Chapter 16

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Alice pov:
I woke up with some arms wrapped around me then I remembered last time I took the blank and he pushed me off the bed ..I giggled a little ..then I turn around and see Dylon peacefully sleeping ...then I hear my phone ring I turn around and grab it from the night stand ..not my phone it was Dylon's.. addy was calling him..i don't know who that is ..i started poking Dylon but he won't wake up so ..i got up and jumped on him ...

"Wake up ..some ones calling you!"

He won't move here goes plane B ..I kissed him on the cheek and then his neck ..and then a smile appeared on his lips ..

"Here some girl addy called you .."

Then he jumps up and grabs the phone from my hand and ....he called again ..kinda werid

Dylon's pov:
I called addy back ..

"Hello ..did you call ?"

"Yeah Dylon she's had fever call night I made any appointment to the doctor ...she's asking for you "

"Tell her I'm on my way!"

"Ok..see you soon"

Then I hung up ..Alice looked at me confused ...

"I have to go but I'll come back later "


I got up but my pants on and my shirt ....I came over and kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at me ...

Alice pov:
That was weird he seeing some other girl ..nah ..or I don't know ..whatever ...I can trust him ...right?,he said he'll be back later so ..I'm just go take a shower and watch's Sunday it usually my lazy day ...and it's 10:00am
•=•=•=•=•=•=•=later in the day•=•=•=•=•

It's 3:30pm ..I took a shower put on some joggers and a sweater ..and made hot chocolate ..oh it November and I'm pretty sure in a few weeks it'd going to start snowing...I watched tv and then my phone started to ring ...

Dylon👅💦 popes up ...i answered

"Hey "

"Hey what you doing right now?"

"Drinking hot chocolate "

"Your basically not doing anything wanna hang out ?"

"Hey drink hot chocolate is doing something and yes sure .."

"Ok get ready I'm on my way to pick you up "

"Ok ..but if you close and you get here in ..10mins your gonna have to wait 30mims !"

"Just go get ready !"

"Ok..ok "

I hung up on him and went up stairs and did my make up and got dressed in some jeans and a white shirt with a sweater and my blackens white converse ...
Which took me 20mins and I'm not even done yet I haven't done my hair ..
Then I hear a knock on the door ..I go down stairs and open the door and it Dylon I leave the door open and go back up stairs and then I hear Dylon yell

"Your not ready yet ..I took my time getting here .."

"Shut up and sit on the couch or som!" I yelled back

I curled my hair and went down stairs and he was sitting on the couch on his phone ..

"Aww you listened !"
I said with a giggle

"What else am I suppose to do stand the whole time "

I rolled my eyes and said
"I'm ready to go "

"You sure?"

"YES I'm sure !"

"Ok..ok I'm just asking dam..."

Hope y'all like it it's not that long but I posted so be happy I'm posting 😂💀💕✨🌙
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