~Chapter Thirty~

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(Mabel's pov)

I woke up refreshed and energized. I hopped out of the bed and skipped over to my calendar, which I had been crossing off days. My hand rose to the day to 'x' out, when I looked over to the day next to it.

It was my birthday!!

..how could I forget?

Oh yeah, I guess its just because all of the chaos that was happening- well, more than usual I guess.

(Y/n) was still knocked out. Did I ever tell her about my birthday. Should probably wake her up just to make sure she didnt forget..

I slowly sneaked over to where (y/n) was sleeping, counting from 3 to release my attack.




I swung myself onto her as I jumped on, tickled her.

"AHAHAHAHAHAAHAH MABEL STOPPP!! I-I C-CANT BREAT-TH" She shouted as she move left and right, trying to escape my grasp.

I stopped after a bit and let her catch her breath as I got off of her.

"What the hell was that for?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, guess what today is!" I squealed

"Em.. The day I start sleeping with one eye open?"

My smile dropped.

"O-oh.. You didn't remember" I sighed.

"Mhm.. Speaking of which, I have a particular place I have to go that doesnt involve you.. Don't follow me" She said as she walked out.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I process the fact that my closest friend besides dipper, had forgotten my birthday, and just dissed me from bothering her. I quietly sobbed while picking out my outfit for the day.


Wiping my tears, I calmed myself down and headed downstairs to find something to eat in the kitchen. As to my surpise, the kitchen was empty. I opened the refrigerator to find.. Nothing except a note that read;

' ɠơ ơųŧŞıɖɛ. '

Confused, I walked to over to the door and opened it.

Everyone from gravity falls was lined up side by side along with my family, friends, and (y/n) and Bill holding a cake that says 'Happy Birthday Pines twins!".

Once again, my eyes welded up with tears and poured down my face. Tears of joy.

(Y/n) sat the cake down and I ran into her arms.

"(Y/n)!!! You remembered!" I screamed with a huge smile on my face.

"Of course I did! How could I forget my best friend's birthday?" She chuckled.

I had a huge grin on my face as she excused herself to hand out food plates.

A certain persons hand met my shoulder.

"Happy birthday sis!" Dipper smiled

I turned around and returned the smile. "As to you too, bro bro".

His smile widened. "Hey, you wanna see something I found yesterday?"

His voice sounded a bit off.


"Yeah sure! Lets hurry though, if we take too long, the cake might be gone!" I joked.

He laughed along too. "Of course"

While walking, we were stopped once again, by a much taller person.

"Kids! How's the party so far?, Can you believe that getting all this together only costed $40? Its coming out of both of your allowences" He joked.

"Haha. Good one" Dipper said dryly. "I was just going showing my dear sister something I had found yesterday. We wont be long."

"Oh.. Ok. Be back soon, we rented a snowcone machine" He excitedly said as he raced to it, shoving people out the way.

After he left, Dipper tugged my arm to signal that he wanted me to keep walking. After what seems to be 20 minutes that had passed, we stopped.

I was confused. "I don't see anythi-"

"You really are dumb aren't you?" 'Dipper' said shaking his head. "Though someone as pretty as you wouldn't be so clueless. Did you really think that I would just give up because my brother 'defeated' me just by throwing me at a wall, im immortal sweetheart, walls can't kill me." He smirked

"Why are you in my brother's body?? And why did you bring me here?!" I shouted at him, clearly irritated.

"Lower your voice, hun. You might wake the trees up" He snickered.

"And oh yeah, I almost forgot." He said as he snapped his fingers


Dang, I never got that piece of cake.

Do You Trust Me? (Dipper x Reader x Bill)Where stories live. Discover now