Chapter 20

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Alice pov:

"Yess Dylon I know what I'm doing !"

"Alice this goes on your record,you know that !"

"Omg I know that and I don't care ..I have cared for the fast 11years what I say to a teacher or if I got in trouble I just don't give a fuck!"

"Ok ok your going to regret it later"


"Now what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know isn't Zoey's birthday tomorrow?"

"Yeah and your going to meet her "

"So ..let's go get her a present!"


"What's her favorite show or princess?"

"Haha ..she doesn't like princess..her favorite show is pika chu"


"What?,is it that weird?"

"No not at all..TBH when I was little ..haha ..I loved pika chu ..everything in my room was pika chu room was yellow ..I would watch ever episode over and over "
I laughed

"Wow your such a nerd" he laughed

"But the most awesome nerd "


"So we're out to find the biggest pika chu ever!" I said

"Ok..wait what?"

Before I could respond I grabbed him by his hand and pulled him we went throw the back to the parking lot and he swing his foot over and so did I ,he passed me the helmet and we left


Oml it was Friday and well I got a call from my mom yelling at me that why I get suspended and stuff but I didn't really care ..I got suspended for a week for desperation to all my teacher they can't blame me I know tits were fake bad oh well was Friday and it was ZOEY birthday and Dylon got her this like pika chu bed...t was the biggest pika chu that we should find ....I think it was a little to big
We left at his house ..she was coming over I hope she likes me ..why am I so nervous to meet a 4year old ... hahah was 3:00pm ..he said to be over (I checked his text message)..3:30 ..ok I got 30mims ..then I get a call was from Isabella..


"Hey how's life been Alice?"

"Aye good where have you been you missed school like ..all school year..where you been ..?"

"Umm..New York with my mom "

"You didn't tell me and Crystal?"

"It was to hard to leave I'm sorry!"

"I got to go"


"Bye Isabella!"

I can't believe she decided to after half a year of not hear from her ...what the fuck ..that's not a real friend ..whatever I got to get ready ..
=+=+=+++=+30mins ++=+=+=+=+=++
I got ready ..i put on a black dress with a jacket and some Adidas I can't do heels ..
And I did light makeup ..and I left my hair down ..
Then I hear a knock on the door ..I got down stairs and I open the door and I see Crystal crying...omg

"What happens why are you crying ? Did Jake do something to you I'm beat him with my bat I have up stairs!"

"I'm pregnant "

"WHOS baby? What ? When you find out ?"

"A few weeks ago and it's Jake's "

"At least your not 16 and pregnant your 19 and pregnant!"
I laughed a little to lighten up the mood..

She laughed a little too
"So does Jake know?"

"No ..."

"Why not?"

"Because ..I feel like she's going to freak out and leave me ..."

I grabbed my phone and dialed Jakes number ...

"Get your ass to my house right NOE Jake goodlife!"

"What happen?"


Then I hung up
"Crystal if he doesn't love you ..when your going to have his kid then that's a guy that you couldn't be with so your going to tell him !"

"Alice..what if.."

"No ifs tell him!"

The. I hear a knock on the door ..I run up stairs and get my bat ..and come back down I open the door and I see Dylon and Jake behind ...hiding

"Hey what's wrong why do you have a bat?!"
Dylon asked

"Because I'm about to kill Jake with it !"

"Whoa whoa chill ..I don't know what I do ?"Jake said

"I'm kill you you little son of a bitch !"
I yelled

"What he do ?!"


"Man don't leave me ..what I do ?!"
Jake said

"Ask Crystal !"

"It's ok Alice you said know"
She smiled

I put down the bat and Dylon took the bat away from me ..

"Jake I'm pregnant "

Then Dylon mans Jake's dropped to the ground ...
Jake's eye widened
And he smiled
He ran up to Crystal and lifted her up and spun her around and kissed her on the cheek...

"Are you serious?"

She nodded
"Not the reaction I was expecting " I whispered to Dylon ...he nodded ..

AFTER all the THAT Crystal and Jake left ...we went to Dylon's house ..then I see this older woman and this little brown hair girl with blue bright eyes like Dylon's....she had a little yellow dress on ..she was cute I want to squeeze her to death ..
I want up to her and kneeled down and said

"Hey cutie my names Alice ..what your name?"

She looked at me for a sec and said
"My names ZOEY!"
And she had a big smile on her face...

"I geared you like pika chu?"

"I love pika chu ...pika GO!"
She yelled laughed so did she ..

"GUESS what I'm a big big big fan of pika chu too "



"Omg ...she likes pika chu too daddy !" She looked at Dylon ..he smiled so did I

"Yea princess .."
He said

Then I got up and smiled at the older woman which I pretty sure was Addy ..

"Hey sweetie my names addy I'm Dylon gramma "

"Hey my names Alice "
I smiled at her

"Dylon has told me so much about you .." I felt my face go warm ...
I looked over at Dylon he gave me a big smile with dimples ...while he pick Zoey up...

"Hey you wanna know something ..Dylon has never introduced me to one of his girlfriends that makes you very special ..." she whispered and then she smiled at me

All I could say was

We talked ,laughed ,I watch episodes with Zoey of Pokémon and we are cake and chips ..we even watched the Pokémon movie ..we gave her ..the pika chu bed thing dot know what to call it ..she came running up to me and hugged my legs ...

"Thank you ALICE I LOVE IT !"

I got down and hugged her

"Your welcome "

Hey love bugs there one more chapter left of MR.bad boy and that the epilogue so be ready I'm post it today and I'm try to post a chapter of "the roommates " today too ily byeeee 💕✨🎄🌟🌙comment and leave a like 😍✨🌟

bad boy and that the epilogue so be ready I'm post it today and I'm try to post a chapter of "the roommates " today too ily byeeee 💕✨🎄🌟🌙comment and leave a like 😍✨🌟

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zoeys president ⬆️

MR .Bad Boy(slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now