Chapter 12

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So Jade broke up with me. It felt like my whole world had came crashing down. I knew it was because of her dad, but it's not like he had to know we were dating. I just hoped Jade would be okay because now, she definitely had no one. I was the only person who knew about her personal life, and now we didn't have eachother. I spent the rest of my day at home, sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow, eyes sore, crying.
I didn't even bother finishing the rest of my school day, and since everyone else was still at school, I couldn't even call Tori, although I couldn't bring myself to move or do anything anyways.

I heard the door open and I turned around, in hopes Jade had followed me home, and wanted me back, but I quickly hid my tear stained face, embarrassed when Sam walked through the door.
"Cat? What's wrong? Why aren't you at school?" She asked rushing over to me.
Why did she all of a sudden care? No I wouldn't let her confuse me.
"Look Sam, just leave me alone. You've been avoiding me all week, and now all of a sudden you care? You can't just do that, not without telling me what iv done wrong!" I said, burying my face into the pillow I'd been holding since I'd gotten home.
"Cat you haven't done anything wrong, believe me it's me that's done...something wrong." She explained, scrunching her eyebrows together.
"Really? Because I can't seem to do anything right. I'm a complete fuck up." I cried more, thinking maybe if I'd loved Jade more, even though that seemed hardly doable because she was my everything, then maybe she wouldn't have crushed my heart.
"Cat what's wrong? Tell me. Please?" She begged.
I took deep breaths. "Jade broke up with me." I cried even more now. It hurt to even think about it, and to say it felt like being shot several times in the heart. In fact that would probably feel better.

I felt Sam wrap her arms around me, and even though this was strange because Sam never hugged anyone, I needed the comfort and hugged her back tightly.
"I just...I can't go without her Sam. I know it's probably good news for you but-"
"Hey I know we didn't get along but it's not good news. I know how much you love her. And I know she loves you too there has to be some serious reason." She explained rubbing my back soothingly. That just made me cry more, because I couldn't even tell Sam why she broke up with me. I cried for hours while Sam held me, and before I knew it I fell asleep.


Cat really did love Jade, and I couldn't help feeling hate towards Jade for breaking her heart.
I would kill to own Cats heart, and if I did I certainly wouldn't crush it.
Cat practically glued her arms around my waist, and even though it was killing me, I didn't push her away. That would just be selfish, and she really needed me right now. When Cat lashed out at me for avoiding her I was rather shocked at her swearing, but I also felt like shit because she really did believe she did something wrong. Truth is I just loved her too much to be around her. I just wanted to hug her and even kiss her and I don't know why. But when I came in here and saw her crying, I couldn't just walk away. I love her, so, so much, but she'll never love me back. Her heart belonged to Jade but where did Jades belong? Something was going on with Jade, I know for a fact she loves Cat and there has to be a logical explanation for why she's broken up with Cat. And as much as it hurt me to see them together, Cat was happy. I was going to find out why Jade broke up with her.
Cats cries died down, and I looked down at her, peacefully sleeping.
I lay down slowly on the sofa we were sitting on, pulling Cat gently with me, and laid down with a sleeping Cat hugging my waist, and finally fell asleep peacefully myself.

I woke up to my phone buzzing and Cat still sleeping on me. It was an uncomfortable night, but it helped Cat so I didn't complain. I reached over to my phone and it was Tori.
(Tori)'Hey, is Cat okay? Did you stay at home last night? x'
I'd gotten quite close with Tori and she was really cool. Not to mention a life saver, she'd basically let me live with her the past week and a half. I'd buy her a present or something for that.
(Sam)'Yeah I stayed home comforting Cat. She's crushed. I don't think Jade chose to break up with her...x'
(Tori)'come to mine about 1pm. Were going to talk to Jade x'
(Sam)'see you then x'
"Who are you texting?" Cat asked sitting up.
"Just Tori. Were starting to get quite close." I told her truthfully. I wasn't going to lie to her, not with the state she was in.
She just nodded and smiled at me weakly.
"Thanks for comforting me last night." She said smiling genuinely.
"No problem kid, you know...even though iv been away...I'll always be here for you." I told her truthfully.
"Really?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Promise." I told her smiling.
"Pinky promise?" She asked holding out her pinky.
I laughed, and attached my pinky to hers.
"Thanks Sam!" She giggled.
"Look kid, I have to go out...round about...-" I looked at the clock, it was already 12:30pm
"Round about now. Will you be okay I'll only be an hour or 2..." I told her.
"Yeah I'll be fine. Ill clean up a bit...maybe get some sleep. Oh and I'll finish my project for Sikowitz's class!" She said happily. "Okay. Call me if you need anything okay?" I told her grabbing my leather jacket.
"Sure!" She smiled.
"Okay see ya later!" I yelled running out the front door. I kind of need the walk, to clear my head a bit, so I left my motorcycle and jogged to Tori's house, which wasn't far.

I arrived at Tori's just after 1pm and just walked straight sort of became a habit and Tori was okay with it.
"Come on. Were going now. I'm really worried about Jade, she's not answering any calls, texts or video chat requests. I think...I don't know but today before she broke up with Cat, she had a pen knife in her pocket...and when Cat touched her arm she was trying her best not to scream out in pain. I think she might be self harming Sam, and maybe worse..." Tori explained. She grabbed her dad's keys, and we ran to the car. I know I never got along with Jade, but I must admit I was worried about her.

Jade POV

Another glass bottle to the head...4th one in the past 20 minutes. My face had been cut open twice, and my dad was yelling again. "Why can't you respect me, or your mom?! And stop crying, you look even more of a mess than what you usually do!" He yelled, standing up.
I'd been crying for hours...all I wanted was Cat but my dad took her away too.
"She's not my mom! She never will be! Just like as far as I'm concerned, you'll never be my Dad!" I screamed back. I instantly regretted it, when his had collided with my face, sending me to the floor. I stayed on the floor, curled into a ball protecting my head, while my dad kicked me and threw more glass objects at me. I let out a cry as he dragged me up off the floor, and held me against the wall by my neck.
I had a gaping cut along my shoulder/chest area off impact, and it hurt like hell. He punched me again before taking a half smashed bottle. My lip was now bleeding, and my nose slightly. I must look a complete mess. I was scared as he held the bottle to my throate.
"So you enjoy dating girls? How am I even related to you?" He laughed in my face.
"I'm in love with one girl, and nothing you do will ever change that." I growled at him. He pulled at my arm, slamming me against the door instead, ripping the sleeve of my jumper all the way off.
He glared down at the open and fresh cuts down my arm.
"This is what you do in your spare time? You're pathetic! Tell me, does cutting yourself make you happy?" He asked, gripping my arm tightly.
"Happy? You disgust me! I can't wait till the day you drop dead!" I spat at him.
"Hmm...let me see if it makes me happy..." And before I could take in his words, he pulled the sharp edge of the glass bottle from the top of my ear, all the way down to the corner of my mouth. It was the most painful thing ever. It burned, and I could feel the blood running down my cheek, I needed to get out of here, before I ended up dead. Although that didn't sound like a bad idea right now.
He let go of me, and I felt unstable, as I dropped to the floor in pain, crying uncontrollably.
"As long as your in this house, which will be for a long time yet, you will not be dating any girls, and you will do as I say!" He screamed before kicking me a final time. It took everything I had in me, to stand up and head towards the door.
"Well if I'm not in the house, you cant do fuck all about it!" I yelled, as I opened the front door.
When I opened the door, 2 of the people I least wanted to see me like this stood there, open mouthed and shocked. "Wait till you get back, Jade, you'll regret that!" I heard my Dad yell.
Tori and Sam glared at me, looking as though they were about to cry. I burst into tears, and started panicking. I didn't know weather to run back inside, where my farther was waiting, to run past them, although I'm sure they'd chase me, and the way I was feeling right now, I could barely even stand up.
"Jade...what the actual fuck?" Tori asked, as Sam stared, completely and utterly speechless.

Tori POV

Me and Sam hurried up to Jades but stopped dead, at the bottom of her garden when we heard very loud thuds and screams coming from Jades house.
"What the fuck is going on in there?" Sam asked, looking as shocked as myself. "Come on." I said grabbing her hand, and leading her towards Jades front door. The loud noises stopped and I was about to knock on the door when I heard Jades voice. I couldn't make out what she yelled, but as she opened the door I heard someone, I'm assuming her dad, yell "wait till you get back, Jade, you'll regret that!" And as Jade turned around, her face was bleeding in numerous places. 2 big cuts, and one absolutely gigantic cut, from her ear all the way to her mouth. Her nose and lip were bust open, and she had mascara running down her face off crying, and blood everywhere. Bruises were already starting to form all over her small body. Her jumper sleeve had been completely ripped off, and all the way up her arm were fresh, still bleeding cuts. I looked at Sam who looked as though she was about to cry. I felt like crying myself, just looking at the broken girl in front of me.
"Jade...what the actual fuck?" I asked completely and utterly gob smacked.

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