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Alice POV :
I got up and got my towel that was hanging on my door and I said to

"I'm go take a shower there's more towels in my closet if you need one"

He nodded and said
"Can I join you in there ?"
He had a smirk on his face

"Now I'm make sure I lock the door "

"So that's a no?"he asked

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom and locked the door and turned the water on ...
After I took a shower I wrapped the towel around my body and dried my hair with another towel , I opened the door to my room and Dylon was sitting with a towel on his lap and he was on his phone ..then he looked up at me and that smile started to grow ...I go over my closet and start to pick out my clothes then I feel some hand land on my hips ..I freeze in place then he whispers
"You sure you don't want me ...we can skip school and stay .." Before he could finish I grabbed his hand from my waist and twisted it

" little bitch !"

"Don't ever touch me again or think of touching me or else !"

"Ok ok dam..."

I let go and start looking throw my clothes and then I heard him walk away and go into the bathroom but then he says

"I'll leave the door unlocked just if you want know"
I turned around and he winked at me ,I rolled my eyes then I pull out  bra crop top  it was white and some black skinny ripped pants...I went over to drawer and got underwear ..I slipped it on and slipped on my top and started to put my pants on until ...oh my heavens...Dylon came out with a towel rapped around his waist ...he hair was messy and wet ..but oh my fucking gosh ...I stopped putting on my pants and looked at him and he looked at me and smiled

"Close your mouth doll face"

Then close my mouth I didn't know I had open ..I turn around because ,I feel my face warm omg blushing I hate it ..

"Dam ..didn't know you had a big ass!"

The I remember I had my pants half on ..I turn around and flip him off and put them on and I walk out ..I went downstairs and got a apple and sat on the couch ..then I see Dylon come down dressed ..
But what is this boy doing to me ...he had messy hair with those blue eyes ...and That smile and perfect teeth ...then I get snapped out of dream world because Dylon says

"We're going to be late !"

"We're?" I said

"Yeah I'm taking you "

"No thx I can walk "

"Your ridding with me!"

"Sense when do you care if I ride with you ?"

"Sense ....yesterday !"

Then he comes over to me and takes the apple that I only bite once which was a small bite ...,he bites the apple  ,

"Hey that was mine!"

He shrugged and lifted me bridal style ..

"Put me down !"

"No "
We walked out but on the way out ,I grabbed my book bag ..he put me down right by his motorcycle ..(death Machine)
He swings his leg over and and puts his helmet on and then pass me the other helmet and he waves me over ,I roll my eyes and swung my leg over and put the helmet on and wrap my arms around he stomach
"This is going to be a long day !"
I said to myself
•😘🌈hope y'all like it sorry it's short I don't have a lot of time to write but I find time so please understand 🙁🌍^_^ please 🔮COMMENT AND LIKE💕⬇️⬇️

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