Chapter 2

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I knew exactly why Sam wanted to talk to me, because Beck had said something about when me and Jade had a little thing going on. Of course it was over now, and im not into girls anymore...was I? I didn't know how I felt about girls anymore because I had a crush on Kian a guy at school. So there was nothing to be scared about when I talked to Sam. I was about to walk through the front door, but I stopped just before my hand reached the door handle. Should I just turn around, tell Sam I had a detention or homework to her later. I was sooo going to kill Beck tomorrow, making me feel like this!
As I was about to turn around and head to Toris for a while, the door opened.
"Cat! I thought there was a burglar or something! Why didn't you just come in?" She asked me.
I didn't know what to say. "Because...I left something at Toris...and I have to go get it. BYEEE!" I yelled bye really loudly and turned around and ran towards Toris house.


Why didn't Cat come in? Why did she seem so suspicious about leaving something at Toris house? Why was she with Tori so much? No...I wasn't jealous...was I? I was confused. I kicked the front wheel of my motorcycle. I know...I had to get Freddy to come and visit. I was having feelings for other people because I missed Freddy. Feelings for Beck...feelings for Cat. I just wanted Freddy. I unlocked my Pear Phone and dialled Freddys number.
"Hey Sam whats wrong, you okay?" Freddy asked as soon as he picked up his phone.
"yeah im fine. Just wanted to talk to you, I miss you" I told him truthfully. I was never this nice to anyone except Carly and Freddy.
"Aww I miss you too!" he said, sounding happy.
"Really? In that case, you should come to LA to visit me!" I told him, not knowing how to bring the subject up.
"Your in LA?!" He asked, sounding shocked.
"Yeah, where are you?" I asked. We hadn't talked in a while so truth was we didn't know where eachother was and none of us knew where Carly was.
"Im in LA! Im videoing plays for this talent school, Hollywood Arts and-"
"Hollywood Arts? My roommate goes to school their!" I yelled.
"Whats her name? I might know her. It is a her right?" He said.
"Yeah its a her" I said laughing at his jealously "and shes called Cat Valentine"
"Red hair...annoying?" He asked.
I laughed at his choice of words.
"Yeah read hair. But she's not annoying." I defended Cat. Why did I defend her, I never defend anyone.
"Haha, yeah i video her, Tori, Jade, Beck and Andres play." He told me. "It's really good they're talented kids." He told me. "You should hear Cat sing, she's amazing." I told Freddy.
"Okay..." He sounded confused. Probably because I never complemented anyone except Carly.
Sometimes. "We'll meet me outside the school at about 4 tomorrow. If it's okay with...Kath...-"
"Cat." I corrected him. he laughed.
"I know. I just wanted to know what you'd say. Anyway yeah if it's okay with Cat I'll stay a couple of days."
"Sure! I can't wait I've missed you." I told him.
"I've missed you too." And with that he hung up.


Tori opened the door after the 3rd knock.
"hey Cat, you okay. Rehearsals for our play aren't until tomorrow." She said.
"I know. I need help." I said truthfully.
"Has Jade asked you?" She said smiling.
"What?" I said confused.
"Uh...nothing." She lied.
"Tori! Tell me now! Or I'll cut your hair off!" I said pushing her into the sofa an climbing onto her.
"No I can't! Get off me cat!" Tori yelled.
"Vega? Valentine? What's going on here?"
I jumped off Tori when I heard Jades voice.
"She attacked me." Tori yelled. Tori knew something. Jade just laughed.
"Cat, can I to you alone." Jade asked me.
"Sure." I said walking out the house.
"Where are you going? Tori go away." Jade said.
"But its my h-I'm going." Tori said running upstairs.

"I know how awkward things have been...and I don't like it. Now if you tell anyone about how soppy I'm being I'll kill you. But please, will you be my girlfriend again?" Jade asked me.


Cat came slipping in with a smile on her face. "Cat, can we talk?" I asked her.
"Um sure." She with a smile and finished with the famous Cat Valentine laugh.
"So um I want to ask you...-"
"If this is about what Beck told you..." She cut me off.
"No it's not, I was just wondering If it's okay if my boyfriend stays here with me for a couple of days?" I asked not really caring much about what Beck told me. I'm sure my feelings for Cat were just because I was missing Freddy.
She laughed again before playfully punching me in the arm.
"Aw, suree!" She said giggling.
"Great..." I was scared...she was too happy.
"Why are you so happy?" I asked confused.
" What Beck told to is true...and I kind of might be dating Jade again." She told me laughing again. She what? No, I couldn't be jelous.

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