It takes me away
The waves in my heart
Are low when I'm happy
They're high when I'm sad
They're drifting when I'm calm
And they are nothing
When I am nothingThe waves in my heart
Warn me to run
They warn me to hide
They show me when to fly
And they freeze me when everything doesn't feel right or wrongThe waves in my heart
They give me the strength to rise up
The courage to move forward
The wings to fly above my fears
And the sign when to release it allThe waves in my heart
Understand that
Above it all
The noise is loud, harsh and scary
But that below
Everything is free, light and happyThese are the waves in my heart
The only thing I truly listen to
The only thing I trust
The only thing that I don't understand
But the only thing that understands meThe waves in my heart
Are like the songs in my head
Are like my invisible wings
Are like my fur coat on a a day below 0 degrees
They are like a treasure locked away to keep me safeAnd even I don't know the code...
Do you ever just feel so lost and confused with no where to go? ...I don't know-Autumn
my heart...
PoesiaDo you like anyone? Are you like me? Am I alone? Or do I just have my own sea to swim in...? *btw these are all original by me. So no using my work please (unless I give you permission).