Joseph's End

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Cream pulled a gun out from behind her as she pointed it at the man before her. She had seen this man a few days ago at the diner and she automatically didn't trust him, one he was with Lindsey that day at the diner and Lindsey was handing him a yellow envelope that he stowed away in his jacket shirt.

The man before her held up his hands with the box still in his possession in surrender, his face obviously not what she wanted to see. She wanted to see him afraid of the gun pulled out in front of him instead he just smirked at Cream.

"I'm glad you opened the door Mrs. Cream I expected you to do that now if you would be so kind as to let me inside I won't have to drop the bomb on you." He said. Cream narrowed her eyes at him then looked up to see her husband creep up behind Joseph a gun of his own in his hand as he pointed the pistol at Joseph's head.

Joseph only chuckled and set the box down on the steps, walking backwards from the older couple his hands over his head and a large smirk on his lips.

"You haven't won yet we will get that bitch and I can't begin to tell you how many things we are going to do to her." Joseph said. Cookie shot a bullet towards his right foot and Joseph only shrugged at him.

"Shoot me if you want but if I get too far away from the box it will only make the timer go down faster." Joseph sneered watching the couple look down at the box listening to what was indeed ticking from the object.

"Freeze!" Cookie yelled pointing the gun at Joseph again.

"Look, all you have to do is give up Tessa and I will be on my way. Easy trade right? No one will go boom and everyone will be safe." Joseph continued putting his hands in his khaki pants.

"We ain't lettin' you have Tessa! So ya might as well get on somewhere!" Cream yelled her gun pointed at Joseph as well. Shrugging, Joseph continued walking backwards until a shot rang out in the air and a loud grunt from the crazy man was heard.

Joseph fell to his knees as he cradled his injured left shoulder where he was shot. Then another shot was heard as a bullet blew out his right knee. Joseph cursed quietly and looked up at the house where the shots came from. Hiding behind his truck he pulled out a gun and shot at the house. Cookie pushed Cream inside the house and began shooting at the truck taking cover behind a tree.

Jess used a sniper rifle from the window and waited for Joseph's next move.

"You got some nerve, you bastard." Jess whispered, pulling the trigger and shooting at Joseph's other knee making the man cry out in agony. Shooting again at Jess, he successfully had a bullet graze her shoulder and Jess pulled back.

Smirking, Joseph dropped his gun and sighed and clutched his shoulder trying to suppress the bleeding.

Cookie began walking cautiously towards the injured man keeping his gun pointed at Joseph who was withering in pain.

"Vhat is it that vou vant vith Tessa? Is it vust? Money? Vhat do vou vant?" Cookie asked.

Blood was coughed up from Joseph as he looked up towards the sky, his breath laboured.

"Tessa...I was obsessed with her when we were in college...however I didn't to her because she...she was getting harassed by Lindsey 24/7...we were best friends and I protected her as I could but I couldn't always protect could say I did love her...but it was more like lust...that's when I began hanging around her younger keep close to Tessa I promised myself I wouldn't hurt her...however Lindsey would do something horrible to her. Crazy bitch." he chuckled quietly then coughed.

"That day when she was raped in the alley...Lindsey wanted me to say it was me but, was her brother he's been involved with...Lindsey for as long as I have joined her...but, he is not a bad man...he was drugged by Lindsey...some hallucination shit that makes the carrier go crazy...but, he doesn't remember that day." Joseph said. Cookie frowned in confusion and knelt next to Joseph.

"Vhy are vou telling me this?" Cookie asked.

"Because old man...*cough, cough* I'm doing this to protect Tessa and for her...not to hate me...can you...can you tell her I'm sorry for...for not protecting her? Like-Like I promised her?" Joseph asked beginning to shake, Cookie noticed he was loosing a lot of blood and nodded.

Joseph slowly turned his head and looked up at the window where he saw Jess and Tess watching the scene quietly. Tessa's eyes were wide and full of tears. Joseph mustered up a small smile at her and closed his eyes.

"Do it, old man. I have done my deed...I was suppose to blow you all up and get...Tessa that way but...I have failed my mission and I have orders to die by my enemy if I have failed." Cookie pointed his gun at Joseph's chest where his heart was.

"This is vhat vou vant?" Cookie asked.

"Joseph, no! Cookie, don't shoot him!" Tessa shouted from the window, seeing as Cookie wasn't listening to her she ran out the bedroom and down the stairs to the door where Cream stopped her from going anywhere near the door.

"Mrs. Cream you have to let me go! Let me go talk to him!" Tears fell from Tessa's large sad eyes and Cream just shook her head. Tessa looked out the open window where she could see the whole scene in front of her.

"Yeah..." Joseph said. Saying a small prayer to him, Cookie stood back and pulled the trigger. Joseph jumped from the shot and smiled as his vision began to darken. His head fell on his chest as he slowly died.

"Thanks old man..." he whispered and with that Joseph had died. Cookie sighed and walked over to the front door where the box was still sitting and picked it up slowly opened it risking it may really explode.

Once the box opened, the only this that was inside was a tablet with a timer on it.

"This is vot a bomb." He said.

The screen of the tablet began to buzz then Lindsey's face appeared her smirk wide and her appearance vulgar as she wore a pink robe and red lingerie underneath.

"Well, you must be Cookie I suppose why don't we have a little chat?"

Hey guys I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever I feel lots of better and I hope you guys had an awesome 4th of July and be sure to check out my other stories! Anyway as always make sure to like, share and comment on what you guys think of this chapter see you all soon!

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