First Attack

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Miss Celine Duber up top as Jennifer Lopez

Friday 10:23am June 21, 2017

The next morning, Tessa had woken up from her and Jackson's bed to go downstairs to make breakfast before she and Jackson both went to work. It was odd though, Jackson had been staying up later that usual this whole week and coming home late from working as a lawyer to his Mafia business. She knew he was tired but, she hasn't seen him this exhausted before.

As a way to wake him up a bit she made him breakfast in bed with all of his favorites on the tray she held in her hands. There was chocolate chip pancakes with French toast that had extra cinnamon and cheese eggs with a side of a tall glass of Sunny D orange juice. She carefully walked up the stairs to their room and noticed he was stirring awake.

"Good morning." She sang to him walking over to his bedside and sitting next to him the tray on her lap. Jackson sat up groggily in bed and rubbed his eyes, yawning.

"Morning, baby...what's all this for?" He smiled at her as she set the tray on his lap a smile of her own plastered on her face.

"Well, you've been really tired lately and I wanted to do something for you this morning by giving you breakfast in bed, baby. So I made you your favorites." He pulled her up next to his side and kissed her neck.

"Thanks babe, are you going to share it with me? This food could fill us up for the rest of the day." He told her.

"But, babe I made it for you to eat-"

"Can I not share with my woman?" He growled playfully earning a shy smile in return. Tessa finally let in and nodded. The couple took turns sharing the food and finally finished their breakfast.

Later, Tessa was helping Jackson put his tie on straight as he fluffed up her Afro for her.

"It's kind of tight, Peach." He complained playfully making Tessa roll her eyes and pop him in the shoulder.

"I can make you choke on the tie Mr. Willis if you keep playing with me." She warned. Jackson slapped her on the ass earning a yelp as he smirked.

"Well, Miss Goodwin I think I'll take that into consideration if you do I would die of happiness."

"You are such a freak." She giggled leaving the room as her boyfriend watched her ass while she walked.

"Damn. My baby extra thick may cope another taste." He said licking his lips.

"I heard that! And no we have to go to work!" Tessa called back. Cursing, he grabbed his briefcase off the bed and headed downstairs to see Tessa grab their lunches and hand his to him.

"Have a good day babe, make sure you don't forget to eat again today alright? I'm going to my session with Sean today so I will be kind of late coming home tonight. I love you." He kissed her gently and hugged her close.

"I love you, too babe. Call me when you get off work so I know you got home safely." He told her. Tessa nodded with a smile and kissed him again. She watched as he got in his car then back out of his drive way. She waved at him as he honked the horn at her and continued down the road to head to the city.

Making sure Pudge had some food, she put her shoes on and grabbed her purse to head out the door to her car. She drove to Sean's office downtown and parked her car. She felt someone watching her as she exited her car but, pretended to act like she doesn't know. In her peripheral she saw a black car pull up in front of a large tree then someone run behind the tree that was twenty or thirty feet away from her car and hide there.

Tessa fast walked into the building and went right to Sean's office who jumped at her intrusion.

Sean saw the look of fear in her eyes and got up from his desk to close the door behind her, locking it.

"Tessa, what's wrong? Is someone following you?" He asked. Tessa nodded and he led her over to a door that was a closet he then pressed a secret button on the back wall and a small lounge area was revealed to them he gently grabbed her hand and sat her down on the couch that was in there.

"Stay in here. And don't come to the door at all, don't make a sound I will come and get you when the threat had passed." He told her. Tessa nodded and watched as he left the room and the wall closed up again.

With Sean

He had already called Jackson and grabbed the gun he had stowed away in his desk waiting by his door for anything. From what he could hear was a lot of footsteps approach his door and he took the safety off his gun.

Watching his door get broken in, Sean began shooting at the door earning a few groans from outside then some bullets were shot as well at him. Sean ducked behind his desk letting the bullets hit the wood.

"Come on out you bastard! We know the girl is in there! Just hand her over and we might thinking of sparing your life!" He heard a man say.

"That's not how we ask around here!" Sean yelled back.

"Hand her over or will-ugh!" He heard bullets being shot again then there was silence once the guns stopped firing.

"Sean! Sean are you alright, is Tessa fine?" He heard Jackson yell.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Tessa is in my lounge completely safe." Sean got up from his spot and looked to see that Jackson, woman and Darrin had walked in guns in their hands and dead men littered at their feet.

"Damn bastards ruining my office and shit. I should make them pay for it before I killed them." Sean muttered.

"Where is Tessa?" Jackson asked. Sean went to his coat closet and pressed the button again to reveal the lounge room and Tessa hiding behind the couch, shaking. Jackson ran to her and Tessa jumped in his arms still trembling.

"Are you okay, peaches they didn't get to you did they?" Jackson asked.

"N-No... I'm okay..." she looked up at Sean and mustered up a smile.

"Thanks Sean." He nodded and walked back out the room.

"So, this is the girlfriend I've been hearing so much about? She's gorgeous, Joseph." The woman said to Tessa making her become shy to her eyes.

"Thank're very beautiful too." Tessa said. The woman grinned at her.

"The names Celine Duber doll and if you ever get bored of this one I'm always available." Celine grinned seductively.

"Tessa is mine Celine go get your own." Jackson growled holding Tessa to his chest.

"I'm just saying, but really hit me up baby doll I'm always a call away." Celine said making Tessa groan.

"Celine leave the girl alone you have a man already what more do you want?" Darrin growled. The woman rolled her eyes.

"So? I ain't against having a third partner." Celine retorted. As you can see Celine is bisexual you'll learn more about her later.

"Now, that that's over what we gonna do now, Joseph?" Darrin asked.

"It's time to put some things into action." Jackson said.


I know that wasn't the best fighting scene you guys I'm trying to work on that but let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments! And tell me what you think of Celine! See you next time!

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