Chapter 1

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edit it so go and head and read it :)
I hope y'all like it don't forget to leaves a comment and vote please -Alice
Pov stands for = point of view

Chapter 1:
Alice's Pov :

"Alice,GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" My mom said

My name is Alice Jones and welcome to my life ,I finished doing my make up and I got my book bag and my leather black jacket and petted my dog bubble ,then I whispered to bubble

"See you later girl "Then I got up ,and said

I yelled back

I went down stairs ,and went into the kitchen my mom was on the phone like always ...

"Alice you're going to be late !"

I rolled my eyes and turned around I was walking to the door and I hear her say

"Alice ,I'm not gonna be here when you get back from school!

I turned around on my heels of my shoes , and said "Why ...oh yeah your never home like always !" I turned around again and went out the door ,

So this my life my names Alice Jones ,I have a brother but he lives with my dad ,and I live with my mom ,she's never home she always on business trip ,and I'm pretty sure you thought she was calling me down for breakfast like a normal mom, but no she calls me down to tell me that I'm be late for school or that she's leaving again ...oh and I don't have a car yet ..which sucks I HATE asking people tell drive me somewhere or I have to walk dad well buys Jack anything he want , Jake is my brother , I asked my dad for $5 and he told me that I had to pay him back since that day I don't ask him for shit ,the only thing or as I call her Bubble that's my dog ..she's the only living thing that really cares about me, I have her since I was 13 years old ,and I have to lovely best friends,named crystal and Isabella there both have been in my life since we were in 5th grade but anyway back to my story .

I was walking to school it's about 20 minute walk ,if I had a car well it would be a 5 minute drive but whatever ..then I get a text from crystal


hey hoe where r u ?? Me and Isabella r waiting for u where u at ??

I'm on my way 😒 I had to walk but I'm almost there what's your locker number I'll meet u there!

Ummm...its D116,y didn't you tell me and I could have picked you up !🙄

Because I can walk and I didn't want to bother u!

Hun u never bother me !I'm gonna pick u up tomorrow !!!

ME: Ok whatever👐🏼

Then are conversation ended , this motorcycle passes by it was black and the guy had a black leather jack on with a black Matt helmet on ...he looked me and left ..I wonder who that might be ...I got to school and there were people everywhere ...I went front doors and opened the door and the cold air smacked me in the face and I looked around and said to my self "welcome back to hell!"
A/N: Hope y'all like it please don't forget to

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