Tracking you down

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I recommend watching First Sunday movie be cutting up with Katt Williams crazy self.

Celine had walked back into the living room finding Darrin sitting his seat and bouncing his leg nervously, he must of realized that he left his phone in the bathroom. But Celine was going to find out what was going on and she was going to find out now.


"Alright, we need to have Sean and Darrin go to Lindsey's house and find out what she has that could lead on our next suspect. While that is happening I will go to Tessa's parents house and see what I can dig up about any family that has always been in trouble. Jess, you will be placed at Creams house to watch over Tessa, Celine make sure there is no one around my house and pick up some clues from Tessa's apartment what's left of it and please Jess make sure Tessa isn't still pissed at me." Jackson pleaded looking at the brunette. He was then forced on his back on the love seat being strangled by Jess who glared down at him.

"What did you do to my best friend?! You better not have put your hands on her, I'm crazy I fight fools!" Jess yelled. Sean pried the woman off of Jackson and held her back as she tried to attack him again. Jackson gasped for breath.

"Are you crazy?! You don't just attack a mafia lord you could get yourself killed!" Sean yelled.

"You think he would do that to his girlfriends BEST Friend? I don't think he has the balls!" Jess yelled back.

"I didn't do anything to Tessa, it was a big misunderstanding. She feels that it is her fault that her house got burned down and Sean was almost killed I tried to tell her it wasn't her fault but, she didn't listen and ran up to her room." Jackson explained. Jess seemingly calmed down and sighed crossing her arms.

"But, what about the other two suspects that may be working for Lindsey we still don't know how many people she has working for her." Sean said.

"I have one suspect, and that's Bradley Dustin. He's been said to have a thing for Tessa and has continually been asking her out but, she refuses his advances apparently that hasn't stopped him. May want to ask him a few questions." Jess said. The others nodded.

When they all had their assignments it was time for them to execute them, however, Celine still had suspicion that Darrin was hiding something from them although, he won't say it now but, most definitely when she knows for sure she will call him out and that began with his phone that she still possessed.

Jess and Celine both were in Celine's Ferrari and she pulled up at Cream's house dropping Jess off then headed to Jackson's apartment, making sure she had bullets in her pistol as she drove and keeping an eye out for any cars that were following her.

Stopping in front of Jackson's apartment, Celine took out Darrin's phone and began looking through his contacts and recent calls. There was one call he had made, it must have been the one he made in the bathroom earlier. Dialing the number she waited for the whoever was on the other line to answer.

"Hello?" A voice sounding like a woman say. Celine used her phone to record the voice as the woman continued to say hello.

"Hello, Darrin? Have you finished your job you said you would call once you did. Did you butt call me?" Silence was met.

"Whatever." The woman hung up the phone and Celine used this info to send it to Jackson, Sean, and Jess.

Getting out of her car, Celine looked around the front of the house to find any clues but, she was out of luck. Using the key, Jackson gave her she walked over to the stairs and ascended them to head to the master bedroom where some of Tessa's clothes still lingered around.

Searching through her clothes, Celine saw something shiny on one of her pants and picked it up. She pulled off the device that was blinking lightly and examined it.

"A tracking device. So that's how they found out about where she lived. Well, that's dumb as hell this town is small as fuck why would it be so hard to know where everyone lives at?" She muttered. Putting the small tracker in a bag she continued to search around for something else useful going through Jackson's drawers and such.

Finding nothing else useful, Celine walked down the stairs until she heard a noise outside that sounded like a car stopping. She pulled out her gun and rushed to the window to see three cars pull up and bulky men with guns come running up the outside stairwell.

"Shit..." she cursed. Running behind the counter in the kitchen she waited for the men to come inside.


Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while I've been working for the past few days and I've been very tired I know you're mad at that cliffhanger but, I assure you I am making the next chapter in progress! As always be sure to comment and recommend this to your friends!

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