Chapter 12

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Part 1:
Alice pov:
I got on the back of Dylan's motorcycle.. I saw Crystal get on the back of Jack's ...I'm pretty sure she's going to regret getting her self into this race ...this race is dangerous

1.there is no rules

2.people have gotten killed

3.its a hell of a ride you feel like your going to die

We all told Crystal what she was getting her self into ...but she said "I'm a dangerous woman " so we let her ride ..which I argued with Jake and Dylan about in private. But there is nothing was that was going to change her mind ..but I trust Jake ...kinda
,anyways we got to the starting line and then ..I got up (like the rest of the girls that were riding ) and we turned around and sat backwards on the motorcycle ..then this guy comes and passes me the belt ..I pass it to Dylon and then he passed it to me I bucked it and I was ready to go...

"You ready doll face?"
Dylon asked

I took a deep breath and said

"Yup I'm ready to die !"

He smiled and said

"Everything going to go fine "

"Yeah with me sitting backwards on a motorcycle and racing ..while you lift the bike and stuff ..yeah everything going to be ..FINE!"

"Ok..are you sure you wanna do this?"
he looked at me nervous

"Yeah I wanna do it ..I just talk a lot before I do stuff like this!...I'm sorry"

"It's fine "

Then this girl with barley anything on ...a small shirt and her underwear .. she had a flag in her and and then waved it once then twice and the third time ...That motorcycle started like flash ..I felt like I left my soul at the starting line ...and then this guy on a tree kinda house thing yelled

"Lift "

Next thing i know my face was kinda close to the ground ...

I heard a high pitch scream and i tryed to look to the side but I noticed it was it a girl in a bright red outfit ...oh I thought it was Crystal ..then we reached the end of the road and that's when Dylon took a sharp turn hair went flying in my face and then he speeded again ...then the guy by us was about to run into us ..

I yelled

He smiled and went faster then at the finish line ..I saw out of my corner ..I saw red and blue lights then

Dylon says
"Fuck the police  .."

"We can't leave yet what about Crystal !?"

"They catch up with us!"

"No I can't leave her I have to make sure she's fine !"


He stopped and I took the belt  off and I ran I saw they were arresting people ...then it started raining ..fuck

Sorry it's so short this is part 1 of this chapter I'm post part2 later ..what will you think happens to Alice or what happened to Crystal and Jake ...🤔

Like always love Alice 😘✨

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