~Chapter Thirty Five~

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~(Y/n)'s pov~


My body against the hard floor wasn't the exactly the most comfortable spot in the world, especially if you don't even know where you are.

I slightly rose, finally opening my eyes to see... Darkness. Great.

Now standing all the way up, I blindly searched through the space flailing my arms, miserably trying to find a door and failing. I fell back onto the floor with a 'sigh' and started to stare into space.

"Knock knock~ Just kidding you can't open the door" Spoke a voice as a door slammed open. At least I know there's a door.

I looked at the being and recognized it was Tad.

He smirked. "What an unpredicted predicament we have here, right?" He chuckled lightly. "Almost makes me want to give mercy to you or my brothers. Mabel however, you don't need to worry about her~"

"You sick bastard! Lay one fucking hand on her I swear I will end you!!" I screamed

He gently took my face in his hand. "That is a nice thought." His hand went from my face to my neck and tightened "An unlikely thought though"

I used all of my strength to push him and slap his hand away. "Don't fucking touch me!!, you'll be sorry when they find you!"

"I'm sure" He smirked and left without another word. Oh look, I'm left in darkness once again. Yay.

*Bill's pov*

Great. We're lost.

"Look what the fuck you did! You got us lost!" I shouted at Will who was a blink away from tears.

"It's not my fault!" He whined "This castle is soo huge! Bigger than mine, even."

I face palmed and sighed.

"Okay. Let's just keep going so we can find Mabel. I wonder how (Y/n) is"

Will stopped, which made me also stop.

"What?" I said while looking around the narrow hallway for something he could be looking at.

"Your right" Will said as he stared into space. "(Y/n) was supposed to send us a signal or sign if she found Mabel. She should've found her by now right? Something's not right."

I shook my head. "Maybe she just didn't find her yet.. Tad shouldn't be going after her.. He's only after both of us..... Unless he would.. capture her to hold her against us! Shit!"

A mischievous wind passed by me like the last one. The only difference is that we aren't outside.

I started to get ticked off. "OK show yourself you little fucker"

And there he was in that moment. His sudden appearance gave no shock to us. This was business. 

He lazily smirked at us and fiddled with his fingers. "You needed something, brother?"

He put emphasis on 'brother'. Agitated, I went right to the point"

"Why?" I asked.

"Why?" He recited. "Why, such a funny word. You can ask someone why, you can tell someone why, you can show someone why, you can-"

"Just answer the goddamn question!!" I roared, seething with anger. He knew how to get to me. Stupidity.

"Because neither you, or your weak brother would. At least thank me for setting an example for the Cipher family, jeez."

He thought this was a game.

"Neither you or your brother were going to take over the world and actually try  to prove yourself worthy of existence, so I did"

"Especially you" He pointed at me "The girl I captured. Not the brown haired one, the (h/c) haired one. You feel something for her. Ciphers aren't supposed to feel anything."

No one said anything after that.

"(Y/n)? Bill? Jesus, where is everyone" A voice spoke out. 

For fucks sake Pinetree is this really the time.


"(y/nn)- um"

The young, retarded boy stood across from us, his eyes plastered on Tad. His face expression morphed into anger.

"Where the hell is my sister bitch?!"

"Little humans shouldn't play with fire" He shot back, clearly holding back a punch.

"Pinetree, stay out of this" I sneered.

He gave me a look, then backed up.

I cracked my knuckles and looked Tad dead in the eye. "Yes, Okay, I do stupid shit. Lots of stupid shit. Like for example, not taking over the world- like that seems hella fun, but let me tell you one thing; feeling something for (y/n) is no where near a negative thing nor stupid. I know it's irregular for a Cipher to feel, but fucking screw that shit cause' I don't give two fucks k? Now. Either we sort this out like people who have sense, or we don't. Pick your option"

Tad smiled creepily and folded his hands. " What a cute little speech. Too bad i'm choosing the second choice"

"Suit Yourself"


Next Chapter is the last chapter :3


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