Jess meets Jackson

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Pic of Jess above

As Jackson held her the next couple hours the sun was rising and he knew he would have to leave soon. Moving off the couch, he picked up Tessa in his arms and walked up the stairs to her room and gently laid her down on the bed covering her up in her white sheets.

She moaned slightly in her sleep and Jackson smiled at her and bent over to kiss her forehead.

"Hmm, Jackson? Is that you?" She whispered opening her eyes tiredly to look in his handsome face.

He sat next to her on the bed with a nervous smile, fearing she may kick him out after what happened last night.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" He asked. Tessa sat up and rubbed her left eye with a yawn.

"I'm fine...just a little uncomfortable. I'm sorry about last night I was just scared." She cast her eyes down in shame turning her head away.

Jackson gently grabbed her chin and made her look in his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you knowing you would be uncomfortable-"

"No! No, I wasn't uncomfortable with the kiss I was...I just didn't like how it would have escalated if we had continued." She spoke softly placing her hand on his. He nodded in understanding and got up from his spot on the bed.

"I understand, I was only thinking of myself and I apologize for that." He said. Tessa nodded until she jumped when the doorbell rang.

"Excuse me, I have to get that. Feel free to take a shower there are fresh white towels under the sink with some rags." She told him.

"Please, take your time. And thank you for your hospitality." He smiled at her sending shivers down her back.

She got up from the bed and squeezed past Jackson to walk down the stairs to look through the peephole to see Jess.

Opening the door, Jess had her in a hug before she could greet her.

"Hey, Bish! I was just stopping by to pick up Fudge Pudge while you go and see your grandmother." She said stepping in the house a pep in her step which made Tessa real suspicious.

"See my grandmother? I didn't tell you that-"

"Pudge! C'mere boy!" She whistled for the pup who came running down the stairs and over to Jess barking happily.

"Hey my favorite, Oreo cookie! I missed you so much! Yes, I did!" She cooed getting on her knees to pet him.  Tessa crossed her arms at Jess's back and tapped her foot.

"Jessica Rae Louis, you tell me what's going on right now, before I allow my baby to go anywhere with you. Now, young lady." Tessa spoke.

Jess tensed up and slowly stood up looking at her bestie with a blush and a lopsided grin.

"Well, you see, there's this guy I saw heading to the park and I was gonnausePudgeasawaytogethisattention!" She spoke the last part quickly.

"Jess! Say it slower!" Tessa scowled.

"I was gonna Pudge to get the guys attention so that's why I came over so early." She said playing with her fingers shyly.

"Really, Jess?" Tessa asked.

"Please, please, please! Let me take Pudge with me I promise to take good care of him!" She begged folding her hands.

Tessa gave a exasperated sigh and nodded her head receiving a hug from the woman.

"Thank you, thank you so much! You're best!" She cried out. Tessa pulled the woman off of her and shooed her away.

"Yeah, yeah get outta my face. Pudge's leash is in my room on the dresser make sure he comes back unharmed, Jess I mean it!" Tessa told her. The woman nodded with a big grin and ran up the stairs to her room. Tessa just shook her head and bent over to pick up her flats that were near the door.

A scream had made her drop her shoes and run upstairs with Pudge behind her. Tessa ran into her room to see Jess holding one of her heels in her left hand and Pudge's leash in the other.

"Tessa there's a strange sexy man in your bathroom!" She whispered to the plump woman making Tessa face palm mentally forgetting that Jackson was still here.

"One, put my shoe down, two that's just Jackson-"

"Jackson? You mean Cookie's nephew? What's he doing in your bathroom at seven in the morning?" She smirked while wiggling her eyebrows. Tessa rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Jackson just spent the night and he was about to leave when you rang my doorbell. I told him he could take a shower." Tessa told her. By then the bathroom door opened with Jackson wearing his jeans and boots but no shirt which showed off his muscular body. Jess saw Tessa blush and smirked.

"Ooh, Tessa you bad I didn't know you had it like that." Jess giggled. Tessa glared at her friend.

"He just spent the night, Jess that's all!" Tessa pouted.

"Did he do more than 'spend the night'?" Jess teased making Tessa blush.

Jess held a hand out for the man the shake and he nodded in greeting with a smile.

"Jessica Louis, but you can call me Jess I'm Tessa's bestie and godmother to Pudge here and must I say she has really picked a looker." Jess said making Jackson blush.

"Likewise, Miss Jess my name is Jackson but, I assure you all I did was spend the night." He told her.

"Ooh and he got manners, damn you must be hitting it right if he talking like that." Jess laughed.

"Jess, stop being nasty! Aren't you suppose to be going after your man anyway he must be leaving the park by now." Tessa said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, alright I'm leaving but we aren't finished here missy, I'll be back with Pudge by 11, it was really nice meeting you Jackson but please stay with Tessa she's real lovely. Bye, Tess mwah!" She said kissing Tessa's cheek and leaving with Pudge out the house.

There was an awkward silence between the two and Tessa cleared her throat.

"Um, sorry about Jess she is just looking out for me and tends to be kind of blunt. If she made you uncomfortable I understand-"

"No, I was quite amused by your friend she is really nice and seems rather protective of you. Not many friends do that." He told her with a smile.

She smiled shyly and walked over to the door trying to avoid taking anymore glances of his beautiful body.

"Would you like some breakfast it's the least I could do since you comforted me last night." She said.

"I would love to help you with making breakfast if you don't mind." He suggested putting his shirt on she gave him a nod and the two walked downstairs to the kitchen.

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