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"The act or judgement that is misguided or wrong"

It was a weird feeling
Like I just wanted to run away
Never looking back
Never having to confront anything else ever again

I made a mistake
I was only perfect till now because of this feeling
Because of the guilt
The confrontation
The frustration

I wasn't nervous
I was scared
Scared of how things would go from now on

The sadness filled me...
When I realized how much I screwed up

I was a model
A representative
The complete one

The disappointment
That was the worst
From my peers
My teachers

I blamed everyone and everything
From the universe
To my peers
And my teachers
To myself

I couldn't even cry
That would mean I'd given up

...Then I realized how trivial it all is

I'm still me
I have to get back up
Even if I slipped on my own two feet

This one mistake does not define me
It's how I jump back from it that defines who I am
My being

And believe me I will jump
Higher than you can even imagine

*Hi how are you! I feel this is true for everyone because everyone falls, no matter how far, but your fall doesn't define you. Just wanted to help you out! Thank you for reading!( ' ' )ノ-Autumn

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