Mrs. Creams Advise

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Dolly Parton as Christine "Cream" Willis

After breakfast, Jackson and Tessa both ate having a casual conversation to get to know each other but, then Jackson suddenly shot up from his seat at the dining table.

"Oh my God, I was suppose to be at an interview at nine thirty it's 8:50! Sorry, Tessa I have to go but, dont forget this Saturday night I want to take you out again." He said hurriedly, kissing her cheek on the way as he rushed to the door.


"Great, I'll see you at the diner at 8Pm!" He cried out before closing the door behind him.

Tessa was left speechless and sighed. She then felt her cheek where he had kissed and smiled stupidly.

Knowing that she had to work today, she went up to her room to shower and put on her uniform while fixing her hair to having two puff balls on each side of her head. Grabbing her purse and keys she walked out the house locking the door behind her and got in her car to go to work.

Arriving at work she was met by the Co-owner of the diner Christine Willis or everybody liked to call her "Cream" due to her hair being real blonde close to the color of milk.

"Morning, Ms. Willis how are you today?" Tessa asked with a smile as Cream gave one of her own. Cream had a big bosom that most people in town say is medicated but, that didn't bother Cream nor did it stop the many gropes she received from her husband Cookie.

"I'm doing just fine, Miss. Tessa I reckon you doing well also?" She asked her country accent coming out. It still puzzled Tessa of how she and Cookie got together she was loud and bold while Cookie was laid back and nonchalant.

"I'm just fine are you taking over counter duty today?" Tessa asked putting her purse in the spare room where she could lock it up for the day and grabbed a apron.

"I sure am darlin' I decided to help out with tha diner today instead of doing paperwork it's nice to stretch mah legs a bit." Cream told her cracking her knuckles.

"I understand, I'll open up the diner." Tessa said walked over to the front door to flip the closed sign to open and unlocking the door. After a minute or so customers began to walk in and take a seat.

Tessa went to work to get orders from the customers and rushed back to give them to Cookie. While she balanced a few trays of food in her hands she felt the tray that was in her right hand be taken from her and she looked to see it was Jackson with a smile wearing an Armani suit but his coat was laid over what could be his vacant seat that was next to him.

She blushed and smiled in thanks

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She blushed and smiled in thanks. She sat the tray in her hands to the correct table then guided  Jackson to another table.

"Hey." She said shyly.

"Hi, Peaches. You look beautiful today, I mean you look beautiful everyday I mean-" his ranting was cut off by her giggling and smiled.

"Jackson it's okay I understand, you look real handsome in a suit. How was the interview?" She asked folding her arms.

"It went surprisingly well," they both sat at his booth in front of each other.

"I feel confident I got the job." He told her making her smile brightly.

"That's great! I have no doubt you won't get this job, you're real sweet and friendly." Tessa spoke. Jackson smiled at her and gently grasped her hand in his kissing the back softly. Tessa blushed.

"Thank you, Tessa that means alot and I apologize for running out earlier I had to get home to change so I could go to this interview I had at this law firm out of town." He told her. Tessa nodded in understanding and smiled.

"It's perfectly fine, you had something important to do and I had to get ready for work anyway." She said. It was silent for a moment before Jackson cleared his throat then rubbed his neck nervously.

"So, about that date on Tuesday?" He asked. Tessa giggled.

"Of course I'll go with you on a date. I really like hanging out with you, Jackson you're really sweet." She said honestly. She then asked for his phone and he handed it to her so she could put her number in. Giving him his phone she stood up from the booth fixing her uniform.

"Great so, 8 o'clock?"

"8 o'clock. I have to get back to work but, let me know if you need anything, okay?" He watched him nod and kissed him gently on the cheek. Getting back to work, she brought two trays of food to a family of four and set out the plates for each member then walked away with the empty trays to the back putting them in the sink.

"Hey, Tessa can ya c'mere real quick I'd like a word witcha." She heard Cream call her from the front. Walking past Cookie who gave her a smile she passed the flapping door and sat on one of the stools in front of Cream who was pouring coffee for a customer.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked politely.

"What do you and my nephew got goin on little lady?" She asked a grin plastered on her face. Tessa blushed and rubbed her hands together nervously.

Tessa shrugged with a small smile making Cream laugh.

"Well, darling a little word of advice always be honest and a man like Jackson is a keeper. He has been raised to be polite and honest with others no matter what type of trouble he could be in. He's a good boy had a rough past but, a good boy." Cream explained beginning to wipe the counter. Tessa raised an eyebrow.

"A rough past? What happened in his past?" She asked.

"I can't tell you doll, you will have ta ask him yaself. It ain't my place to say." Cream said. Tessa nodded.

The woman then felt arms wrap around her waist and she looked up to see Jackson behind her with a smile and she grinned back.

"Listen, Peach I have to run but, I'll come over when you get off let me know so I know you get home safe." He told her.

"Yes, of course, see you later." He kissed her forehead and waved at his aunt who pulled him by his collar over the counter to whisper in his ear,

"If you hurt her, I break off your balls strangle you with them and then make it a yarn ball for my cat Lucille, am I understood?" She threatened. He nodded going pale and then his aunt pushed him away making him almost fall on his ass.

"Right, well, I'll see you later my sweet peach." He told her kissing her softly on the head then leaving.

"What was that all about?" Tessa asked. Cream just smirked.

"Oh, just a little of Mrs. Cream's advice is all."

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