Chapter 11

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Beck has been avoiding me and Jade at school, he saw us interacting and knew straight away we were back together. If that's not bad enough, Sam has also been avoiding me. She's been staying at Tori's a lot and on the very rare occasions when she would stay home, she refused to talk to me, or even look at me. And the worst part; I had no idea what I'd done wrong.
At first I though she was angry with Jade, but then we found out we had really important exams coming up, we stopped spending as much after school time together, and Sam still avoided me.
It was strange being at home on my own without my best friend.
The house was a mess, I'd been babysitting on my own, and it was quite a struggle, with mess being made every second.
Every time id asked Tori about what was up with Sam, she'd either just tried to change the subject, or tell me not to take it personally because 'Sam is going through something.' It was beginning to annoy me...not to mention really hurt my feelings.
I was heading towards our usual table at lunch where Tori, Andre and Jade were waiting. Robbie stayed with Beck while things died down...if things died down.
I sat down beside Jade as she kissed me on the cheek, nobody was talking.
Tori was siting with her head in her hands, refusing to look at anyone.
"Tori? What's wrong?" I asked, confused.
She looked at me and smiled weakly.
"Nothing Cat, don't worry about it." She said, giving a light chuckle.
"Tori...I think you should just tell her." Jade said glaring at Tori.
"Jade shut up!" Andre scolded her.
"What? I'm not being funny, but don't you think Cat deserves to be in on this?" Jade demanded.
"Okay...I'm missing something." I said confused.
"Cat it's nothing it's just-"
"It's just your best friend causing Tori trouble." Jade finished for her.
"What? Sam? How's she causing you trouble?" I asked shocked.
"She's not causing trouble! Jade don't say that! She's going through...something really hard right now, you wouldn't understand Jade!" Tori fired back. But Tori doesn't know what jades going through.
"Me and her both! You don't know half the shit I'm going through, and I'm sick of you being upset about Sam!" Jade yelled back even louder.
I place my hand on Jades arm, hoping to calm her down, instead she winced underneath my touch.
"Jade can I talk to you over there please?" I asked standing up and taking hold of her hand.
"Well be back in a sec guys." I told Tori and Andre as we headed to an empty table.
When we sat down Jade was breathing very heaviliy.
"When...when was the last time?" I asked scared of the answer.
She wiped away the tear rolling down her cheek before answering.
"This morning. My dad...he threw a plate at me this morning. It missed my head by centimetres and hit my arm instead luckily, but he had no beer left, so he sent me to the shop, when I protested saying I was already late for school, I earned myself a slap. A police car picked me up when I was on my way to the shop, and when they called my dad he claimed that he thought I'd set off to school. That's why I was late this morning. I went to the toilets before class this morning and did it then..." She trailed off, as more tears dropped on the table. "You carry your blade around school?" I asked trying to keep calm for my girlfriend. Instead of answering she pulled a pen knife for her pocket. "As far as they know it's a prop for my film class." She explained. I stood up when I saw Tori and Andre looking our way confused. "Can...can I take it?" I asked. "I want to help you. I love you, and the best way to start is taking away sharp objects." I said reaching toward her to take the pen knife. She pulled it away and put it in her pocket. "Cat...please. Don't."she said standing up. I'm not sure if she realised she was crying or not, but when she saw people looking she quickly hid her face in my shoulder embarrassed. I hugged her tightly as she cried on me.

Tori POV

Jade seemed really angry and upset. Like something was bothering her.
I noticed her wince in pain when cat placed her hand on her arm, but I decided against pointing it out, incase of setting something off.
I was even more confused when Cat excused herself and Jade from the table.
"So what even is going on with this Sam? You keep telling us she's going through something, she's confused and upset but you don't know what to do. I'll help you, you know that, but I need to know what's bothering her, and apparently you." Andre said when they were both out of ear shot, and sitting on a table about 5 tables over.
I sighed again, deciding I'd tell Andre, after all he was my best friend out of every one.
"Well...don't tell anyone. But Sam...she...has feelings for Cat. At first she tried to rid them off, like they were just a faze she was going through. But now she can't even look at Cat with out crying. Sam has always been like Jade, never ever cries. But she's in love with Cat, and it's hurting her, and draining her, and I don't know how to help. Like I said she's exactly like Jade. She never cries over anything...-" but before I could finish Andre interrupted.
"Well...I wouldn't say that, because Jade West is sitting over there in tears." He said, looking really confused.
I looked over and there she was, Jade West, in tears. What?
She then proceeded to pull something out her pocket, and after studying them for a few minutes, realised it was a pen knife. After a few more minutes Cat stood up and tried to take the knife off her, but Jade refused to hand it over and shoved it back in her pocket. And then the unexpected happened. Jade stood up, and sobbed, and I literally mean, full on sobbed into Cats shoulder. Me and Andre weren't the only ones looking, I don't think anyone ever expected to ever see Jade West cry so much.


"Jade it'll be okay. I'm here for you." I told her soothingly rubbing her back, wishing everyone would stop staring.
"That's the thing though...I don't know if you can be." She said crying more.
I felt like my heart was slowly shattering.
"Wha-what to do you mean?" I asked, terrified. She bit her lip nervously before answering.
"I...My dad...he doesn't like me dating girls. He said...unless I'm single or dating a guy..." I cut her off.
"Jade you can' can't break up with me." I said, tears forming in my own eyes. "Cat I don't want to but unless I do I'm not aloud in my house that's why I was in the bathroom for so long last break. That's why my arm hurts so much when even the tiniest bit of air brushes it. I don't want to Cat believe me please?" She begged as I stepped away from her. I refused to let myself believe this.
"You don't have to Jade! Just tell him you did! We don't have to please Jade you can't...not now." I cried.
"You don't understand what he'd do if he found out I was lying. If there was another option I'd take it! God, even if the option was jumping off a cliff I'd take it over breaking up with you right now! Cat I love you...but my dad...please, understand?" She said coming closer to me. My heart was aching, my eyes were aching. Everything was spinning.
"When were you going break up with me?" I murmured, still not being able to take it all in.
"At the end of the I could spend all day with you first. I don't want to do this...but-" she stepped closer to me.
"Don't come near me, and don't touch me." I warned her stepping further back. Before she could say anything else I ran towards the bathroom, crying more than iv ever cried before.

Tori POV

When they stood up it looked like something was kicking off. Before I knew it, not only was Jade crying, but Cat too. "Don't come near me, and don't touch me." I heard Cat yell when Jade stepped towards her.
Were they breaking up?
Cat ran one way and Jade came back over towards us, sitting down, and crying into her hands.
"Uh...what just happened?" I asked.
Jade glanced at me and her eyes were all red and she was still crying.
"I just...I had to break up with her." Jade said, which seemed to make her cry more.
Why was Jade crying if she broke up with Cat?
"Why? Do you still have feelings for-?"
"No Vega I do not have feelings for Beck! I love Cat and only Cat!" Jade growled, angrily.
"But you were the one who broke up with her." I pointed out.
"You don't fucking say! Look, you wouldn't understand and neither would you Andre, now I have to go do something. Bye." She said annoyed, still crying. And with that she grabbed her bag, and quickly walked away from the table.

AN: ohh Jade and Cat broke up:O sorry to those of you who ship Cat and Jade, but since this is a Sam and Cat story I need to bring more Sam and Cat moments in. Also if there is anyone out there there going through self harm or anything like that, if you don't feel good enough, you can always inbox me, because I care. Also the Tori POVs are very rare but I needed to get Tori's thoughts across. Thank you for reading this I can't believe how many votes and reads I have, thank you! I love you all and keep voting!!:))<3

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