~Chapter Thirty Two~

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~(Y/n's) pov~

I froze. Where is Mabel?. Last time I saw here was at the party following... Dipper! Wait shouldn't HE know?

"Um Dipper? You were the last person with her, and that was last night" I pointed out.

He seemed completely oblivious " To be honest, I dont remember anything that happened yesterday execpt us surprising Mabel. Thats it. Just us surprising her."

"Hmm.." Bill pondered. "The only time that happeneds is either dementia, or if one posseses another"

"And the only person I know who can possess besides me and Will, .. Is Tad." He put his hands on his face "fuck"

(Quick A/N, I'm changing the plot a little so it's different than what actually happened in the story just because I feel like making it a little different)

"Well, im pretty sure I dont have Dementia, so.. WAIT DIDN'T YOU SAY I WENT INTO THE FOREST? how come none of you stopped or followed us?!" Dipper exclaimed

"We have lives too Pine Tree" Bill chuckled.

I chimed in (with a havent you people ever heard of) " Ok, so since this just turned into a rescue mission, lets start planning" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Time to get Mabel back, and destroy the purple noworlater.


~Mabel's pov~

Where am I? A few minutes ago- or longer, I woke up on a purple expensive futon, which is quite comfy if I do say so myself. But soon I had gotten bored and wanted to explore. Blindly- because it was pitch black in the bitch, I waved my hands around, trying to search for other things, but failed. It was like there was only this one piece of furniture in this room- which is a little odd.

For what seemed like FOREVER, I just layed down staring into the darkness. Man I really want cake! I never got to eat any of my birthday cake!. Suddenly, an evenly sliced piece of chocolate cake popped right next to me. It even chose the right flavor. Talk about quality!.

I dug into my cake, enjoying every bite of it. Was this room magic? Thats pretty cool!.. But a little unusual. Ugh I'm starting to act like Dipper. Finishing the last bite of my cake, the plate poofed away, as well as the fork. I wonder what else this room can do! Ummhnhnhmhm.. I wish for a Tv! Oh and also umuhhumm... A puppy!

I waited patiently, but nothing happened. Oh maybe it was just a one time thin--

A mediam large Tv had poofed infront of me, as well as a cute little puppy. I squealed and played with the puppy's paws, as well as reaching for the remote and turning it on.

Unfortunately, the News channel flashed on the screen. Ugh. News. I was about to change the channel to kitty time when I heard a lady screaming in terror on the TV.

"Here we have it on live television, Weather calls for blue skys and warm breeze- but not red skys and a cube castle." The Lady jokes. Behind her you can see eyes flying around, turning people into stone, and other miscellaneous monsters capturing people, and soon enough, she was taken away too.

What the..

Soon, a door creaked open? Where was that when I needed it! An unfamiliar silhouette stood by the frame of the door, one hand on the frame, and one on it's side. It walked at a steady pace, leaving the door unclosed. Snapping its fingers, the room lit up with square purple fairy lights, each one in its own little spot. I looked up at the ceiling and around the room, a bit confused how i didn't notice this being here when I first woke up. My eyes left from the lights to the silhouette which was in the dark no more. And not to my surprise- from which I get surprised alot, was Tad himself, grinning.

Do You Trust Me? (Dipper x Reader x Bill)Where stories live. Discover now