Chapter 21

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•=•=•=•=•=•=•few years later•=•=•=•=••
Alice pov:

"No Dylon I'm not..grrr..whatever byee"

I moved out of my house and in to a apartment ..not with Dylon tho ..he still lives in his house mom was being a bitch about me dating Dylon so ,baby I did what I had to do get a job and my gramma pays for college ..dylon n tells me to move in with him ..just now he called me to fight about it again ..I'm not about to argue with him about it ...every time he brings it up now I hang up on him or ..turn around and leave ....Zoey she's doing fine she's about to be 9 in a few months ...I'm about to be 24 tomorrow my birthday and Dylon is 24 ...he old ..and Crystal and Jake well they had a beautiful little boy he's 4years old ..every time ...Jake and Crystal go over to Dylon's house ..Zoey like "uncle Jake and Aunt Crystal " it's so cute TBH ..cry and Jake are married while I'm still fights with Dylon to move in ..i want to but. I don't know...

Dylon's pov:
Alice is so stubborn ..she doesn't want to move in with me every time I bring it up she ..HANGS UP ON ME ...or turns around and leave me there talking by my self ..Crystal said she was coming over because I need to talk to her about something really important about Alice ...Alice and Zoey get along ..Alice basically is like Zoey's mom ..Zoey calls her mom and Alice sometimes and Alice have been dating for 5 years long relationship ..but it worked out ...we fight ..we play around ...she stays over ...I stay over at her place ..we go out ...we stopped the races ...are last race was 3years ago ..

Then I hear a knock on the door
..I go and open it ...
It was Crystal

"Hey what you need to talk about ?"

I pull out a small box I open it ...
"OMG DYLON ..your going to propose oommmggg!"

"Yeah but ..I'm be honest I'm scared she's going to say..(I took a breath) no"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Alice is so stubborn and I been asking her to move in with me for the past 2years but at the end we end up fighting "

"Ok this is what you need to do !"Crystal said

Alice pov:

I haven't heated of Dylon all day ..weird I called him earlier no answer ... maybe he forgot about my birthday tomorrow ...oh umm..ok ..I went home and took a shower and put some pJs on and was about to go to sleep until I got a text from Crystal said

[ Dylon] : hey can you come over?

[Alice] : I'm tried I been working all day ..I think I'm pass..

Then I get a text from Crystal

[ Crystal]: 911 come over to Dylon's place In a dress NOW !

[ Alice ] : what happen ! Something happen and y in a dress I'm on my way

[Crystal] :

I got up and I didn't really care about the dress why a dress ..I was in the jogger and a half shirt with a jacket and my Adidas .. I got my cars keys

When I got to Dylon's house everything seemed normal ..I had the house key I went in ..I saw rose petals on the ground leading to the backyard when I opened the door the the back ...the were lights and pictures ..of me and Dylon he took of me ..on the beach and laying down messing around ..I smiled ..of me Zoey and him ..I smiled bright and then I saw Dylon in som tux ..he smiled bright and when I got to him ..I asked

"What all this about?"

"Because I love you "

"I love you too" I kissed him and then he got on my knee and got a little box out ..I covered my mouth .. he opened it and looked up at me ..

"Will you make the happiest man on the world and marry me?"

I was speechless..I didn't say anything I was in shock and then it came out

"Of course I will"

He slid the ring on my finger ..he got up and I jumped and hugged him I started crying

Then I hear clapping .. I saw Crystal and Jake ..Addy and Zoey ..

"I could kill you Crystal I thought something happened how you said it !"

"Oops and didn't I say wear a dress?!"

"I was to in a hurry it wear a dress on a 911!"

Everyone laughed
I got on my tiptoes and kissed Dylon ..
I smiled and he said

"Know you have to move I With me!"

"I guess I do huh "

"OMG ALICE NOW YOUR MS.SMITH ! Y'all get shirts or hats ,MR.Smith and Ms.Smith "

We laughed I love my life every day it gets better and better
OML ✨ so I'm try to get the

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