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Alice POV:
I we walked to the parking lot ..then he grabs my hand I look at him ,he didn't look at me he just smiled I looked forward again ..,then we come up to the motorcycle..then he pass me he's book sack ..
Then I say
"Hahah you can't be serious ? I'm not getting on that killing machine!"
Then he rolled his eyes and said
"Just get on and here!"
He passed me a helmet and then he zipped he jacket up and put his helmet on and omg I know who he is the guy that pass by me every morning ....then he swings he foot over and gets on and waves me over ..I put on his book sack and oh the helmet on ..I go over and swing my leg over and then he says "hold on tight" I wrapped my arms around his stomach ..I would fell his abs omg ..then we were gone,I lied my head on his back ..then we stopped I looked up and it was a red light then I looked to the side and there was this girl about 12 or 13years old then I saw the flash from her phone and she smile and did the hashtag sign and mouthed GOALS then I shook my head and looked at Dylon...I could just see him with a smirk on his face ..I rolled my eyes and then the light turned green ..I looked around while Dylon drove ..huh this is not the way to my houses ..then Dylon pulled over to this ice cream shop ...ok umm..the he turned that killing machine off and I swung my foot over and got off and then Dylon did the same ..I took my helmet of and shook my head side to side and looked at Dylon ..he took his off too ..then I asked him

"Why are we here?"

He smiled and said

"Because I want ice cream can't a guy stop to get ice cream?"

I rolled my eyes and said

"Go get your ice cream and let's go!"

"Ok ok dam ..don't you want any ?"

I shook my head and said no

"Come on ice cream I'll pay !"

"I'm good !"

"Come on going once going twi.."

Before he finished I said

"Ok fine!"

We went in and there was the same girl from earlier ..then a bright big smile appeared on her face ..I smiled then we went up and order and then Dylon asked

"What's your favorite flavor?"

"Umm..wait what your favorite?"I asked

Then we both said at the same time


And then the lady said

"So cookies n cream for both of y'all then !" She said with smile

Then she gave us the ice cream and Dylon paid ..I liked it and then Dylon said

"So wanna come over to my house?"

I widen my eyes and said

"So just because you buy me ice cream you want us to ..omg here have your ic cream back!"

Then I stood on my tip toes and placed it on his head like a unicorn and pushed it more in that it was all over his hair!
I turned around and left with out looking back ..then I hear


I ignored it


Then someone touches my shoulder I look up and see Dylon I pushed his hand off and kept walking but he grabbed my hand and said

"I didn't mean it like that dam ..I met like watch a movies hang out or something like that I don't want to use you like that !"

I rolled my eyes and turned around and kept walking he call my name a lot of times ..I don't give a fuck !
~~~~~~~~~later ~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked home ..I fucking hate life right now it took me 30mins to get home by foot ,my feet hurt like hell my mom said she wasn't going to be home so I was home alone fun ,I rolled my eyes and went up stairs and changed into my PJs and brushed my my teeth ,and turned my tv on and jumped in my bed and cuddled up to my pillow and watched my favorite show " Grays anatomy "

•love y'all My unicorns 🦄


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