Sean's Return

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It was eight in the morning at the safe house that Friday and everything was oddly quiet for the past few days they had been there no threats or any type of attacks happened and our favorite cast decided to take in as much peace as they could.

Tessa was putting away all of the dirty dishes in the sink and began to fill it up with soap and water. She hummed quietly as she began to wash a glass bowl and continued working with the forks and spoons.

She jumped suddenly, when familiar arms wrapped around her waist from behind and she giggled when warm lips pressed against her cheek.

"Good morning mâ pechè, you look beautiful today." He whispered to her.

"You flirt, I have to cook breakfast, I told Mrs. Cream I would do it for her since she has helped us so much these past few weeks. You want to help me?" Tessa asked. Jackson gave her a smile and nodded.

"Okay, how about you make the pancakes and I'll do the eggs and bacon?" Tessa said.

"Sure babe. I can do that." Jackson told her. He grabbed the frying pan from under the sink and set it on the counter then grabbed the pancake mix from the cabinet.

For the next thirty minutes, the couple continued making breakfast then as they set the table everyone began coming downstairs from their rooms except Calvin who walked down slowly due to his injuries.

"Thank you, Tessa as always it looks delicious it's been a while since I've ate your cooking!" Jess told her best friend as she sat in a seat taking a plate and beginning to pile food on to it

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"Thank you, Tessa as always it looks delicious it's been a while since I've ate your cooking!" Jess told her best friend as she sat in a seat taking a plate and beginning to pile food on to it.

"I helped cook to you know." Jackson said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Jess said munching on some turkey bacon while smothering ketchup on her eggs.

"You and your weird tastes, Jess never ceases to amaze me. Anyway I hope you all enjoy breakfast Jackson and I have prepared for you." Tessa said.

Jackson scooted her chair in for Tessa as she sat down and took a seat next to her.

"Calvin why don't I help you fix your plate?" Jess asked the silent man next to her. He nodded and Jess put a load of food on a plate then sat it in front of Calvin who used his left hand to pick up his fork and begin eating. It was quiet as everyone continued eating a few taking a second plate of food until Celine cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention.

"So I may have a lead where Lindsey may be at, from a couple of spies I had sent out a few hours ago to Lindsey's last location if you guys are ready to head out I have a crew waiting outside." Celine said looking straight at Tessa who visibly gulped and looked down at her empty plate.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Jackson smiling at her.

"You don't have to do this know you don't..." Jackson told her putting his forehead on hers and looking in her eyes. Tessa saw the love and also a little fear in his eyes and nodded.

"I'm ready. Just let me go shower." Tessa said.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Jackson asked firmly.

"I'm positive." Tessa said with a smile.

**********Unknown Area***********

Sean woke from his unconscious state looking around what looked to be a small cottage with the little furniture around him and the cot he was on had wool blankets which were itchy and rough, when he tried to move he felt a lot of pain from his ribs up to his head. His arm was in a sling as his bare chest was wrapped in bandages he groaned and slowly sat up looking around he saw someone sitting on the floor meditating. The person was male had long black shoulder length hair and light tan skin he then stood up and turned to Sean with brown eyes and a strong face with a long chin.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Sean asked

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"Who are you? Where am I?" Sean asked. The man slowly approached him and grabbed a glass bowl that had paste inside along the way and gently grabbed Sean's arm. He dipped two fingers in the paste and began rubbing it along his arm careful of his bullet wound.

"You have been out for 48 hours. You have been healing very well."

"Thank you for helping me but I need to get back to my friends. Can you help me? Where am I?" Sean asked.

"You are closer to society than you think just go down the hill and you'll find a road." The man said.

"What is your name?" Sean asked getting up with the help of the man. Sean grabbed his teared shirt and pulled it over his head with one hand.

"I have many names my friend, I to some do not exist you may call me what you wish." He said. Sean nodded and walked over to the door looking back to thank the man again but he did not see him and Sean's eyes widened. He left the small shed and walked down the steep hill quickly finding the road and then a house sitting in the distance.

"That's Jackson's house. I can make it to him." Sean said as he began treading towards the house in the fastest pace he can go.

**********The Safe House**********

Jackson helped Tessa put on a bullet proof vest and then clipped it's straps to stay in place. Tessa wore a white crop top and black jeans with some tennis shoes. Jackson kissed her gently then hugged her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You ready to do this?" He whispered to her

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"You ready to do this?" He whispered to her.

"I'm ready I know I haven't had a lot of time to train myself to fight but I'm ready to go." Tessa said looking up at him. Jackson nodded and they headed downstairs to see Celine and Cookie waiting by the door they also wearing bullet proof vests and guns in their hands.

"Ready?" Celine asked clocking her gun.

"Let's do this." Tessa said and the four left the house and into a black van driving off to deal with the evil at hand.

************With Sean*************

Sean stumbled from a bush and walked-run over to the front door knocking excuse me, banging on it and looked around the area cautious.

Once the door opened he looked up to see Cream who gasped and hugged the man careful of his wounds and brought him inside.

"I have a lot to tell you and Jackson needs to know right now..." Sean gasped out.

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