"I love you too." I told her standing up, pulling her up with me. "Come on, let's go to bed, your probably tired too, it's been an exhausting day." I told her and we headed to mine and Sams room.
I wonder where Sam is, I thought to myself as Jade and I settled down into my bed. I fell asleep to Jades light snores, her arms wrapped firmly around my waist, her head resting on my shoulder, her breath tickling my neck. It was perfect.


I woke up, at first not realising where I was or whose arms I was wrapped up in. I felt so embarrassed. I'd fallen asleep hugging Tori telling her everything and Tori must have fallen asleep hugging me because we were still on the sofa and Tori still had just a towel wrapped around her small body. She must be freezing. It felt good having someone who cared enough about me, so instead of standing I stayed in the same position, cherishing every moment until Tori stirred in her sleep before waking up.
"Hey." She said smiling.
"Morning." I said returning the smile awkwardly. "Afternoon actually." Tori said laughing, pointing towards the clock on the kitchen wall. She was right, the clock read 12:25pm
"How are you feeling?" She asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"A lot better, now iv managed to talk about it. So...thank you for listening. I know I wasn't exactly very polite to you when you asked me to go to the beach, and you could have just told me to go away last night. So thank you for being there for me." I told her smiling gratefully.
"It's fine, really, and don't worry I won't tell anyone what you told me." She explained.
We were about to continue the conversation but a knock on the door interrupted. Tori sighed before getting up to answer.
"Hey Cat, hey Jade, what's up?" I heard Tori say.
I closed my eyes, took deep breaths and mentally screamed to myself.
"Nice Towel Vega." I heard Jade say mockingly.
Jade and Cat both entered the sitting room, and Jade laughed more when se saw me. "So, do you always have friendly chats in shorter than knee length towels?" She asked Tori smirking.
Before anyone answered Cat came pouncing in top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Sam! Iv been so worried! We've been out looking everywhere for you! I never expected to find you here! Why didn't you text me?" She yelled, not letting go.
"Struggling to breath!" I told her, wanting her to get off me, it felt awkward and I wanted to cry again. My feelings were ruining my life.
She looked at me apologetically before sitting down beside me. Jade sat on the other seat beside Tori, who was now awkwardly trying to pull her towel down further.
"So how come you and Tori had plans and didn't tell any of us?" Cat asked pouting.
"We didn't have plans, it was sort of unexpected actually." Tori told her.
"I was in the shower, I came down and Sam was here to talk to me. We talked for a while and ended up falling asleep on the sofa." She explained, not telling them anything about me letting my emotions out. "Wait, both of you on that one sofa?" Jade asked smirking again.
"Well yeah..." Tori said scowling.
"Wow...I never expected you two of all people to be together...-"
"Were not together!" Tori scolded Jade before Jade could even finish.
"Oh please! She comes round here to see you, none of you tell anyone of us, and you sleep together on a tiny couch, you in just a short towel! You can't say there's not something going on!" Jade said lauging. I was getting annoyed, and since I'd confessed my feeling about Cat to Tori, I could tell Tori was too. "Jade, don't." Tori warned her.
"What come on? I'm joking jeez..." She trailed off still smirking. I shook my head and took a deep breath.
"Well...I'm going to get dressed...don't break anything." She said, looking at Jade in particular.
Tori stood up and left, leaving a really awkward silence as I stared at the wall in front of me.
"So...since when were you and Tori such good friends?" Cat asked, breaking the silence. "Well...I...were not, shut up dork!" I replied, only half joking. Cat just giggled and then looked confused.
"So why did you come here?" She asked looking puzzled.
"I just...I needed to get things off my mind." I told her truthfully.
"Well you could always talk to me you know, I'm not going to be nasty to you." She said smiling. I felt my mouth curve into an admiring smile. "I know. It's just you wouldn't understand." I told her nicely.
"I think it's cos she has a crush on Tori." Jade started again.
"Why don't you just shut the fuck up?" I said harshly. "You know nothing about me, and the person who I have feelings for is the complete opposite of Tori. They're cute, funny, adorable but very stupid too." I said, smiling at my description of Cat, the description fitting Cats personality perfectly.
"Sorry but Cat already belongs to me." Jade said. I knew she was only joking, telling Cat that she was everything to her, but I couldn't help my anger.
I got up off the sofa, jut as Tori came.
"So what did I miss?" She asked happily. Before anyone could reply, I stormed over to the door, and slammed it shut behind me, as I ran home crying.

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