The argument

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Just to be clear without anyone getting confused Jackson's family is both French and Italian and his foreign name is different from his original one that's why he is able to speak them both so fluently anyway enjoy the chapter!

The rest of the week, Tessa had felt like a whole new person, she wasn't as shy as she was before she didn't close off anyone nor did she try and find a way to wiggle her way out of going out with more than just five people in a group. Jackson had never been so happy to see his girl smiling again but, time has moved forward and now he has to have his parents meet Tessa in a few days and he wasn't going to lie it was going to be interesting his parents never seen him with a girlfriend before maybe a few side pieces but not once did he claim those girls.

Now that he has claimed Tessa, he feels that his parents may judge him, no his parents didn't care about her skin color they only cared about if she is going to be a minute buddy just like the others.

"I have to tell her today." He said to himself as he got dressed in Tessa's room for work. Tessa was downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them and she noticed how quiet he was this morning but, left it alone feeling he would tell her when he was ready.

Fixing his tie on the way down the stairs, Jackson walked into the kitchen and walked up behind Tessa wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"Morning, baby. Need help with anything?" She smiled up at him and shook her head.

"I'm good Jackson thank you though baby you just go sit at the table and I'll bring your plate for you." He nodded his head and playfully nibbled her earlobe earning a giggle from Tessa.

"Gone now!" She cried out with a grin. Jackson slapped her butt and walked over to the table to take his seat.

Taking out five pancakes and a few pieces of bacon and cheese eggs on a plate, Tessa brought it over to Jackson and sat in front of him. He said grace then immediately began to devour the food moaning at each bite.

Tessa grabbed a plate for herself and sat next to him beginning to eat her breakfast as well.

"Work today?" Jackson asked looking at her.

"Yes, I have a long shift today I may get off pretty late."

After breakfast, they both walked out the house dressed and kissed each other on the lips then said have a good day to one another. They left in their cars and went off to work.

With Jackson

While he was working he couldn't really work because of his parents very fast approaching visit in exactly four days.

'Maybe I should tell them I'm busy for the next few days they'll understand.' He thought. Picking up his phone he speed dialed his father and prayed they would listen to him.

"Ciao, no figlio (Hello my son)." He heard his dad answer.

"Ehi e papà sei tu e la mamma nella stessa stanza adesso? Ho veramente bisogno di parlare con entrambi.(Hey dad, is mom with you in the room right now? I really need to talk to you both.)" Jackson spoke, his accent strong as he spoke their foreign language.

"Entrambi stavamo per arrivare fino a quando non hai chiamato figlio(We were about to get it on until you came in son)." His father groaned a giggle was then heard through the phone and Jackson rolled his eyes at how his parents still get down like that.

"È mio figlio mio figlio che ti manchi tanto, quando ti metterai a sedersi e darmi alcune granduche? (Is that my son hi baby i miss you so much when are you going to settle down and give me some grand babies?)" He heard his mother say making him rub his face in irritation.

"Mamma stavo chiamando per dirti che stavo per essere molto occupato questa settimana quindi non credo che venire per una visita in questo momento sarà meglio. (mom i was calling to tell you that i was going to be very busy this week so i don't think coming for a visit right now will be best)"

"Sciocchezze mio figlio penso che l'unico motivo per cui non vuoi che venga è perché ti stai nascondendo una persona speciale da noi? Non è vero?(Nonsense my son i think the only reason why you dont want us to come is because you're hiding a special someone from us? Isn't that right?)" Although that was true Jackson believed that Tessa wasn't ready to meet his parents, they haven't even sat down and talked about it.

"Stiamo venendo e questa è la canzone finale che non fa più stupidare (we are coming and that's final no more fooling around)."

"Ma papa (but dad)-"

"Joseph Matteo Willis no. Voglio dire che è meglio avere una fidanzata una volta arriviamo una moglie sarebbe meglio e incinta."(i mean it son you better have a girlfriend once we get there a wife would be better and pregnant)

Before he could retort the line went dead and Jackson stared at the phone with bewilderment then he sighed and set it down on his desk.

"Well looks like I have to tell Tessa, hopefully she won't kill me when I tell her." He grumbled. With that being said he got back to work.

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